Part III Chapter 34: Talks and Deal

Two months later

Breathing a sigh, I rested near the entrance of my stable, silently watching the others just messing around. Over the last two months, I had turned six. I also came to terms with what had happened and slowly opened up to Emily, Cyvin, Seldra, Eihnih, Typhoon, and Eihnih.

Eihnih came bounding over with a smile," Guess what, Xyverinos!"

Looking blankly at her, I questioned in a monotone voice that would have made my mentor at W.D.E.D proud," Cyvin finally admitted to liking you?"

I heard Cyvin sputter," T-That is not true!"

Looking at him dead in the eye," While all my powers are blocked, I am still capable of reading humans, wyverns, and dragons easily. You, Cyvin, are an open book. Also, isn't Emily supposed to put on the muzzle when she leaves the sector."

Typhoon let out a laugh," That is true; something serious must be going on if she forgot about it."

I stood up from my spot and just headed towards my little stable, passing Spirit as he questioned," Where are you going?"

I ignored him before walking just outside of it; laying down, I breathed outwards and watched them messing around without a care in the world.

Cyvin flicked his tail, hitting Typhoon in the face as she howled in anger before giving chase as they flew around; a pang of sadness hit me as I lashed my tail, knowing I may never be able to fly for the rest of my life unless I get out of here.

I breathed out,' No, I must get out of here; my friends and Allit are counting on me too. I promised them!'

Typhoon, as I watched, pinned Cyvin as I sighed," This is why you shouldn't piss off Typhoon, Cyvin."

Spirit chuckled nervously," Now everyone wonders why, while I may be the strongest of us, well second to you, Xyverinos. I do not piss off Eihnih or Typhoon."

Typhoon laughed," I honestly think that Xyverinos could piss us off and get away from us."

I shrugged," Probably that doesn't mean I will piss you off, though. I am a bit too young to die; I am only six. Plus, I know better than to piss off wyverness or dragonesses. I have an adoptive older sister who well is a veteran of the last war and quite recently a wyverness of equipollence."

Seldra asked," How long ago did you turn six?"

I hissed lightly," Two weeks ago."

They all glared at me as I shrugged," It's not like I would have told you as I hardly know you and trust you enough to tell you about my inner demons or my matters."

Eihnieh glared at me before snarling," Xyverinos, we want to get to know you better so we can be your friends and help you think of this place like your home!"

Glaring right back at her full force as she shrunk back," You think I will think of this place as my home! I hate being hunted and trapped! I belong out in nature where I can be free and fighting for my mother's wish to come true!"

Tears came to my eyes as I snarled, trying to keep my voice from cracking," My mother's wish is peace. But, do you know who I have to fight to reach that goal! An Ersaicean is stronger than Unla, the first one I killed and his brother! The second is the strongest Demonic Wyvern to have ever existed. I don't dare say his name."

Spirit smiled at me," When it comes down to fighting them, we will be with you. I long to be out of here; I may like Emily quite a bit as she raised me since I was very young. But, unfortunately, Cyvin, Seldra, Eihnieh, Typhoon, and myself, were forced to become equipollences when we were three. For the sole purpose of the possibility that you existed, but well, they heavy underestimated your power, and we paid the price by being slammed into the ground."

Sensing the truth within his words, I relaxed a bit," Did Emily allow that to happen?"

Seldra snorted," No, she protested to the higher-ups and argued with her brother, the third in command, for over an hour, and they still went through with the process. I do wonder if they are going to try and do that with you when you are here for a couple of years?"

I snorted," With my power still growing even with these restraints on if they wait for two years, I can guarantee this entire place and perhaps the surrounding area in a vast radius to be destroyed. Or rather obliterated. A Seraphim class Wyvern can obliterate a large chunk of Zaten alone, and that's without being an equipollence."

Spirit gulped," So what you are saying is that if you hit equipollence while you are here, everyone will die."

I nodded," That is correct."

Typhoon shivered," That is a scary thought."

Seldra gulped," I concur with that completely."

Spirit chuckled nervously," Remind me not to fight you when you are free."

Grinning mischievously," I am pretty sure I could beat you even with my wings bound; after all, my brother, Innurth, Inferno of the Void Flames, Breeze his mate, Kirara, Sun, Vesta, and Inferno's son Slyrak trained me."

