Episode 1: Always and Forever 1: Awakening

{New Orleans}

A witch could be found showing a tourist group to a voodoo shop before she turned while the tourist entered into the shop

"Are you gonna keep following me Elijah or are you going to talk" the witch said to the shadows and Elijah in his usual clothes came out of the shadows "You know me" Elijah asked "The only original vampire who always wears a suit, your family are quite famous among the witches especially since your brother moved into town" the witch said "My brother is only in town because he heard a witch by the name Jane Anne Deveraux was conspiring against him" Elijah said "Well if he is looking for Jane Anne he's a little bit late" the witch said "Are you telling me that she is dead" Elijah asked "If you want to know that follow me and by the way my name is Sabin" Sabin said before moving towards a secluded street in the area and the witches of the town could be seen gathering around two witches who where on the floor, one dead and the other in tears

"That's Jane Anne, killed and left in public for anybody to find" Elijah said "No one comes here except for witches and now her sister has come to take her back, her spirit can't rest until it is properly concencrated in the cemetery" Sabin said "Please tell me that my brother has nothing to do" Elijah said "No, she got killed for coming into contact with magic" Sabin said "A witch killed for coming into contact with magic" Elijah asked surprised and vampires started jumping from building to top of cars and some climbing the building and Marcel Gerald walks in with his lackeys with him

"You want to know what is going on then you are about to get your first glimpse of Marcel in action" Sabin said "Wait the vampire Marcel" Elijah asked shocked "Yes, things have changed since your family left here Elijah, Marcel has changed and right now I need you to hide, if Marcel knew a witch brought an original vampire into the quarter he will marssacre the my kind so Elijah I need you to stay hiding" Sabin said and Elijah disappeared from her view and appeared on a stairs and Marcel started threatening the witches to tell her why Klaus was your in town

"What the hell is going on Elijah" A voice sounded beside Elijah "And who might you... Elisha" Elijah said looking behind him to see the brother he thought was dead "Hello Elijah, it looks like I missed one hell of a fun" Elisha said with a smile on his face


In the swamp beside the Bayou an explosion occurred flowed by a massive dragon flew out into the atmosphere before it crashed into the Bayou's ground and on the ground appeared Elisha Michaelson with his Western Sword in hand still looking the same but it had several symbols carved on it this time around

"Finally a breath of fresh air" Elisha said before looking around "This place looks somehow familiar" Elisha said then something clicked in his head "Isn't this the Bayou from that originals movie, wasn't I just turned into a vampire and only comprehended a little of a single force of nature, how could it be a thousand years already" Elisha said shocked before he calmed himself down

"I guess it's not that bad after all the real fun only starts now but firstly I need to find clothes of this era" Elisha said before placing his Sword into it's scabbard and moving forward and suddenly he felt weak and fell

"I guess I also have to take care of my hunger and since I slept for a thousand years and haven't even done the first time bloodlust thing I'll need lots of blood" Elisha thought to himself and he saw a person driving a Toyota land cruiser down the Bayou's road towards New Orleans and he disappeared from his position before appearing on the road right in front of the car and the car came to stop with a screeching sound and a man came out of the car "Hey if you are tired of living don't try dying in my hands" The man said "So you are a witch" Elisha said sensing the man's body sending out waves of magic "I am and what are you" the man said and his narrowed dangerously "Well if you must know,I go by the name Elisha Mickaelson" Elisha said "The Mickaelsons, it's a lie there are online three Originals and there is none among them who goes by the name Elisha so you better start saying your Identity or I'll rip your heart out" the man said

"Oh I see the problem, Let me introduce myself once again, I am Elisha Mickaelson and an original vampire who has been asleep for a thousand years" Elisha say with a smile "That's a lie and since you refused to say your Identity I'll be taking your heart" The man said as he stretched his hands and started saying incarnations but he saw his magic not been effective "That's impossible" the man said while in disbelief "Well I have comprehended a power stronger than that of the ancient witches who cursed me and you aren't even an elder witch and nothing but a novice so your magic wouldn't work on me but I am thirsty for blood" Elisha said and his eyes glowed a blue color before he disappeared and bit into the man's neck not only drink the blood of the man but also the man's magic which improved his knowledge on the element of water by a little margin and helped him gain some strength to suppress his hunger "Well that tastes good" Elisha said as he removed his fangs from the man's neck "Now I go get the clothes and I believe that the clothing store isn't far off" Elisha thought and his eyes glowed like two blue moons as he entered the man's car.

