Rebirth and Original Vampires

I opened my eyes and all I saw was darkness, I look around me a I felt myself moving in a liquid like substance and i swam upwards but I felt my head bump into something so I swam back downwards until I felt a thin membrane in front of me and I pushed it forward until it busted with a pop sound and all the water gushed out of there and then I felt myself losing oxygen and tried to force my way through the newly created hole, trying to force myself through the hole I felt my legs hit a person who was trying to get out as well and right then a huge pressure forced me out of the hole and I found myself in a pair of giant arms I then looked at the hole I came from and I saw the person who I was hitting with my leg while in the hole come out to, it was right then I figured out a problem it was a baby and the hole was a darn dark female public region "Let me see the child" A deep male voice said and the the lady who had me in her arms passed me to a man who I found looking awfully familiar and it was then I remembered the movie I was looking forward to watching which was the Originals and I only got to watch the version were I had to skip most part of the movie to finish watching it quickly, but hold on there was no twins in the Originals family and also isn't the father the lunatic who is hell-bent on killing his children "What the fuck is going on here, I still haven't gotten a girlfriend yet, it is impossible for me to die and wake up in another world just from swimming, you all should stop this joke " I shouted or tried to but all that came out my mouth was a loud cry "He has so much strength to cry this loud, he would surely make a strong warrior" Michael said

"Fine warrior my foot you lunatic" I thought to myself

"Why don't you look at the other child" Esther said "I'll name this one first" Micheal said taking his eyes off me to look at Esther before looking back at me "You shall be called Elisha Michaelson" Michael said before he gave me to Esther and took my twin brother who was crying loudly but still not as loud as my own cry which I figured out I couldn't control

"And you shall be named Elijah Mickaelson, although you cry loudly it still not as loud as your brother's" Michael said before returning the child back to Esther "I'll have to go now woman, I'll be come back to check up on you and the children" Michael said before leaving

"Oh my beautiful babies" Esther

Time-skip, Twenty-two years later

Two men looking like an exact copy of one another only that one was taller and had a broader chest and more defined muscles than the other could be seen clashing with their swords and a while later the taller one knocked the Sword out the shorter one hands

"You are improving Elijah" The taller one said

"Still not as good as you Elisha, you can already fight on same level as dad which even Finn can't do" Elijah said picking up his Sword

"You just need to train your body and gain fighting experience that's all" Elisha said before passing a leather bottle filled with water to Elijah for him to drink

"Which fighting experience are you saying exactly, I fought in all the war you fought in and Finn as fought in more wars than you ever had so which fighting experience are you talking about" Elijah said in clear disbelieve

"But I killed more enemies than you all" Elisha said with pride, he has been here for twenty two years and although he had no cheat like a system or a werewolf blood in his vains he has come to love his new family after the time he spent with them especially his younger sister Rebekah and felt no attachment to his old world "Elisha, Elijah" A shout sounded from afar "I guess that's our mother looking for us and our clue to return" Elisha said "The first to get there will have the other an antelope" Elijah said before he bursted into a Sprint with Elisha right behind him and by the time they were in front of their house Elisha was in front and Elijah behind him "I'll be expecting my antelope brother" Elisha said before he walked into the house and he found his father inside with Rebekah and their mother with him "Father you are back" Elisha said"Yes son and what of your brothers" Micheal asked "Hello father" Elijah greeted and Michael only nodded to his greeting "Elijah where is Finn, Nikklaus, kol and Henrik" Esther asked"I was with Elisha training" Elijah said "So where might they have gone too" Esther asked "We are here mother" said Finn entering with Klaus, kol and Henrik with arrows and a bow on their backs "And what do you need the arrows for" Micheal asked

"To go hunting" Finn replied "And you need to go with them" Michael asked with his eyebrows raised and his face turning into a frown "Yes, to make sure nothing goes wrong" Finn replied "What can possibly go wrong, I trained warrior as my children and if they die it's their fault for been weak, and also if one die the other should die with him" Michael said with anger "There is no need to be angry father and I personally think Finn should go with them" Elisha said "I said no Elisha and also Finn needs to take you to the blacksmith to receive your blade" Micheal said with his frown gone on hearing one of his favorite sons voice "Oh right I totally forgot about that" Finn said before dropping his bow and arrows

"Let's go Brother" Finn said to Elisha "Can't we do that later" Elisha said remembering that it was his youngest brother death that caused the birth of the Original Vampires although he wants the power he doesn't want to break his family "No it's fine" Klaus said "Fine then" Elisha said before he left the house with Finn