They all looked nervous as Cyvin smirked," That seems fun."

Not even five seconds after he said that a beep sounded as we all looked toward the door. Emily smiled, walking in," Guess what today is?"

Eihnieh grinned," Where we get to celebrate Xyverinos' birthday finally?"

Emily glared at me as I laughed nervously," Oops, also, you guys can call me Xyv as my name is sometimes a mouth full."

Emily nodded," Alright, Xyv, when was your birthday?"

I sighed," Two weeks ago? Now, what were you saying?"

Emily grinned," I will file that information away for later, but today is a social day where you get to chat with other wyverns, dragons, phoenixes, and a couple of unicorns."

The others cheered as I questioned," I thought I wasn't allowed to leave this cell block?"

Emily smiled," That isn't true; you don't get as many social days as the lower calibers. So come on down."

Snorting,' Well, this is a first; perhaps this can help me learn the hallways of the entire place. Or at least some of it.'

Standing up, I jumped over the railing, landing softly on my legs and most prominent of my wing sets. My original two wings, the ones I hatched with.

Emily shook her head," You could have broken your wings."

Looking at her, I flicked my tail," Emily, I have been through far worse; jumping over a railing won't hurt me."

Emily nodded," Alright. Well, shall we go?"

I questioned," I thought I would get shocked if I had the ankle chain around my ankle. But, if I recall, it will shock me if I step even a millimeter out of the block."

Emily pressed a remote, and I felt the electric anklet pop off," You were saying Xyverinos?"

Shaking my head, I admitted," Alright, that was clever; I'm just letting you know I am beginning to trust you more. Telling me about what happened when you were three was a good start. That Emily was trying to stop them from forcing you guys to hit equipollence."

Emily looked at Spirit," You told him?"

Spirit shrugged," Yeah, he has a right to know, especially if they want to force him to hit that level of power. Well, can we get going?"

Emily nodded," Yeah, come along, hatchlings."

Growling softly," I would recommend not calling me that if there is a word I hate, it is being called a hatchling."

Emily nodded as she walked ahead, leading us through the halls," I can see why, given what you have gone through, yeah. Also, will you have to tell me how you met your mother? I thought she was dead?"

Walking behind her and the others, I finally answered," Well, she is dead, and how I could talk to her was a relatively simple thing called magic. She had placed a part of her spirit into my egg. Due to that, I also inherited some of her powers, or at least according to her."

Emily shook her head as a voice called from behind the sound of footsteps falling," Emily, may I talk to Xyverinos quickly."

Looking back to see the Commander, whom I hadn't seen once in the past two months, as he stood, Emily sighed," Of course, but remember he has social day today."

The Commander nodded," Of course, this will only take a minute or two."

Emily replied," Of course, Xyverinos, I have some more questions for you, but they can wait until later."

Looking at Emily, I nodded as I breathed out a shaky breath as the Commander smiled at me; I was slightly surprised as I was now standing at head level with him as he spoke after about thirty seconds of silence," I assume you are settling in well."

Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him as I responded," You can say that; what do you want?"

I could tell he was slightly nervous due to my glare as he addressed me," I have a proposition for you, Xyverinos."

Narrowing my eyes further as the air was filled with tension as I looked at the human I hated the most," And what is that proposition?"

He had a light smile," A deal if you would, you have three options. The first is my favorite, I want you to build something for us, and we set you free in return. The second option is where I force you to do it, and you don't get your freedom. We also may force you to mate. The last one is where I do all of the above in the second option."

I sighed," So there is only one good option for me, the first one. Either way, you would have manipulated me. Either way, I wouldn't be able to mate for another two years."

He nodded," Yeah, wait, what!"

I laughed," I turned six not long ago. Either way, I wouldn't force myself to do anything if I were you. I am already close to reaching equipollence."

He chuckled," Don't be so sure. When you turn eight, we will force you to hit equipollence."

Turning around and away from him, I hissed out," Is there anything else you need from me?"

He answered," No, and I assume you are choosing the best option."

I replied," Of course. I am not stupid, but I can guess that you want me to build some weapon."

I heard him laugh nervously," No."

Filing away that information for later,' So I am building a weapon for them, I wonder if it's going to like the energy cannon.'

Catching up with the others, I sighed, running all the information through my head.