
Dreams were arguably the worst thing to deal with in Lunaira’s opinion. They were unpredictable, they were constant and for the most part, they brought forth the worst in her.

Memories and fears loved to intermingle with one another to create a true hell for the magician. A good night's sleep or even a decent one was hard to come by for her. The best ones were when she had no dreams at all…but those were unfortunately rare instances.

It took one hell of a good sleep inducing concoction for a peaceful slumber, yet they never lasted long. Many of her activities under the moon were spent reading or making potions, anything to occupy her time away from her cot.

Still, no matter how desperate she kept herself awake or busy, she had to succumb to her exhaustion. Albino or not, there were things out of her control. Sleep was essential to her as anything else. So she had no choice but to eventually face whatever wicked that toyed with her mind.