Little pieces of Conversations

"My boy I need to talk to you."

"I thought so headmaster.", I respond.

"I heard you are now taking care of some inhabitants of the forest."

"I hope this isn't known to many as the result would paint a big target on my back."

"You don't need to worry about that as, but I would like to know which danger they were in.", he asks.

"You should already know his identity as I hardly believe he could get his distraction pass your watching eyes, as you wouldn't let the students leave the Great Hall otherwise, especially the House of Slytherin, who resides in the Dungeon the troll was seen in.", I explain.

"Good eyes and mind you have there.", he giggles.

"Thank you, sir. Anything else?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Am I also allowed to ask a question?"

He nods.

"Why didn't you do something headmaster?"

"What do you mean, boy.", he questions with a raised eyebrow.

"You knew what he is after, but didn't take precautions for them, so to my understanding they would be sucked dry to let him stay till the end of the year. Ain't that right?", I say sternly.

He sighs: "Maybe they really would be harmed more than I thought."

"And there you have my answer. I took them out of harms way. Whether it's him or you doesn't matter to me.", I say to make my point clear.

"You should head back now.", he says and looked a little more thoughtful now, but I didn't believe for a second I could change his mind so easily so he should think about another plan to give the vessel the life-force it needs to stay alive.


Another few weeks gone by. I got closer to Hermione, who wouldn't miss a single study session and even sat next to me at meals to ask questions. I really liked her hardworking nature. To be honest if you look at the golden trio then you have Harry, who get them in trouble with plot armor, Ron, who makes the journey a little bit funnier to read, and Hermione who got two other kids through school and found the right knowledge for them to get through. Either it is the sorcerer stone or the trials, as well as the method of the basilisk she discovers or she explains the boys knowledge they should know to survive in the later years. But maybe I am a little biased, as I had a crush on Emma Watson, which she resembles to a great part. Anyway, having a cute junior around made me happier.

Aside from her, Harry also tried to come sometimes, yet Quidditch practice and a friend, who didn't like to learn, made it harder for him to find time. Nonetheless he came sometimes or talked to me with Hermione about the stuff they experienced.

So it wasn't a wonder as the trio talked to me as I closed the door to the studyroom. OK, that was a lie. I didn't expect Ron as he didn't seem to like me, but I think it was because I also accept students from all houses, including his hated Slytherin. And then someone says the purebloods are the only bigots here. Well most say the deatheaters, but I you look closer all wizards are influenced with bigotry and the older the house the more they got influenced over the centuries.

But their questions gets me back from my thinking.

"Can we ask a question you'll keep secret.", Harry asks.

"Do I need to pledge on something?", I ask jokingly.

But that let them to think.

"Hey is it that serious? Shouldn't my word be enough?"

"I don't think he needs to." "Me neither.", Harry and Hermione are saying.

"Fine.", Ron answers their quiet glance.

"Then ask away."

"Do you know what Nicolas Flamel is known for?", Harry asks me.

"Well most people would say one thing, but every person has different opinions and on this topic I would say I would be in the 1% of a different answer. How about this: I give you a tip and you find your own opinion. Fair enough."

"What's fair about it?", Ron mumbles.

"You ask me for my answer and I give them to you how I like. And with your behavior it will bring you less.", I simply say as his way to talk to somebody rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Again it could be because in my eyes he didn't deserve the smartest witch of his generation, but who am I to talk.

"I'll share his age."

"What does that help?", Harry asks with a look as if he didn't get it.

"The books you are searching in, are probably of the wrong century.", I say while giving him a wink.

"If I am not wrong he is 662 this year. But maybe I missed his birthday so 663 is also an option."

"Bloody hell." "How can a person be so old?" "Now I get it."

The reactions of the trio is vastly different and yet easy to get even when they talked at the same time.

After that the boys look at Hermione and transmit the silent question

'What do you get?'.

Well they wouldn't wait for long.

"If he is over 600 years old, while we looked at the happenings and figures of the last 100, then he wouldn't be mentioned."

"Well you are halfway correct, Hermione. While he doesn't get mentioned often these times, I reckon he is on one of these chocolate frog cards. Ron don't you collect these? For a short answer you should look there."

With that statement the three look bewildered at me, but I made my way to the common room with a big smile on my face.

Teasing juniors is a fun activity, I must say.


Sorry for the delay, needed to work a little


Hope you understand and enjoy.