Part III Chapter 36: Flames of Sickness

Two and a half months later

Hovering with all six wings of mine beating in the air while I hovered in the air, beating my wings, I released another powerful torrent of blue flames, heating the metal to red hot. Finally, using my telekinesis, I forced the metal to bend into one of the last pieces of the metallic skeleton of the weapon.

One of the personnel spoke on a loudspeaker," Xyverinos, come down and take a break."

Nodding, I landed softly on the ground as one of them came over and led me to a large barrel of water. I drank about half of it before lying on the ground resting. This last month has been rough because I could only eat for a few days and work long hours without taking a break.

One of the personnel spoke," How are you doing?"

I answered wearily," Tired."

Standing up, I turned toward the project I was working on as I didn't allow myself to rest for more than five minutes at a time. Then, jumping into the air, I landed on one of the pillars and controlled another piece of metal. Hovering the metal in front of the next spot where the last piece of the skeleton was located.

Releasing another torrent of blue flames, I began to melt it. While I focused, a strange burning sensation was flaring up all along my body as my flames sputtered to a stop briefly as I controlled the metal. I quickly wielded the metal to the skeleton as I collapsed and nearly toppled off the column, catching myself with my feathers sharpened. Yells of shock and fear came from the personnel as I slipped off and climbed back up barely.

One of the personnel yelled," Xyverinos, get down here!"

Weakly looking at him as my collar forced me to obey, falling off the edge, I managed to flap my wings once before crashing into the ground. I felt a hand touch me and yelled in pain as I heard Thomas' voice yell," What happened?!"

One of the personnel responded nervously," We don't know. Then, after his little break, he collapsed after wielding the last part of the machine's skeleton."

Thomas yelled," Get a vet in here!"

I was hardly paying attention to anything. As I felt something poke my side, I heard Thomas swear," His body temperature is skyrocketing. How hard has he been pushing himself for, or better yet, how much has the Commander been pushing him?"

The man stuttered," He has been working without hardly any food and long hours. He hasn't been asleep for over forty-eight hours."

Thomas growled," Get Emily in here now."

The sound of footsteps approached as a man with a white coat crouched before me as he spoke softly," I think I know what this is, but Xyverinos, can you open your mouth, please."

Barely able to lift my jaw, I felt something press on my tongue; as I felt the object withdraw, I whimpered lightly in weakness as I heard Emily's voice," Xyverinos!"

The man before me spoke," Stop right there; please, I wouldn't touch him right now with him being sick; wait for his temperature to cool down."

Thomas spoke," So what do we do?"

The man in the white coat answered," I would recommend rest and plenty of care until he is better. I recommend giving him a cold bath as he is still hot. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any help calming his core temperature down."

Emily responded," Of course, thank you, Richard. Let me get Spirit to help cool him down some. That way, Cyvin can help carry him back into the cellblock."

A cough tore through me as I lay still on the ground as the voice of the Commander spoke," Richard, how sick is he, and how long will he need to recover?"

Richard answered," At least two months; this is a common sickness. It is not deadly; it just means they need to adjust to their abilities again and well. With him being so powerful but young, he needs to keep his abilities with him so it doesn't happen again. So please don't put on the ability blockers on him for a time."

Another cough hit me as I heard talon steps sounding and felt water envelop me. I let out a hiss that led to a fit of coughs. But the weird thing was the moment the water touched me, it hissed and turned into steam.

Emily spoke worriedly," His temperature is enough to make Spirits water steam. What do we do?"

Spirit spoke," Emily, I can make the water temperature drop further; trust me."

Another dose of water was far colder, and the sound of steam easily reached even my weakened senses. Shivering slightly from the cold water, the feeling of warmth enveloped me again.

Cyvin growled," Let me try something out, Spirit."

Next few moments, I felt my heart being sucked off me as Spirit gasped," Cyvin, when did you figure out how to do this?"

