Chapter 2 :  The Edinburgh Empire

After some time, Rebecca stood beside Andere, her sadness palpable as she struggled to comprehend her brother's transformation. Andere, sensing her turmoil, offered reassurance.

Andere: "Rebecca, don't fret. I understand your concerns, and I, too, was taken aback. But we won't abandon him. He's not alone; we'll find a way to help him."

Rebecca: "I don't know, Andere. He's changed so much. It's like he's a different person now." *Her tears flowed freely, prompting Andere to embrace her in comfort.*

As Daniel made his way towards the military quarters of Edenberg, soldiers greeted him respectfully.

Soldier: "Welcome, Sir Daniel."

Daniel: "Please, don't call me sir. I'm no longer of royal blood; I'm just a commoner like you."

Soldier: "But you fought bravely. There's no one quite like you. You could rival Sir Andere."

Daniel: "I'm not as great as you think. I've made plenty of mistakes in life. I'm just trying to be better and be a reliable comrade you can count on."

His humble words brought smiles to their faces as they continued their friendly banter. Later, Daniel found himself among Andere's troops, discussing their upcoming hunts and missions. Meanwhile, Daniel pondered his own thoughts.

Daniel's thoughts: "I must find a way to halt the war and protect Helen. If we can prevent destruction, we can safeguard everything that matters."

Upon arrival at the Edinburgh Empire, Daniel was mesmerized by the breathtaking beauty of the kingdom. It felt as though he had stepped into a wonderland, awestruck by the splendor surrounding him. As they approached the castle, Daniel emerged from the carriage clad in the Edinburgh soldier uniform, designed for combat yet stylish and comfortable. With his blades at the ready, he remained vigilant, knowing Helen could be targeted at any moment. Making their way to the soldier quarters, Daniel contemplated his schedule for the next day, particularly his duties in safeguarding Helen.

Daniel's Thoughts: "Everything begins tomorrow, the main storyline of the novel. I must devise ways to protect Helen, knowing that in the novel, her protection comes at a great cost. Now, as her appointed bodyguard, that burden falls on me."

Walking through the garden, Daniel contemplated the events of the upcoming day. He spotted Helen enjoying tea and approached her.

Helen: "Regardless of your past, you're no longer of royal blood. Act accordingly and remember your place."

Daniel: "Your Highness, I apologize if I've offended you in any way."

Helen: "Hmph. At least you understand your position. By the way, do you ever sleep?"

Daniel: "After everything I've experienced, peaceful sleep is a luxury I no longer enjoy."

His dead-eyed stare unnerved her momentarily before she dismissed him.

Helen: "Very well, you may leave for now."

As Daniel departed, Helen pondered his demeanor.

Helen's Thoughts: "There's a depth to him, a hint of something more beneath the surface. He's not the frivolous playboy the rumors portray. I'm intrigued. I'll have my spies investigate his past and uncover everything about him."

Daniel's Thoughts: "How do I escape this predicament? Andere has trapped me in the main storyline, and now I'm bound to protect Helen. She may not die soon, but her penchant for danger is a concern. Rebecca won't arrive for another two weeks."

Feeling a pang of longing for home, Daniel yearned for his parents and friends. Tears welled up as he lamented his inability to return.

Daniel's Thoughts: "Home... I wonder what it feels like. I miss my family and friends dearly, but I'm trapped here."

Taking out his frustration on a practice dummy, Daniel's blows intensified until it shattered, mirroring his shattered resolve.

Daniel: "There seems to be no way out for me."

Returning to his quarters, Daniel succumbed to exhaustion and slept.

Next morning:

Daniel's Thoughts: "My first day on duty. Clad in a flexible and comfortable knight's suit, I waited outside Helen's room. When she emerged, she was a vision of beauty, her white hair, blue eyes, and elegant dress befitting of her status as the most beautiful woman in the novel, perhaps even surpassing the female lead."

Helen: "What's capturing your attention, Daniel?"

Daniel: "My apologies, Your Highness. Please forgive me."

Helen: "I'll overlook it this once, but don't let it happen again."

Daniel's POV: We proceeded to Helen's office within the walls of Edinburgh Castle. As a high-ranking authority in the empire, her talents were unparalleled. In the novel, she wielded immense influence over the political landscape, complementing Andere's prowess in warfare. Rebecca is truly fortunate to have a sister-in-law of such caliber. It's as if I've assumed the role of a protective brother to the female lead. Regardless, whether my goal is to return home or simply extricate myself from the main storyline, I'm determined to give it my all.

Daniel's POV: Upon arriving at her office, Helen indulged in her tea while I contemplated how to thwart Baron's potential schemes. Being entangled in the main storyline, my priority was safeguarding Helen. Observing Helen's methodical work, it became apparent that her demise would catalyze the climax of the novel.

Helen: "Daniel."

Daniel: "Yes, Your Highness? How may I assist you?"

Helen: "Bring me my black coffee."

Daniel ensured the coffee was safe before presenting it to Helen.

Helen: "I didn't realize you could make such excellent coffee. What other skills do you possess?"

Daniel: "I'm adept at various household tasks. I learned to be self-sufficient in anticipation of my father abandoning me. I wanted to ensure I could manage in the countryside without any issues."

Helen: "Interesting. Get ready to depart. We have a meeting with other nobles at the Nobel's House."

Daniel's POV: As I prepared the carriage for Helen's journey, we embarked on a three-day trip to Astern, a neighboring country to Edenberg. With only the two of us, I rode alongside the carriage, ensuring her safety during the journey. However, our travels were disrupted when we were ambushed, undoubtedly orchestrated by Baron.

Instructing Helen to remain inside the carriage, I confronted the assailants. Despite their numbers, I faced them head-on, drawing on my strengthened resolve since the banquet incident. With honed skills, I engaged in combat, swiftly dispatching the thugs with my blades.

Observing from within the carriage, Helen witnessed the confrontation unfold. When a thug threatened her safety, I intervened, swiftly eliminating the threat. But as more thugs, armed with powerful magic weapons, approached, I realized I couldn't sustain the fight much longer, especially with Helen nearby.

With a plan forming in my mind, I hurried to the carriage.

Daniel: "We need to move quickly. There are too many of them."

Helen: "Do you expect me to run in this noble attire?"

Daniel: "I swear to protect you, Your Highness. Please forgive my rudeness."

Helen: "What do you mean?"

Without hesitation, I lifted Helen into my arms and sprinted toward the forest, aware of our pursuers behind us.

Helen: "First, you carry me, and now you're running at this speed. How thoughtless of you."

Daniel: "Are you finished? Because we need to keep moving."

Despite her complaints, I focused on getting us to safety. However, we soon found ourselves lost in the depths of the forest, prompting Helen to inquire.

Helen: "Thanks to you, we're lost. Now I won't be able to attend the meeting. Are you satisfied?"

Daniel: "Will you ever stop blaming me? They were after you, not me. Just be quiet!"

Helen: "How dare you! You're nothing but a..."

Daniel: "Yes, I'm a commoner and a good-for-nothing guy. Happy now?"

Helen was taken aback by my retort. I continued, urging her to focus on our current situation.

Daniel: "I don't care what you do to me once we're out of here. But for now, we're in the same boat. Let's find a way out, Helen."

Helen: "You uncouth creature... Fine, but only until we're out of here."

Setting aside our differences, we began our journey to find a way out of the forest. Uncertain of what awaited us, my resolve to protect Helen remained unwavering until we reached Edenberg.