
That's a big problem

The boys groaned and slowly got to their feet as the Titan started walking through the forest. "We gotta go. We can't beat this thing." Isaiah mumbled as he helped Spade to his feet. They quickly and painful limped away from the Titan who goes the opposite direction. "We have the advantage of the trees. He can't find us, but the smaller ones might." CI said as he pulls out his weapon. "How do they get mutated? Like I know the sound affects their mind making them infected and the sound damages and destroys part of the brain but how do they do stuff like this?" Spade asks as he leans against a fallen log. CI put his weapon down and rested beside the others. He pulls out his notebook and goes to a new bag. "Surprised you still have that and it is mildly damaged." Isaiah groans as he holds his leg. "I know. I just need to write down what we learned that way we can maybe do some investigating. Let's do some theorizing. How are they mutated? We know the audio is causing them to get infected but how are they getting mutated. Are they inserting metal into their bodies?" CI asks as he looks through his notebook. "Remember those "earthquakes" that happened a few days after the infection happened. I suspect those weren't actual earthquakes and whatever that was is bringing the mutants." Spade says as he examines his body. No one spoke as they though to themselves for a bit. "I think it is safe to move now." Isaiah says as he begins to get up. CI helps him to his feet and Spade uses a branch to help him stand. Spade puts the branch down and they make their way towards the wreckage.

After seeing that the coast is clear the examine the wreckage again. CI puts the map back into his bag and grabs a few rations. Isaiah pulls out his backpack. "Surprised this didn't burn. Some stuff is damaged but it isn't severe. Wish we didn't get jumped though." Spade backs away from the wreckage and looks towards the field they hid in earlier. "Is that supposed to be there?" Spade asks tapping them on the shoulders. CI and Isaiah turned around to see a factory in the middle of the field. "That's odd. I don't think that should be there. Spade do you still have those binoculars?" CI asks putting his hand out. Spade hands CI some binoculars and CI looks at the factory. CI mouth drops open and hands the binoculars over to Isaiah. "What's wrong?" Isaiah looks through the binoculars and his eyes go wide. Spade snatches the binoculars and also looks at the factory. What he sees leaves him in shock. A bunch of infected are walking inside and out another door are more distorted versions of the infected and the mutants they encountered. "So that concludes it. These factories are transforming people, but how?" Spade mumbles to himself trying to figure it out. "We should not investigate that. We are so gonna die if we head in there." CI interrupts Spade's thoughts waving his hands in the air. "He has a point Spade. That is literal suicide." Isaiah agrees as he walks away from the wrecked and stares at the town. "I don't think the town is a better idea." CI arches a eyebrow at Isaiah's remark. "Why is that?" CI and Spade look at the town to see the Titan roaming through the town. "Who knows what mutants could be in there?" Spade says as he looks back the way they came. "The city is also too far away to turn back there and who knows what could be there." CI stopped and thought for a bit. "We are going around the town, but we use the forest as cover. Watch your backs and check your supplies. If we can make it before it becomes night we will be in better shape." CI started making his way to the forest and Isaiah and Spade followed.

As they moved through the forest. Isaiah pulled out his watch and saw it was 7:48. "Should we make shelter?" "That sounds rea-" "No we shouldn't" CI interrupts as he continues to walk. "They will just surround us. Are shelter will be up in the trees." CI looks up at the trees and walks to the biggest one. He climbs the tree and sits on a branch big enough to carry his weight. The others do the same on other branches and Spade and CI ties themselves down with rope so they don't fall. "What is so bad about the night time?" Spade asked as he hangs his gear on a nearby branch. "Zeros." CI responses as he closes his eyes and begins to rest. "What are Zeros?" Isaiah asks getting impatient. CI points down and Isaiah and Spade see a bunch of mutants running through the bushes in the forest. "I have only encountered them so far in forests but they could be in other places. In my opinion they are the worst type of mutant. They are fast, agile, durable and brutal." As they continued to watch the Zeros they saw a deer run by before being savagely ripped apart and eaten by the Zeros. "They work together to kill their prey and they are very good at killing." "Woah woah woah. The mutants working together. That's new." Spade's gazed fixed on CI. "Shush." CI whispered. "You will alert them if your too loud." Spade slouched and looked over at Isaiah. "How are you doing?" Isaiah looked at the stars and stayed quiet. "Tired is all. I just have this feeling we are all going to die." No one said anything they all just looked in different directions. They all felt the same hopelessness. "Hey it can't be that bad. We survived this long." CI says with the same tone of voice. "Ugh. Man you can't hide it from us. We know you act differently in front of others than what really happens. We all feel the hopelessness and you trying to act like you don't feel it is just making me mad." Isaiah says as he turns away from the boys. "Good night." CI sighs and lays against the tree. Spade stays quiet and they all head to sleep hoping they awake in the morning.

