
Halloween is always a big occasion in the plot.

The troll in the first year, basilisk in the second year and Sirius in third year all attacked on that day. Even the drawing of champions for the tournament in the fourth year was held on Halloween.

I honestly don't know why J.K.Rowling made trouble for Harry on the day, where muggles dress up as witches or monsters, but I found it funny.

And now that specific date will help me to save some lives even if I have to change the plot. I can't look at the lives lost in the future if I have the opportunity to save them.

They wouldn't die today, but I knew Quirellmord would hunt in the following months and now would be one time where nobody pays attention to the forest.

If you read the books or watch the movies: What is the most innocent creature that died in all of them? Most think of a tragic death, but not many would remember.

The creature that embodys innocence. The unicorn that died in the very first year Harry attended. And as Hagrid explained when the 4 troublemakers followed him into the Forbidden Forest because of detention, it wasn't the first that died.

So I made a plan to save them.

I would hide them in 'Dimensional Home' until the end of the year and let them decide if they want to leave. I personally hope they stay, but now I need to find them first.

Around a hour before the feast would start, I make my way into the Forbidden Forest. My stealth mode was enough against teachers and Dumbledore should pay attention to Quirell, who smuggles a troll in, at this point. After entering for a few hundred meters, I release Anluan and ride on his back to the favourite places Hagrid told me.

I found them at the second spot I visited.

On a clearing with a pond with crystalclear water stood a small herd made out of one magnificent stallion and three mares. Behind them I could make out a foal. I dismount and the stallion neighs to warn me. I order Anluan to take a few steps back and just wait.

After 5 minutes I talk: "Could you please come out and translate for me."

A few seconds later three centaurs come out, the later two with bows aimed at me.

"What are you doing here student?"

"I came to warn the unicorns and if they allow take them to a safer place, but I would like your assistance with translating if you wouldn't mind."

"What danger?", asks the one on the left and takes his bow down.

But the one on the right didn't like that and calls out to him: "Firenze what are you doing? He is a human, you can't trust him."

"So you want to harm him, when he comes to warn the flock, Lacate?"

"Don't argue. Let's hear him out and decide then.", the leader in front says.

"Thank you. I'll try to keep it short. I have certain information that aversion wants to hunt down the unicors for their blood in the following months, but as I don't know when he comes exactly, I want them to relocate to the safest place I know."

"Noone would harm a unicorn. The human is lying.", Lacate says.

"As if it was the first person I history to harm them. Boy do you know what they want to do with the blood?"

"As far as I know, they'll drink it."

"Drinking? But it will curse them!", the leader exclaims.

"Some people don't care about being cursed as long as they live.", I respond.

"Whether it's true or not can't be determined, but what is the place you have in mind?", Firenze asks.

"You can't be serious. Even if it is true, we can just protect them near us.", Lacate roars and the unicorns take a few steps away.

"I just ask you to translate. If they choose my place or with you should be their choice, should it not?", I say as he goes on my nerves. I don't have anything against him, but people, whether human or magical being, who don't care about the safety of magical beasts and on top of it because of stubbornness aren't worthy of my time.

Lacate wanted to say something, but was kept quiet by their leader.

After that he talked to the herd and maybe because of the roaring centaur or the biggest herding dog in existence they choose to come with me.

Maybe I should thank the brat?

But before I could think about it, the centaur leader speaks up: "Even if they trust you, we have still some doubts. Do you mind sharing the place to let us visit?"

"Well the place is sealed with magic, but I make a daily walk with Hagid on the perimeter, so if you want you can meet up on those times as I carry the entry on my body. And if they want to return to the forest, after the person is gone next summer, then I'm letting you know. They are welcome to stay there, if they wish. Oh and could you please ask them for any desires or requirements they have for the place. It can be made with a little magic of mine, so they feel comfortable for their stay.", I explain.

"Convenient I must say. Sure I'll let them know."

After a minute or so he got their answer.

"A clear watercourse and green environment would be nice. Forest prefered over plain."

"That's all?", I ask. "That is already there. Don't hold back with more.", I say.

After another questioning he says. "More than be said after visiting the place."

"OK then. Please go in.", I respond after opening the magic circle. The stallion goes ahead with great caution. But opposite to my expectations he didn't go in. Or more like he couldn't. 'Dimensional Home' wouldn't let him enter. And then I remember. It is only for tamed beasts, so naturally the unicorns wouldn't be able to go in.

"Ah, I forgot about that part. Could you ask them to bond temporarily to me."

"I knew he was up to no good!", Lacate says and even the other two raise their eyebrows.

"Well the space is for my tamed beasts like Anluan here, so by forming a temporary bond with me they can also enter."

"I'll give the message to them, but you need to release them later."

"Yeah. Thought so.", I sighed.

So after the taming process they enter. Afterwards the stallion comes out and describes the centaurs the environment inside.

They seemed surprised, but felt relieved.

"Then I must go back, before they find I am not there."

"We will escort you back so you don't get lost.", Firenze says.

And with that we galloped back to the castle.

"Thank you very much. I am going with Hagrid after sunrise, so if you want to meet up, then is a good time."

Afterwards we said goodbye and I used my stealthspell to go back to the Griffindor tower. It had been more than 2 hours since I've been gone and all students are already back.

But I was lucky enough that the trio returned at this moment.

It would be difficult to go in with all the lions in the common room, so I slipped in with the three of them.

And with that my exciting first trip to the deeper parts of the Forbidden Forest was behind me. But on the following day I learned that I wasn't stealthy enough to get nobodys attention. Well maybe it was because the centaur leader Cain talked to Hagrid, who is a loyal follower of the headmaster and has a loose mouth sometimes.

In any case, I was called to Dumbledore's office the next day.

Now how do I explain this?