The sun cast a golden glow over the tranquil park as Toshinori Midoriya, known as the Dark Demon of the military, jogging through its serene paths. Thoughts of the world's newfound peace filled his mind, a stark contrast to the turbulent days when Shigaraki and demons roamed the land.
As he ran, Toshinori reminisced about his incredible journey. He recalled the time when he had quietly left home, fearing that his quirklessness might overshadow his family's heroic achievements. The military had become his refuge, and it was there that he met Gun Park aka Banari tada, the enigmatic mentor who had introduced him to the secrets of Ultra Instinct and demonic martial arts. With Banari Tada's guidance, Toshinori had grown into a remarkable demon hunter, earning his moniker.
But his thoughts shifted to the most recent events, the battles fought, the sacrifices made. He couldn't help but feel content knowing that the world was safe and that he had been reunited with his family, the people he had missed for so long.
As he paused for a moment to catch his breath, he decided that it was time to embark on a new quest. It was a journey to uncover the mystery behind the mark on his forehead, a mark he had possessed since birth but never understood. Though he didn't have a concrete plan, he was resolved to find answers.
That evening, during a family dinner filled with laughter and warmth, Toshinori's contemplative demeanor caught his father's attention.
Deku: "Toshinori, is something on your mind?"
Toshinori looked up, his expression thoughtful.
Toshinori: "I've been thinking about going on a journey to discover the secret of this mark on my forehead."
His mother, Ochaco, and sister, Izumi, exchanged concerned glances. Toshinori's decision was met with mixed emotions.
Deku: "Have you talked to Banari about this?"
Toshinori: "No, Dad. He's busy taking care of Kouko, and I don't want to bother him."
Ochaco: "And Akane? Have you discussed it with her?"
Toshinori: "No, Mom. She's already worried enough."
Despite their worries, Toshinori's family understood the importance of this journey to him. They shared knowing smiles and a sense of approval. His younger brother, Yu, spoke up with genuine curiosity.
Yu: "Big brother, when will you come back?"
Toshinori ruffled Yu's hair affectionately.
Toshinori: "Don't worry, Yu. I won't be gone for long."
The next morning, the family gathered at the front door as Toshinori prepared to leave. His mother, father, sister, and brother saw him off with smiles that mixed pride with a touch of apprehension.
Deku: "Remember, Toshinori, you're always welcome back home."
Ochaco: "Stay safe and take care of yourself, dear."
Izumi: "Make sure to come back with all your questions answered."
Yu: "Come back soon, big brother!"
With a nod, Toshinori, the Dark Demon of the military, set off on a new journey, ready to face the unknown and find the truth about the mark that had been with him since birth.As Toshinori Midoriya walked away from his family and embarked on his journey to uncover the mysteries of the mark on his forehead, he couldn't help but steal a glance back at his home. He saw his mother, Ochaco, with a tear trickling down her cheek.
Deku, Toshinori's father, noticed her emotional moment and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Deku: "He's grown into such a remarkable young man, Ochaco. We have to trust him to find his own path."
Ochaco: "I know, but I can't help but worry, Izuku."
Deku gave her a gentle smile, filled with both pride and understanding.
Deku: "Remember, dear, this is his story, his journey. He's strong now, and he's already proven himself in so many ways. He'll find the answers he seeks, and he'll come back to us."
Ochaco nodded, her heart heavy with mixed emotions. She knew that Toshinori had become a capable and independent young man. Still, the love and worry of a mother would always linger. With her husband's comforting presence, she found solace and a newfound trust in their son's strength and resilience.
As Toshinori Midoriya continued on his journey, he suddenly sensed two familiar presences approaching him. He halted and turned around, a mixture of surprise and gratitude on his face.
Toshinori: "You guys do not need to come with me; this is something I need to find out."
However, Ken and Shoya, his best friends and brothers in all but blood, weren't having any of it. Ken spoke up, with determination in his voice.
Ken: "We already talked to our parents."
Shoya chimed in, echoing the sentiment: "We won't let you go alone, Toshinori. Not this time. Remember, we're more than best friends; we're brothers."
Toshinori couldn't help but smile, touched by their unwavering loyalty.
Toshinori: "Seems like I can't convince you guys, huh?"
Shoya responded, grinning: "You know it very well, right?"
Ken added: "This time, you're not alone, Toshinori. We're with you."
Concerned about his lover, Akane, Toshinori asked Ken about her knowledge of his departure.
Toshinori: "Ken, does your sister, Akane, know about this?"
Ken reassured him: "No, not yet. But she will find out eventually. I know you love her deeply, and that's why you don't want to tell her, so she won't worry. You really care about my sister, Akane, don't you?"
Toshinori's attention then shifted to Shoya and about his girlfriend, Akira.
Toshinori: "Shoya, what about your girlfriend, Akira?"
Shoya replied somberly: "Akira's situation is the same. She doesn't know anything about this, and I don't want to cause her unnecessary worry."
With their unspoken support and their unwavering determination to stand by Toshinori's side, these friends-turned-brothers prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead on their journey together.
Toshinori, still concerned for his friends, asked Ken about his girlfriend, Sota.
Toshinori: "Ken, what about Sota, your girlfriend?"
Ken replied, nodding in understanding: "My girlfriend Sota, she's in the same boat as Akane and Akira. She doesn't know anything about this because I don't want to make her worry. But, just like with Akane and Akira, she'll find out eventually."
With the unspoken understanding that their loved ones would learn about their journey in due time, Toshinori and his two best friends pressed forward on their path, determined to uncover the mysteries that awaited them.
As Toshinori, Ken, and Shoya took their first steps together on the path of their new journey, the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and amber, casting a warm, hopeful light on their adventures yet to come.With each stride they took, their bonds grew stronger, and their determination burned brighter. The road ahead was shrouded in mystery, but with unwavering friendship and purpose, they knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they ventured into the unknown, ready to unravel the secrets of the mark and carve their own destiny.