Isaiah wakes up and stretches. He looks down at the ground to see a bush rustling. He becomes alerted and grabs his weapon. He looks over at the boys and sees a Zero resting on a branch. He quickly fires his pistol which wakes up CI and Spade. "What's wrong?!" Spade yells as he sits up and unties himself. "We gotta go! We have been spotted!" Isaiah yells as he fires at another Zero. It dodges the bullet and climbs the tree. Isaiah grabs his bag and jumps to another branch. Spade and Isaiah untie themselves grab their stuff and jump to another tree. They get to the ground and start trying to get out of the forest. Isaiah continued to jump from branch to branch. "Don't shoot at them! They are too quick!" CI yells as he takes a left past a fallen log. Spade and Isaiah follow behind them until they get out of the forest.

Once out of the forest they stop to catch their breath and Isaiah launches himself off the branch into the boys. A Zero grabs Spade and starts to drag him back into the forest. "HELP!" Spade yells as he stabs the Zero in the arm. The Zero flinches then Spade stabs it in the eye. The Zero lets go and screams out loud. More Zeros leave the forest and run towards them. "Aim for the head, but not the neck." CI warns as he slices a Zero's head in half. A Zero jumps at Isaiah as he pulls out his sword and cuts in half. He then finishes it off with a stab to the head. He pulls out a hatchet and throws it at another Zero was is jumping at him. He stabs it in the head and it dies. They both explode which cause Isaiah to stumble. A Zero jumps on Isaiah and tries to snap his neck but Isaiah is saved by Spade using a kyoketsu-shoge. Spade quickly kills a few more Zero with one swift move and at a good range. A Zero dodges Spade's attack but Spade wraps the rope around it's neck and stabs it in the head, before letting it go and kicking it at a group of Zeros. It explodes and causes a chain reaction. A Zero runs at Spade and trucks him causing him to crash into Isaiah. Isaiah quickly gets up and cuts off the head of one of the Zeros. The Zero reached for its head before grabbing it and running at them. CI shoots it in the back and it drops. They both look at Isaiah who just finished killed another Zero. "Why do you always gotta look so cool in the most tense situations?" Isaiah says as he wipes the blood off of him. CI shrugs with a smug smile. CI looks behind Isaiah and Spade and his smile fades. They both turn around to see that the docks are burned down and destroyed. Titans and other big mutants roaming near them and their motions seem to be like they are patrolling them. "You gotta be kidding me. There is no way we can make it to the docks with those guys in the way." Isaiah complains as he points to one of the Titans. "So do we just head back?" Spade asks as he looks around. "Of course we do. What else would we do?" Isaiah responses as he throws his hands in the air and sighs. "Spade can you fly a plane?" Spade turned towards CI and scratched his head. "I mean kinda. Why?" CI smiled and put his hand on Spade's shoulder. "We are heading home but first we explore the city." Spade still confused on where CI was going with this finally gets a idea. "That's impossible. For that to work we need to hope that they haven't been touched." "Ahem." Isaiah says as he stands with his arms crossed. "Long story short. We are gonna steal a plane."

CI says walking back towards the town. As the boys make there way around the town going through the field this time they make it back to their wreckage. They past the wreckage and head back towards the city. On the way to the city they stop back at the neighborhood to rest before resuming towards the city. Once they arrive at the city they stayed in the shadows trying not to catch anyone's attention. "Where is this airport exactly?" Isaiah asks as he looks down some alleyways checking for infected. "Do you not remember this city?" Spade asks turning to face Isaiah. Isaiah looks at the ground for a minute before he looks up again. "Are you serious?" Spade nods and Isaiah sighs. "Of course we would end up here." Isaiah mumbles to himself. As they take a few more turns they arrive at the airport. "I am shocked we didn't catch anyone's attention." Isaiah says as he looks around. "There is always the inside." Spade says as he takes the charge on this one.

Spade enters airport and is taken back by how destroyed it is. "Furniture shouldn't look like that." Isaiah says as he looks around the airport. "Nah really?" CI says sarcastically as they walk towards the front desk. Spade hops over the desk and starts looking around. "Is it just me or did the airport look similar to a factory." Spade says as he looks around the front desk. Everyone pauses what they are doing. Then it hits them. The airport did look similar to the factory. They put in their ear pieces. "These better work." CI mumbles as they look around. Spade comes back from the other side of the desk and points towards gate A. CI and Isaiah nod and they head towards gate A. As they were walking CI turned to see a infected slowly following them. Once it notices that it has been spotted it dashes towards them. CI pulls out a knife and stabs it in the chest hitting the core. He pulls out the knife and pushes the infected away. The infected explodes and it causes the boys to stumble. "Why was that explosion so much more aggressive than the others?" CI thinks to himself as he regains his balance. As they continue forward encounter a bunch of infected blocking the doorway. They are killed by a giant hand smashing them. The boys stand in terror the figure moves into the light and becoming fully visible.