Part III Chapter 37: Explanation

Three Days Later

Coughing, I lay on my bedding and shivered while Emily crouched beside me," Are you doing alright, Xyv? If I may ask, what happened when you fell unconscious from all the flames that surrounded you? The flames disappeared."

In a raspy voice, I answered," It's a bit complicated. Not ready to speak much yet."

She sighed," Fine, but I will get your answer. Is it strange having all your abilities available?"

I nodded and spoke, laying my head down," It is. I am surprised the Commander let me have all the power blockers off."

Emily snorted," He might be many things, but he isn't dumb enough to go against what the head vet has to say."

Speaking into her mind,' But he is dumb enough to get outsmarted by me?'

Emily laughed at me and said," No, he underestimated your intelligence."

A slight cough hit me as I groaned,' I hate this stupid sickness.'

Breathing out slowly to control my breathing as I forced myself to stand up as Emily protested," You should be resting!"

Collapsing immediately, I grumbled, not speaking as I curled up as Spirit spoke," Xyverinos, may I try and cool you down again? Cyvin said he could feel your body temperature rising again."

Nodding as I heard the water flow, I felt the cold contact of water go on my scales. The sound of steam came from my body as I hissed from the contact.

Spirit sighed as I spoke in his mind,' Thank you, Spirit.'

He answered," Not a problem, Xyverinos."

Breathing out, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

However, instead of a peaceful dream, my future sight kicked in as I was in a world covered by darkness. The ground was quaking, and the water on the ocean was creating massive waves that collided with the ground, sending hundreds of tonnes of seawater onto the land and flooding the plains. The ground beneath my spirit form broke apart as two giant dark purple wing talons connected to leathery wings reached up from the dark chasm below. A massive head filled with glowing purple eyes filled with malice and power glared up at me. I knew one thing for sure: this was a Demonic Wyvern, a creature with enough power to level the continent. Someone who is on par with my mother, no stronger than her.

Fear coursed through my system as a loud voice rumbled from the dark wyvern," Little Angelic Wyvern, at last, we meet. I must say I am impressed with what you have accomplished."

Finding my voice, I stammered," I-I thought this was a v-vision."

The demonic wyvern made a hm sound," Not exactly, this is more of a... impromptu meeting, I suppose. I suppose I should introduce myself to you, little one. My name is Unnin, son of the moon and a Reaper class Demonic Wyvern. Now, why don't you tell me your name."

I knew it was a command, and I didn't dare argue or disobey someone who has lived for millennia," X-Xyverinos."

That brought a different emotion into Unnin's eyes: shock and admiration.

He spoke again," So you are the one who killed Requiems' younger brother. You are worthy of being my opponent when we meet on the battlefield. It will be the fight between good and evil in a few years. Until then, Xyverinos, stay alive; after all, you must defeat Requiem first, as he is my second in command. I will kill you. Xyverinos, you will die by my claws if you kill Requiem."

His purple eyes glowed further as a meteorite came rushing past me, impacting the ground with such force that the ground quaked with tremors," You are no match for me. I will kill you like the rest of your pathetic kind; darkness, earth, and water will snuff out fire, lightning, wind, and light."

I whispered," No, you won't. I will not allow you to kill my friends and family."

My energy was being released from me, creating energy so potent that even he looked like he wanted to turn me into ash. However, I could feel the massive difference in power between us. I didn't even make up a fourth of his aura or power.

Full of malice, he suddenly smiled as I felt searing pain ripping through my mind," Well, let us see how you do if your will is broken."

In retaliation, I sent heavy mental barriers surrounding my mind as Unnin growled," I will leave you for now. But I will see to it you are broken."

The vision faded as Unnin opened his mouth and released a column of purple/black flames at me. I felt the temperature of the flames, but instead of it being hot, it was freezing, only it became hotter as time passed.

Just before the flames hit me over my entire body, I shot awake, gasping for breath. I felt parts of my body were burned from the flames Unnin had released. Then, a horrifying thought dawned on me as I whispered," He can cause physical injuries from the mental world."

I was trying to control my breathing; Spirit came barging in and hissed," Xyverinos, are you alright? We felt your power surge."

I gulped," Y-yeah, I am alright. Just had a run-in with someone far out of my weight class?"

Shivering in fear, Cyvin growled as he was perched on the metal railing," I felt your flames flare up from the social area! What happened?"

Seldra spoke in her calm, collected tone," It was something big."

I felt their emotions as Eihnieh and Typhoon growled as Typhoon snarled," No, really, Seldra, if something is capable of scaring Xyverinos. Then this is a big deal."

Eihnieh looked at me and spoke softly," What happened, Xyv?"

I collected myself," I met the polar opposite of my kind."

Seldra questioned," A demonic wyvern?"

I nodded as I coughed slightly," Yes, or more exactly, the strongest of them. Unfortunately, while I may be one of the strongest wyverns on the surface, I am not the strongest, not by a long shot. That belongs to the leader of the Demonic Wyverns, a Reaper class demonic wyvern who has enough power to most likely level Zaten in a blink of an eye."

Einhieh spoke with a horror-filled voice," How much power would you estimate in comparison to you?"

In a grave tone, I answered," I can't even match up to a fourth of the power he possesses."

Forcing myself to stand on unsteady feet, I walked past them on unsteady wings and legs.

Seldra questioned," Should you be standing right now? You're still sick."

Ignoring Seldra, I walked past her as Cyvin sighed," That much is obvious, Sel."

Seldra, for the first time, raised her voice," I told you not to call me that!"

Cyvin snorted," That's what you get for asking a no-brainer question."

A headache started to form as I felt slightly dizzy from the sudden surge of movement and loud sounds. I was breathing heavily as I walked down the ramp, stumbling ever so slightly only to collapse, exhausted from the exertion.

Speaking into Seldra, Spirit, Cyvin, Typhoon, and Einhieh's minds," I want to tell you guys what happened when I fell unconscious. Come down, please, and stop your stupid bickering."

I heard an apology from above, from Seldra," Sorry, Xyv."

I breathed outwards as they all sat in front of me. With careful gazes, I let out a slight cough," Alright, I am going to trust you guys not to tell Emily, Thomas, or anyone else. Well, I guess Emily can hear as she is already here."

Emily's voice came from the side of a wall," Not tell me what, Xyverinos. Also, how did you know I was here?"

Another slight cough hit me as I smiled, with pain evident in my tone," One, I heard you breathing; two, I smelled you."

She smiled at me," Well, are you going to begin."

I glared at her in annoyance as I coughed ever so slightly and collected myself as I spoke in a hoarse voice," To keep it basic, I got sick because of you people and the power-blocking rings."

Cyvin questioned," Why?"

I answered," My power is continuously growing; I am only six years old, and most creatures are on this land. My grandmother, in a literal sense, is the sun. If she hadn't sent a push-through to release, the powers I gained from her increased faster when they were sealed. If she hadn't awakened my powers of the sun, this entire area would have been erased. We would all die, including me. If you think I, without this power, was powerful, I will trust me if I get out, and I will. Then I will show you the power of me with the sun. The blue flames were only a taste of the power I will possess."

Emily smiled," I do not doubt you will get out of here."