Chapter 3: The Unexpected Journey

Lost in the dense forest, Helen and Daniel had no choice but to navigate through the unfamiliar terrain together. Their initial disagreements faded into a shared determination to find safety amidst the wilderness.

**Helen:** (Sigh) Fine, we'll work together... for now.

**Daniel:** Thank you, your highness. We need to find a way back to safety.

They ventured deeper into the forest, with Daniel skillfully using his combat abilities to clear a path through the thick vegetation. Helen, despite her noble upbringing, showed resilience as they trekked through the wilderness, her dress now dirtied and torn.

Hours passed, and they encountered various challenges – from the haunting calls of wild animals to treacherous terrain. Daniel's determination and resourcefulness began to earn Helen's grudging respect.

**Helen:** You may not be a noble anymore, but you certainly have some survival skills.

**Daniel:** It's not about nobility, your highness. It's about necessity. Life has taught me a few things.

As night fell, they found a suitable spot to rest. Daniel started a small fire, and they shared a meager meal of dried fruits and some wild game he managed to catch.

**Helen:** (While eating) You know, I never thought I'd be stuck in a forest with someone like you.

**Daniel:** Life is full of surprises, your highness.

They discussed their plans. The primary goal was to return safely to Edinburgh without falling into the clutches of Baron's men. Helen used her knowledge of the political landscape to plan their route, steering clear of potential danger.

Over the next few days, they encountered more challenges but also developed a unique bond. Daniel, who had been a loner most of his life, found himself relying on Helen's intelligence and resourcefulness. Helen, in turn, began to see Daniel as more than just a commoner.

**Helen:** You're not as bad as I thought, Daniel.

**Daniel:** Likewise, your highness. Maybe there's more to you than meets the eye as well.

As they approached the outskirts of Edinburgh, they realized that Baron's men were still searching for them. Helen made the difficult decision to continue their journey together, realizing that they were safer united than divided.

**Helen:** We need to stay together. It's too dangerous to split up right now. We'll be less conspicuous together.

**Daniel:** Agreed. Let's keep moving, but we need to remain cautious.

They continued their journey, sneaking through the outskirts of the city and avoiding any signs of Baron's men. Helen's knowledge of secret paths and hidden routes within the city proved invaluable as they made their way back to Edinburgh.

As they reached the city gates, they were exhausted, dirty, and disheveled. Their escape had been nothing short of a harrowing adventure, and they knew their troubles were far from over.

**Helen:** We made it back to civilization, Daniel. Against all odds.

**Daniel:** Yes, your highness. But our challenges are not behind us yet. We must remain vigilant.

But their journey was far from over. As they traveled, Daniel realized that they needed to avoid being recognized, and Helen's attire was a clear indicator of her nobility.

**Daniel:** Your highness, we need to blend in and avoid drawing attention. We should find some commoner's clothing for you.

**Helen:** (Annoyed) What do you suggest, Daniel? Do I change into commoner rags in the middle of the forest?

**Daniel:** (Calmly) We don't have much choice. I'll turn away, and you can change behind those bushes.

Helen reluctantly agreed, and she blushed as she changed into the simple, plain clothes Daniel had found. She looked remarkably different, her beauty now understated.

**Daniel:** (Hiding a blush) Alright, your highness. Let's go.

As they walked, they spotted a small village in the distance. A few villagers were preparing to leave for a nearby town.

**Daniel:** (Approaching the villagers) Excuse me, good people. My name is Peter, and this is my wife, Mary.

Helen shot Daniel a glare for introducing her as his wife, but it was necessary to maintain their cover.

**Random Villager:** Oh, I see. Come on, get in my wagon. I'm heading towards the village.

They accepted the offer, and as they rode with the villagers, Helen stewed in silence while Daniel hid his embarrassment behind a stoic expression.

**Helen:** (Thinking) "Wife, huh? I'm definitely going to scold him for that."

Despite the awkwardness of their situation, they had managed to find a way to continue their journey towards safety, hidden in plain sight among the common people. As they traveled together, they knew that their bond was growing stronger, and their shared determination to change the course of their story would guide them into the uncertain future.

As they approached another village, they decided to seek refuge in a random lodge. Daniel couldn't help but think that Helen might scold him for calling her his wife, but in the end, her safety was the priority. After booking a lodge and finding themselves safely indoors, Helen couldn't contain her frustration any longer. She turned to Daniel and scolded him.

**Helen:** (Angrily) Daniel, how could you introduce me as your wife? Do you have any idea what kind of rumors that might start?

Daniel listened attentively, taking the scolding like a good husband, as Helen let out her pent-up irritation. But as she continued, her tone shifted.

**Helen:** (Softer) But... thank you, Daniel. For protecting me out there. I appreciate it.

Daniel nodded, showing his understanding and appreciation for her acknowledgment.

**Daniel:** You're welcome, your highness. It's my duty to keep you safe.

Helen, now with a more genuine smile, leaned in slightly closer to Daniel.

**Helen:** Well, Daniel, I'm hungry. Can you bring us something to eat?

**Daniel:** As you say, your highness.

He rose from his seat and left the lodge to find some food, leaving Helen alone with her thoughts. As she sat there, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, she couldn't help but think about Daniel's earlier words.

**Helen:** (Blushing) "Wife, huh... for some reason, I really like it. Even though it's just an act until we reach Edinburgh. But I wonder what it feels like to be his wife."

In that moment, in the midst of their unpredictable journey, Helen found herself entertaining thoughts she had never expected, wondering about the possibilities that lay ahead.