
“Special delivery-SAA no doubt.”

“Hey, look on the bright side Kail-could’ve been Nelson or one of his father’s lackeys.”

“I hate how that’s a bright side.” He sighed, sounding absolutely drained as he took the letter. Poor thing. She really didn't make things easy for him. Still, she couldn't feel guilty since he's had to deal with her antics for all these years.

"Craawww!" The delivery bird hopped back a tad, creating distance. However, it didn’t leave. The creature stayed there, waiting. Lunaira lay there, shifting positions to where she was now eyeing their newest guest.

The albino had tried to gain a grasp of the creature’s emotions, yet, much to her surprise, she couldn’t. There was…nothing she could sense from it. Despite following her movements with it's wary eyes while ruffling its feathers in protest to their staring match, there was no life in it. No spell seed glowing in its rib cage in spite of a magic outline surrounding its figure.