Chapter Three

"Let's go Mi-Sun!" Choon-Hee shouted out as she grabbed her bag that had her laptop, apron, hat, and name tag. She slung it over her shoulder and grabbed her keys. Mi-Sun came out with her apron and hat on, her name tag pinned to the apron.

"Alright, alright! I'm ready. Let's go!" She said, "Bye Kaehi!"

"See you later, Kaehi. Don't forget to eat." Choon-Hee said as Kaehi remained hunched over her work, her dark black coils covered her face.

"See you later!" She mumbled as they shut the door.

"I think today has been a bit slow at the cafe so it should be no big deal for closing tonight." Choon-Hee said as she locked the door. "Just basically a couple customers, cleaning, and inventory and we should be good." Choon-Hee explained to Mi-Sun as they walked down the sidewalk to the cafe. They entered the cafe and waved at Binna before entering through the employee door to the break room.

"Hey girls." Binna greeted with a smile as she entered the break room as well.

"Hey, Binna." Mi-Sun greeted Binna as Choon-Hee tied on her apron and pulled her hat on.

"How were classes, Mi-Sun?"

"Busy and chaotic. But when is teaching not?" Mi-Sun said as she talked about her university classes of education.

"Oh, what grade are you planning to teach again?" Binna asked curiously as she checked the cameras to make sure no one came in.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm debating between being an elementary teacher or an English teacher and Theatre teacher at a high school. That's why I'm studying for a theater degree, education, AND English degree." Binna nodded.

"Sounds busy. I dunno how you can juggle all those classes and work here part time!"

"Choon-Hee sometimes helps me with my homework to be honest. She might as well be studying theater with me too at this point." Mi-Sun laughed as she jabbed a thumb in Choon-Hee's direction.

"Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and clock in and take care of these dishes, Binna." Choon-Hee said, retying her apron again as she walked out to the register to clock in.

"Great, once you guys clock in I'll go ahead and clock out." Binna told them as Mi-Sun followed Choon-Hee out to the register. Choon-Hee quickly came back and started on the dishes. She filled the soapy water side first and pushed the dishes that fit in, into the water. She started filling the sterilization side next as Mi-Sun talked to Binna.

"What all needs to be done tonight?"

"Definitely make sure you sweep and mop. Grace has been complaining about how well the place gets swept and mopped at closing. Also, the windows need to be cleaned tonight. Make sure to do inventory on the bread products for sure tonight. Other than that, just make sure to do the usual as well." Binna instructed.

"Alright, sounds good. Thanks, Binna." Mi-Sun said and Binna nodded in response as she clocked out of the register. She pulled her apron and hat off as she left the break room.

"Good luck, you guys!" She called as she opened the door with her shoulder into the evening.

"Bye!" The girls said at the same time.

"You got the front for now, Mi-Sun?" Choon-Hee asked.

"Yep, I think I might go ahead and sweep back here for now. Since there aren't any customers right now."

"Okay, sounds good." Choon-Hee said, pulling her sleeves up again, a bit annoyed before pulling the yellow gloves up more. She quickly scrubbed the dishes in the soapy water before moving them to the sterilization before rinsing it off. She pulled over the stool to place the drying dishes on their metal shelves. She heard the bell ring as she finished up the dishes.

She pulled the gloves off and clipped them up so the water on them dripped off into the center sink. She came out to check on Mi-Sun and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a rather big group of males making an order. Choon-Hee then noticed Christopher as he noticed her. He smiled brightly at her as he walked over closer to her to talk to her over the glass that protects the bakery goods.

"Heyy, last time I saw you here today you were a customer! I didn't know you worked here too." He smiled, revealing his gorgeous dimples.

"A woman of many talents. Music Production, making coffee, baking, and so on and so forth. Wait, is this your band?!" Choon-Hee asked, pointing at the group of guys with masks and baseball caps on.

"Yep, I lost a bet so now I have to pay for their order." He sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Got any discounts?"

"Oh, we do. It's called 'the hottie discount'. We give it to people we think are hot." Mi-Sun announced and she looked at one of the males with black hair and some black rimmed glasses. "I'm already giving it." Mi-Sun told him. The two snorted and he looked at her with a smile.

"Would you have given me that discount, Choon-Hee?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She snickered behind her hand.

"Haha, it's okay I know you wouldn't." He said with a bashful and unconfident smile.

"Oh come on. You are good looking." Choon-Hee laughed.

"Nah, it's the make up." He said and unfortunately she couldn't argue with that because she hasn't seen him without makeup on.

"Choon-Hee, I'm definitely gonna need help with this order." Mi-Sun informed her.

"Mm." She replied as Christopher added his order and paid for the discounted order. Choon-Hee and Mi-Sun quickly got to work on getting the baked goods and making their drinks. When Choon-Hee set down the last of the drinks she surveyed the group.

"So this is that band? You all are real visuals." Choon-Hee said and some of the members eyed Christopher.

"I met her earlier. I told her I was the leader of a self-made band." Christopher explained to them and there was a mixture of ahhs and ohhs as they nodded.

"So, who's who?" Choon-Hee asked as Mi-Sun lingered by to get the name of the muscular hottie in the black rimmed glasses.