"Well I'm glad I learned how to drive in my past life" Elisha said and he placed his Sword in the passengers seat before he drove off

and got his hair dressed by holding them together at the back of his head and got himself some clothes which was Shirts, long coats and suit trousers and he strapped his Sword to his back though he already wrapped it with a cloth


Elijah gave Elisha a very tight hug "I missed you so many brother" Elijah said "And so did I Elijah, I didn't even know it was a thousand years already" Elisha said "Rebekah would be so happy to hear of your return" Elijah said

"I hope so" Elisha said "I'm sure she will be let me call her to inform her about the situation here" Elisha said and he called Rebekah and she picked the call and he explained all what was going on in New Orleans "So you mean to tell me that after all this years Marcel is still alive and well" Rebekah asked from the other end of the line "Quite, and our brother seems to have wandered into a war zone and I haven't been able to find him while Marcel who klaus sired and brought up in his own way now lead a group of Savage vampires who kills in public for anyone to see, witches are held in subjugation and I doubt Nikklaus has any idea of what he had walked into" Elijah said "Sorry what was that?, I stopped listening at the mention of our brother" Rebekah said "Rebekah.." Elijah got interrupted "Our hateful, traitorous and bastard of a brother who has negated every feeling of sympathy I had towards him by repeatedly making sure you and I have no happiness apart from his own selfish universe" Rebekah said "Always and Forever Rebekah that's what we swore to each other" Elijah said "Consider this me calling take backs" Rebekah said "Oh you've called take backs a lot of time sister and over the centuries and yet when our father chased us from this great city" Elijah got interrupted again "I might be old Elijah but I'm hardly senile, I know very well that I suck with Klaus and not until three years later he stuck a silver dagger in my chest for Ninety years and do you know why, just because I had the odarcity to live my my on my own without him" Rebekah said "Enough, whatever that is happening between Marcel and the witches is direing enough to bring an original back into town, if the witches have lured him here I want to know why and also you should come because I have a surprise waiting for you" Elijah said "And what mine that be Elijah, it's not in to character to give people surprises" Rebekah said

"Let's just say what we long thought was dead for a thousand years came back" Elijah said looking at Elisha then he ended the call

"So our father kills his children now and Klaus loves playing daggered siblings now, just how much have you all changed while I was asleep" Elisha asked with his eyebrows raised "Well brother, you can't live for a thousand years and remain the same" Elijah said and he looks at the sign which says Rousseaus

"I'll take care of the Vampires and you would do the talking" Elisha said as he removes his Sword from it's scabbard "You still carry a sword in this era" Elijah asked surprised "Well I don't know this era that much but I find it cool" Elisha said and he disappeared into the building while Elijah followed suit and just as the Vampires Marcel sent where about to kill Sophie Deveraux two Sword light flashed and the two vampires became ashes and Elijah and Elisha appeared in front of Sophie

"I am Elijah and I believe you have heard of me" Elijah said and Sophie nodded "And I'm Elisha, Elijah's just awakened twin elder brother" Elisha said placing his Sword in it's scabbard "Now why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother" Elijah said "Then follow me if you want to know that" Sophie said before leaving the restaurant to the witches sacred ground

Opening the gate her and Elisha entered while Elijah couldn't enter and Sophie look back

"This is a witch sacred ground so vampires can't enter without been invited but since I'm desperate I'll invite you in, come on in" Sophie said "Then how did my brother enter" Elijah asked "He's in already" Sophie asked surprised "He's right behind you" Elijah said

"How did you enter" Sophie asked Elisha "Well no matter how strong spells and witches her they can't go against a force of nature and I'm a force of nature" Elisha replied "Well I don't understand what you just said but I'll find out about it later and also we could talk freely in here" Sophie said "And I suggest you start talking" Elijah said as he entered the grounds "What did you sister want from our brother" Elijah asked

"Isn't it obvious, we have vampire problems, Marcel has an army and we witches have been trying to fight back but we haven't had much luck until my sister Jane Anne met a girl, a werewolf who was passing into the quarter from a small town from Virginia and apparently your brother has some connections with the girl" Sophie said "What type of connection" Elisha asked "Apparently the girl and you brother spent some time together and one thing led to another and now the special werewolf girl is pregnant and apparently the father of the child is your brother" Sophie said "It's impossible" Elijah said "Hold on is it just me or you guys don't see children as good news" Elisha asked

"We are vampires and we are dead so we cannot reproduce" Elijah said "Oh right you all can't reproduce" Elisha said "Aren't you one of them, the original vampires" Sophie asked confused "I am but I got my body rebuilt by magic so I can practice magic and at the same time retain my vampire abilities with the bloodlust curse still been effective" Elisha said "Can we get back to the topic at hand, we know Klaus can't reproduce because he is a vampire" Elijah said "An hybrid and also nothing is impossible especially with comes to your brother" Sophia said "Wait Nikklaus is a hybrid, how did that happen" Elisha asked "Well I'll explain everything to you later Brother but for now let me deal with the issue at hand" Elijah said