Cyvin grunted," Spirit be quiet; this is harder to do than with normal fire."

I felt another blast of water douse me as I coughed again, and with a blurry vision, blue flames flared up around me as Cyvin yelped in surprise.

I heard Spirit yell," Why did you stop?!"

Cyvin growled," His flames are on another league! I can hardly get close to him, and I am fire!"

Speaking softly and weakly," My flames are a mix of the sun and spirit fire."

A fit of coughs tore through me, blood splattering the ground as I heard Emily yell," Spirit! Use that power now!"

Gasping now and struggling to breathe, I felt my body giving out; despite all my immense power healing factor, I was succumbing to sickness.

Darkness clouded my vision as I heard Spirit speak, but his voice sounded miles away," Xyverinos, this will help ease your pain."

Fighting to stay awake, I whispered," Do what you must."

I didn't hear a reply as I closed my eyes, embracing the darkness.

A light appeared in my darkened vision as I wondered,' Am I dead?'

A familiar voice behind me said," No, my little sun, you are not dead. At least not yet."

I spoke, shocked," M-mother, why are you here again?"

She chuckled as Queen Shondrass stood before me with calm energy radiating from her. Another voice protested," I am here too!"

Looking over my shoulder, I sighed," Father."

A third voice, creaky with age, came from above and spoke," My grandson."

I gasped in shock as the biggest dragon I had ever seen hovered above. Wings of white, blue, red, yellow, and orange flames spread across the sky of my mind and well into the distance. The power my apparent grandmother radiated from her was hundreds of times greater than Inferno, Unla, and Unla's brother combined. But yet, I felt at peace as she suddenly shrank to about the size of Lady Vesta.

In awe, as she walked in front of me and smiled kindly," You are just like your parents: the same personality and all. Or split, getting your mother's battle intelligence yet your father's compassion."

My father grumbled while my mother laughed," Mother, I think it's time to let him know why his powers suddenly went out of wack."

The sun dragoness sighed," Of course, daughter, you're powers went out of wack because of me. Or rather the blood of the sun, the powers from me are increasing rapidly. Even with them being blocked. If I hadn't done what I just did well, I don't think you want to know."

Shaking my head, I spoke," Sorry, grandmother, but I wish to know what would have happened to me if you hadn't forced them to flare up."

She looked over her shoulder at my mother," Shall I do it, or should you, daughter? After all, you have experienced the same thing he is right now."

My mother said," Yes, I will tell you. You would have self-destructed to the point where everyone in that place would have perished with you."

I breathed heavily," T-that won't happen now, right?!"

My grandmother grumbled," Of course not; I made sure of that."

I was shivering as I heard my mother's voice speak softly," Xyverinos look at me."

Looking up at my mother's kind blue eyes, I said," It is alright. The sickness will pass, and I hate to admit it, but that human veterinarian was correct. However, it will be about two months before you recover."

Getting my breathing under control, I spoke weakly," Alright, thank you for letting me know."

My mother smiled as my grandmother warned," We are fading out, daughter, son-in-law."

My father hurriedly said," Xyv, keep pushing on and remember, we love you!"

My mother spoke in a warning tone," I have one last warning for you. Do not give up, and keep fighting! Another thing, Unnin is the son of the Moon Dragon, meaning he is just as strong as me!"

I nodded in fear as my grandmother spoke," You are a strong grandchild; keep fighting for what you believe in, and remember you will always have my blessing."

I bowed slightly and spoke worriedly and curiously," Will I ever see you guys again!"

My mother shook her head," No, this is the last time, my son."

They disappeared, but not before one last message came from all three of them," We love you, Xyverinos."

I smiled as I felt tears rolling down my face from my eyes," I love you as well, mother, father, and grandmother. I will make you proud."

Turning around, I headed back toward where I came from and into the darkness.

I heard voices, Emily's first," Get back! He is waking up!"

I heard Thomas yell as well," Give him some space."