"We would go hunting if there is nothing we have to do" Klaus said before leaving the house but was stopped by Esther voice

"Get me some herbs on your way back" She said "Alright mother" Klaus said before leaving with Henrik "Rebekah go get your father his food" Esther said and Rebekah went to get Micheal's food "Elijah help me sharpen my sword" Michael said

Later that day at night

Finn and Elisha came back with a sword in Elisha's hand, it was 41 inches in length and it had the word Enemies Fear written on it

"This Sword is really good" Elisha said swinging it while walking with the sword's 33.1 inches scabbard in his other hand he got home only to find Micheal blaming Klaus for Henrik's death with Esther, Rebekah and Klaus crying and Elijah standing with a shocked expression on his face, while Finn who was beside him before was kneeling in front of Henrik corpse. Gently putting his new sword in it's scabbard he walked slowly towards his family with a heavy heart "What happened" Elisha asked Elijah though he already knew what happened "Klaus and Henrik was attacked by werewolves during their hunt which resulted to the death of Henrik" Elijah said while Michael started beating Klaus brutally while shouting at him on top of his voice "Shut the fuck up Michael" Elisha exploded at his father stunning the whole family "How dare you raise your voice at me boy" Michael said I'm anger "How dare I raise my voice at you! You are really asking me that question?, I told you idiot to let Finn go with them Incase if anything goes wrong but you told me that you train warriors and not weaklings and even said if one dies the other should die with him and you have the heart and mind to blame your own son who witnessed the death of his own brother and you dare blame him forgetting your own fault in the matter, you don't even care about your son's death or the cause but you are placing all the blame on your son and you are asking me how dare I raise my voice at you, how ridiculous" Elisha said "Hold your tongue boy or I'll cut it off for you" Michael said in a dangerous tone "You think you could defeat me you old man, you have fought wars for countless years and didn't receive a single title but I receive title for every single war I participate in and did you know the one I just gain it's called Enemy Fear, I am the fear of all my enemies and if you become one Michael I'll become your worst nightmare" Elisha said and he unsheathed his Sword fuelling Micheal's rage which ended up been suppressed and he turned towards Esther "Woman,I want you to call on your black magic and make us all immortals, no more member of this family will die again" Michael said "No, I can't do that it is forbidden and it comes with terrible consequences" Esther said and she received a slap from Micheal

"You will do as I say woman" Michael said clearly irritated "Yes" Esther replied "Gather round my children" Esther said "Are you really going to do it" Elisha asked "Yes my son I will, I have to" Esther said and she took a knife and took "Michael I'll need a female blood to perform the ritual" Esther told her husband and Michael went to the village and dragged back the first female he laid his eyes on and brought her to Esther "You may begin" Michael said throwing the woman on the ground and Esther took the knife and a sprinkled grounded white oak gotten from the white oak tree in front of their house and he used the knife to cut the woman wrist and forced all his children to drink of the blood coming out of the female wrist with Elisha as the last but something shocking happened after Elisha drank the blood, magic power gather from Heavens and the earth and entered into is body drawing strange symbols on his bones and soul, his eyes glowed blue "What is happening woman" Michael asked "I have no idea, this isn't supposed to happen" Esther said and suddenly the eyes of Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah glowed red and they disappeared into the village and Forest

"What in going on now woman" Michael asked

"It's the ancient witches, I told you that it's is forbidden but won't listen, I gave them the blessing of immortality and the ancient witches gave them the curse of bloodlust, now can you see the consequences of your stubbornness our own children are now monsters" Esther said bursting into tears

"Clean those tears woman while I go get the children" Michael said before he disappeared only to find one of his sons transforming into something monstrous "Ahh Elijah what is happening to me Ahhh, help me Ahh" Klaus said shouting in pain and Elijah tried to help him but Michael stopped him "He is a monster" Michael said

{A/N: Let's move back to our MC shall me after all we all know what happened}

"Ugh, what was that" Elisha said looking around and he found different books floating around him and where he is lying down was a large expanse of blue light and there were countless symbols written on the books

"What is this, why am I here" Elisha asked the air

Meanwhile outside a ethereal being snorted

"You idiot really thought I'll send you to another universe and no give you any cheat to get stronger, I don't want my entertainment to die early" The being said and a multi colored being appeared in front of him "I have checked the element he is compatible with my lord it is the water element" the multi colored being said "Then into the ocean it is, and a thousand years of deep sleep and comprehendsion after all the fun wouldn't start until a thousand years later" the ethereal being said and Elisha body was launched into the sea

{A/N: I can't write a thousand years story since the fun is a thousand years later, so at the next chapter the fun begins}