Episode 1: Always and Forever 2 : Misbehaving younger brother

"Bring her out" Sophie looked back and said and a couple of witches brought out the werewolf named Hayley Marshall "And who the hell are you people" Harley asked "Give us a moment please" Elijah asked Sophie and she took Elijah, Elisha and Hayley to a room for them to talk "So I heard that they have been holding you against your will" Elijah said

"They lured me out of the Bayou and grabbed me then did all this weird witchey test not that I understand how this would happen, vampires are dead they can't possibly have children" Hayley said "Perhaps if you knew my brother's story you would know how this is possible" Elijah said and he moved closer to Hayley before stretching fort his hand to touch the side of Hayley's head "Allow me" Elijah said "What are you doing" Hayley asked

"Relax if you open your mind to me I'll show you" Elijah said "And do not forget I'm here too" Elisha said "Right I believe this would be the best time to explain the situation to you" Elijah said and he touched the sides of both Hayley and Elisha showing them all important things that has happened in his thousand years of existence about Nikklaus "Your dad was a dick" Hayley said "Well although he wasn't always like that, if we meet and he behaves like that I'll behead him" Elisha said and Elijah smiled "I'm Hayley by the way" Hayley said stretching her hands to receive a handshake from Elijah

"You should probably know my name if you are going to tell me your whole life story and I know yours, your family is legendary and from the story I just discovered that you have a twin brother called Elisha who went missing and I'm guessing that is you" Hayley said looking towards Elisha "Yes I am Elisha and it's nice to meet you" Elisha said "The pleasure is mine and your brother is a notorious phyco who I slept with classic me" Hayley said "Although I cannot excuse his behavior you must understand that our father hunted him, hunted us and forced us to flee even in New Orleans where we were happy the most, not long after Nikklaus broke the spell that prevented him from become a hybrid he defeated our father, I thought this would make him happy but no he was angrier than ever, I wonder if this baby might bring him happiness and a way to him from himself" Elijah said

"Well I'm glad you feel that way" Sophie said entering the room "What is it exactly that you want and what does it have to do with this young woman" Elijah said "We want to run Marcel and his guys out of town and Klaus is the key, Marcel trusts him and looks up to him, he won't see the betrayal coming" Sophie said "I'm my missing the part where this is our business" Elisha asked "And you also do know that my brother Nikklaus doesn't like to be told what to do" Elijah said "I know and that's why I brought you here, Marcel droved the werewolves out of town years ago and do think he would welcome an hybrid baby into the neighborhood" Sophie asked "Convince Klaus to help us and no one will need to know about the newest member of the originals family" Sophie said "Sounds remarkably like blackmail" Elijah said "Like I said I'm desperate" Sophie said "And desperate for what if I may ask" Elisha asked "The witches freedom" Sophie said "I don't buy that, how about I kill Marcel and his guys then your witches are free" Elisha said "We are not killing anyone we only want them out of town period" Sophia said "And why do you want them alive" Elisha asked "Let just say me and Marcel have a little history of our own" Sophie said "Well then I guess we already have our part to play" Elisha said and Sophie nodded

{At the bancloy of a building}

Nikklaus was looking down at the street of New Orleans when he suddenly heard a change in the movement of the wind behind him "Evening Elijah" Nikklaus said "Nikklaus" Elijah said "What a entirely unwelcoming surprise" Klaus said "And what a entirely unsurprising welcome" Elijah said as he turned towards his brother "Come with me I have a surprise waiting for you" he continued and he led Klaus to the witches sacred ground

{On the sacred ground}

"Klaus your one night stand woman is pregnant" Elijah said showing Hayley to Klaus

"No it's impossible" Klaus said with clear disbelieve "I said the same thing" Elijah said "This is a lie, you all are lying, vampires can not procreate" Klaus said "But werewolves can" Sophie said "And that's not the only thing you will find impossible but has happened" Elisha said as he came out of the shadows

"Elisha" Klaus said with his eyes widened in surprise "Hello Klaus, I heard you are quite famous and also loves playing the game called daggered siblings" Elisha said "Well you can't really blame me for their misbehavior but aren't you supposed to be long dead" Klaus said "Missing not dead, I had my body reforged by magic, slept for a thousand years and was in the ocean for a thousand years" Elisha said

"You all could finish your family reunion whenever you want later but you need to help me run Marcel out of town first" Sophie said "There is nothing to do here, the child isn't mine since vampires can't procreate so I have nothing to speak to you about" Klaus said "You were born a werewolf, magic made you a vampire, you are the original hybrid the first of your kind and the child she is carrying is just one of nature loopholes" Sophie said "You have been with someone else just admit it" Klaus said trying to attack Hayley "Your sense are really dull for a hybrid and it looked like you have lost the ability to think well that you even now ignore the sounds you ears receive after a thousand years" Elisha said to Klaus