"Well you know me. Leader, producer, and songwriter. This is Niki." Christopher said, wrapping his arm around a clearly younger boy with brown hair and frosty tips on his straight hair. "The Maknae and Vocalist. Sky, our second youngest and main vocalist." He said pointing at one of the guys with brunette hair and blue bangs and Sky waved a peace sign cutely as he sipped his drink. Bin, the third oldest. He's in the rap, production, and songwriting units." Christopher said point to the male with the black midnight hair and black rimmed glasses. He gave a nod with a smile and flexed his biceps a bit, unintentionally. "Dae-Jung has the same units as Bin." He said pointing at the male with soft pink fluffy hair and round face. He gave an energetic wave and a bubbly vibe. "Sam, Jae, and Ji-Min. Our dance units." They each waved as their names were called. The tallest out of all the guys with red hair to his shoulders waved first. Then one with a blonde mullet that reached his shoulders and small delicate hands. Then a guy with a horrible case of resting bitch face. He gave a short wave. Choon-Hee bowed to each one in greeting.

"Wow, it's such a pleasure to meet you guys! Chris allowed me to listen to one of your songs and you guys are amazing. Bin, you are a rapping god in my book. Niki and Sky? Your vocals? My god they are amazing! I even told Chris that I think you guys are contract worthy." They exchanged glances as Christopher fidgeted before laughing out loud.

"Haha, such a compliment. Say thank you!" Christopher said and they all bowed and said thank you.

"I definitely stan you guys." Choon-Hee announced.

"I'll stan you guys too!" Mi-Sun said and smiled as Bin looked at her with a smirk knowing damn good and well she found him attractive as fuck.

"Do you guys have performances anywhere? I'll definitely attend a mini concert if you guys do." They exchanged glances once again.

"Yeah, we do have performances all the time." Sky said as he got a look from Christopher.

"We can give you tickets when we have a performance again."

"Oh? No, we can buy them. I don't want to take any profit away."

"No, no. No need to worry about that. We can give you tickets." Christopher said quickly.

"Then make it four tickets. We have two roommates who would probably LOVE to come." Mi-Sun said as Choon-Hee's mouth parted a bit in shock at her boldness before closing it again.

'Is there a secret roommate I don't know about? Cause I know, I KNOW, she ain't talking about Kaehi. We are going to have to drag her ass to the concert.' Choon-Hee thought. 'Small concert or not.'

"Sure, we can make that happen." Bin grinned. "A bigger fanbase is more important than money right now anyways."

"True, true." Niki agreed with a nod of his head.

"Okay… well just let us know when the next concert is and we will make sure our schedule is clear." Choon-Hee smiled. "You already have my email, so there should be no problem there."

"Right, of course!"

"Oh, crap. Choon-Hee, it's already an hour before closing!" Mi-Sun exclaimed in English.

"Oh crap!" Choo-Hee says in English as well before switching back to Korean. "Sorry, guys. We gotta start the process of closing. You guys can still stay, we gotta start in the back anyways." Choon-Hee said, putting her hands together and giving a slight bow before heading to the back.

"I already swept and you washed dishes. All we need to do is inventory, make the doughs for tomorrow's baked goods, sweep the front, clean the bathrooms, and- and mop the back and front." Mi-Sun listed more for herself than for Choon-Hee.

"Don't forget wash the windows!"

"Oh, right.." Mi-Sun sighed.

"I'll go ahead and start on the dough so we can do Inventory." Choon-Hee said disappearing into the walk-in fridge before coming out of it with eggs and milk. She placed them down on the steel prep table as Mi-Sun left to clean the bathrooms.

Choon-Hee went to the back of the break room and retrieved flour, sugar, and assortments of chocolate chips. She headed back out to the display glass and looked at the guys. "You guys by chance want any of these? It's going in the trash otherwise."

"Oh heck yeah!" Bin said with a smile. "Bag it all up!" He said and Choon-Hee grinned as she pulled out a brown paper bag and used the tongs to pick them up and put them in the bag. She handed the full bag to him before opening another.

"What about the rest of y'all?" She asked with a smile.

"Sure. We'll take whatever." Choon-Hee quickly put all the sweets and baked goods into bags for them.

"Thank you." Christopher said, taking his bag from her hands. Their fingers brushed as he grabbed it and her heart thumped loudly in her chest. An electric current sent from where he touched, up her arm, and to her heart. His ears turned slightly red as he took the bag and she let go

"Of course! Have a good night guys!" Choon-Hee said as she came to the back to find Mi-Sun started on the dough first. She grabbed the window cleaner and a rag to quickly clean down the windows since Choon-Hee was going to lock the cafe door and turn off the open sign anyways.

She came back and she pulled on some plastic gloves. They quickly got to work for closing. Choon-Hee moved to do inventory as Mi-Sun finished the doughs and put them in big bowls with plastic wrap over the top before stacking them in the walk-in. Choon-Hee quickly finished up the inventory and Mi-Sun swept the front. Choon-Hee filled the mop bucket with the cleaning product and sterilizing water. She mopped behind the counter and the back room. She handed Mi-Sun her stuff over the counter before coming out with bags on her feet and quickly cleaning the lobby.

She went back to the break room and dumped out the dirty water, washed the mop, drained the sinks, and clocked them out on the register. Choon-Hee and Mi-Sun turned off the lights lastly before setting the alarm system on and walking out the front door. Choon-Hee locked the door with her Cafe key before they headed back home.

"Okay, that guy Bin? He was hot!" Mi-Sun exclaimed as they walked back to their flat. Choon-Hee laughed as she shook her head and pulled her bag more up on her shoulder. "How do you know them again?"

"Well, technically I only knew Christopher. I just met him today. He helped me with my homework."

"What? Is he in music production too?"

"Nope. He's not even in University. He just produces music for his band and he noticed me tapping my fingers in time of the beats. He said he has the same habit." Choon-Hee said as she looked down at her hands with a fond smile as they continued walking home.