"Well if you think you could live for a thousand years without changing then I must say you are stupid" Klaus said "It looks like you forgot that when you address me your elder brother no matter how close we are you are to do so with respect" Elisha said and Klaus shut his mouth up "Hey see I don't care about whatever is going on here but what I know is that I have spent days held captive in a freaking alligator Bayou just because they think I'm carrying some miracle baby don't you think I would have vexed up if the baby wasn't yours" Hayley said "My sister gave up her life to confirm that pregnancy, because of Jane Anne sacrifice the life of this girl and the baby is now controlled by us, we can keep them safe or we could kill them, if you don't help us take down Marcel so help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first martanity dress" Sophie said "What" Hayley exclaimed

"Let's just kill Marcel, let whatever that is between you two remain history has you called it" Elijah said "No we can't do that, we have a clear plan to follow and there are rules" Sophie said which made Klaus turn to face her "You dare command me, threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weakness, this is a pathetic deception and I won't her anymore lies" Klaus said and he tried walking out "Nikklaus, listen" Elijah said and Klaus heard two heart beats coming from Hayley "You see why I told you that your senses are quite dull for an hybrid" Elisha said

"Kill her and the baby, what do I care anyways" Klaus said and he walked out "You know what screw this" Hayley said and tried to leave but was stopped by the witches at the door

"I can't believe Nikklaus has fallen so much into madness that he is even allowing his own child to die" Elisha said "Well I must say that madness did keep him alive and kicking till now" Elijah said "Well go get Nikklaus because if I am to go I can't guarantee I would not come with his ashes so I'll stay here with the girl while you go get out paranoid and stupid brother" Elisha said "I will come back with Klaus and brother keep the girl and the baby safe" Elijah said "I will, you have my word and besides I'm hoping that they attack her after all I have a thousand years of hunger to tend to and I also figured out magic cures my hunger faster" Elisha said with a smile and Elijah went after Klaus "What do you mean magic cures your hunger faster" Sophie asked "Well it simply means you wouldn't need to concencrate the Bones of any witch killed by me" Elisha said "And why is that" Sophie asked "Because I'll suck the witch's power with their blood and since I'm also a witch it will boost my already great magic power" Elisha said "But vampires can't practice magic" Sophie said surprised "We I'm an hybrid also and I had my body recreated by magic so practicing magic is as easy as taking candy for a child" Elisha said "I need to inform the coven about this" Sophie said and she left the room "So you both are twins" Hayley asked "Was it that obvious" Elisha asked "Well you both look exactly like each other except that you are more bulky and taller with a different hair cut but you both surely have a thing for suits" Hayley said which made Elisha laugh

"I wear long coats and have a sword strapped to my back so we are somehow different" Elisha said "Was your family always like this and always on each other's neck" Hayley asked "Well they weren't like this as far as I can remember" Elisha said with a sad expression "Sorry" Hayley said "You are sorry for what" Elisha asked but before Hayley could answer Sophie, Sabin, and other witches entered the room

"Mind telling us what's with the originals you brought into town" Agnes said "Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done" Sophie said "And the solution was to bring in more vampires" Agnes asked "This aren't just any vampires, they are the originals" Sophie said "What makes you think you can control the hybrid" Agnes asked "She can't" Elijah said "Mind telling me which of the hybrid she's talking about cause she surely can't control me" Elisha said "It was Nikklaus we were speaking about brother" Elijah said with a smile "Well I guess you conversation didn't end well" Elisha said "Well it didn't but I'll deal with it" Elijah said "But let me ask you, what is stopping my brother from murdering you all" Elijah asked "Well I'm quite famished myself" Elisha said and Sophie took out a pin and stab her palm with it "Ouch" Hayley exclaimed and looked at her palm only to find it bleeding "It looks like we have a linking spell situation on our hands Elijah" Elisha said "You are right, the spell that my sister performed, the one that got her killed, it not only confirmed the pregnancy, it linked me to Hayley so anything that happens to me happens to her which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about the child but it's already clear what it means to the both of you, so if I have to kill Hayley or worse to get your attention I'll do it" Sophie said looking at both Elisha and Elijah "Then you already have I'll undivided attention since our niece live is in your hands" Elisha said "Hold on brother, you would dare threaten an original" Elijah said "Well I have nothing to lose. You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind

"We are gonna beat his senses into him" Elisha said and him and Elijah walked out of the room