Chapter Four

Choon-Hee rushed into the cafe for some coffee. She was going to be late to her class if she got a coffee but she simply couldn't function without it this early in the morning. Not because of the caffeine in it, but because of how tasty they were. However she didn't expect to come face to face with the big boss, Grace.

"Heyyy. Um, my usual please." Choon-Hee fidgeted, worried that she would get chewed for the cleaning she did last night.

"Okay." Grace rang her up and Choon-Hee paid. Choon-Hee went to walk away. "Oh Choon-Hee!" Choon-Hee froze and slowly turned around with a stiff smile.

"Yes, Miss Grace?"

"Great job with cleaning last night. It met my standards quite well." Choon-Hee relaxed and gave a more genuine smile.

"Thank you, Miss Grace."

"Chamille!" Choon-Hee whipped her head around to see who called her birth name and saw Christopher waving. Choon-Hee turned back to her boss and gave a smile with nervous laughter as the other worker completed Choon-Hee's coffee. She grabbed her coffee and turned to walk to Christopher. She smacked his shoulder with an embarrassed smile.

"Didn't I already tell you not to call me that!?" She hissed. Christopher laughed nervously with a nervous smile.

"Are you actually mad? I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Choon-Hee was surprised on how fast he apologized.

"No! Oh, I was just teasing Chris. But it is weird having people calling me that here in Korea. Please call me Choon-Hee." He nodded.

"Would you like to drink your coffee with me?"

"I can't. I have- oh shit!" Choon-Hee exclaimed remembering she had class, having seen the hottie named Christopher completely threw her off. She was in a rush. "I'm so sorry! I just remember I have class! Maybe some other time, sorry!" She shouted as she ran out. She paused and grinned as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She opened up her email and shot him a message.

I'll be back there around noon. I also have a shift tonight.


She then bolted for the campus and to her surprise she made it just in time for class. That's strange, why did it seem she arrived faster than usual? Choon-Hee thought back to Christopher and her face burned in embarrassment. Or maybe because she was flustered is a better description. She settled in her chair and as she unloaded her stuff she continued to think about him. Her thought wandered to when their hands had brushed as she handed him the bag of baked goods. Just thinking about it was giving her chills. Choon-Hee then wondered… did he feel the electricity she felt too?

Choo-Hee quickly zoned back into reality when their professor entered and started announcing that today would be the start of presenting our tracks that we made that weren't like our usual tracks. Choo-Hee was sure she would get a good grade. One, because she used a technique the professor didn't teach for this track so she was sure she was the only one who did it. Two, because it was completely different from her colored style and out of her comfort zone in music production completely. Three, because she had a certain hottie that helped her figure it out.

It didn't change how anxiety ridden she was when she heard her name being called. She jumped out of her seat, startled out of her reverie, before grabbing her computer and slowly approaching the front. She swallowed before she slowly turned around at the podium. She did her best not to focus on all her classmates as she connected her laptop to the speakers.

"Should I explain it first or afterwards?" She asked the professor as she held her hands in fists before her, focusing on the feeling of her nails digging into her palms instead.

"You can do it after or before. Whichever you think best suits your piece." Choon-Hee nodded. She took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the podium and bowed.

"Hello, I'm Choon-Hee. You will listen to my piece called 'The View' that I produced for this project." Choon-Hee announced and swallowed as she felt a pit form in her stomach. She went back behind the podium and tapped the spacebar to play the track. She gripped her hands in front of her body and stared at her screen until it finished. She peeked up and her classmates were clapping. "For this project I decided to use string instruments such as Violins and Harps. I went for a bit more of the classic genre in the beginning before transforming into a sort of electronic break dance vibe. I named this piece 'The View' because I composed a majority of this while gazing out a window at my favorite cafe." Choon-Hee explained to her audience. She gave another bow, ending her explanation. They applauded and she fumbled to unplug her laptop with shaky hands. The second she did she dashed for her seat.

Choon-Hee now felt herself filled with ataraxia. It all faded away once she had done her presentation.

"Alright! Everyone that did their presentation today will get my grading tomorrow. Class dismissed."

Choon-Hee made a mad dash for the door not wanting to be in the class anymore but to her dismay the professor called her name. She heard some of the students pass her talking about how she was in trouble and she pressed her lips together. She slowly turned around and walked up to her professor's desk.

"Um, yes Professor?" Choon-Hee asked anxiously as she fidgeted with the strap of her bag.

"Well, I wanted to talk about your track…"

"Oh, I see. Was there something wrong with it?"

"Well, Choon-Hee. The transition you used.. I didn't teach you that for this project." Choon-Hee flushed red, her ears burning as she looked at the professor nervously from under her lashes.

"Um, yeah that's right. I just really wanted to try to do something completely out of my comfort zone and I thought if I used something you didn't teach it would be impressive, I suppose." Choon-Hee swallowed as she swallowed.

"Mm, I see. Well, it is great but this isn't what I asked you to do. So I'm going to have to give you a bad grade, unfortunately."

"What!? But I thought–"

"I can, however, give you an opportunity to fix the grade." Choon-Hee's professor said as the smile on the professor's face emanated an uneasy feeling.

"Oh! Yes, please I'll do whatever I can do! I'll even do a new track from scratch." Choon-Hee said as she gripped her strap tightly. The professor smiled as she stood up from her desk making Choon-Hee and the professor inches apart. Choon-Hee went to take a couple steps away from her but the professor grabbed her hips and took a grip of her bottom. Choon-Hee gasped and shoved her shoulders. She didn't budge far but she removed her hand and moved it to Choon-Hee's waist.

"If you satisfy me, I'll give you good grades the rest of the year." She whispered and Choon-Hee's eyes widened in horror.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not into girls."

"Good thing I'm not a girl then, huh? I'm a woman." She said pulling Choon-Hee closer and Choon-Hee desperately fought the urge to throw up, sick to her stomach.

"I don't like women either. Please. I'll do anything else." Choon-Hee begged as the professor looked at her hungrily, like she was a prey.

"Well, if you don't do this I'll give you bad grades for the rest of the year."

"What!? You can't do that!" Choon-Hee exclaimed with a trembling voice.

"I can and I will." Choon-Hee felt anger swell up in her chest. She screamed as she slammed her foot down on the Professor's. She released her and she ran multiple feet away.

"If you give me a failing grade I will tell the higher ups about this!"

"You don't have any proof!" The professor snided.

"Do you want to bet!?" Choon-Hee shouted as she opened the door of the room. There was a group of people that fell in. They were either listening in or peeking through the small slice of the window that the blinds didn't cover. "How many of you are willing to be witnesses?" Choon-Hee asked them with crossed arms. One by one they raise their hands. Choon-Hee approached the professor again, toe to toe. "If I ever– and I mean ever–find you try to fail me with an unreasonable reason I will go straight to the office with my witnesses and report you." Choon-Hee shouted as she jabbed her fingers into the chest of her professor. "And if you ever try to touch me in such an inappropriate way again, I'll report you too. Everyone! Give me your information please." Choon-Hee called to the students and quickly retrieved them before turning back to the professor and holding her phone up threateningly. "Test me." Choon-Hee wanted to say so much more. She wanted to cuss her out, she wanted to pummel the professor until she apologized. But Choon-Hee was being respectful because this disgusting woman would still be her professor.

She ran out of the room and shoved her phone in her pocket. She pushed past the people and ran to a restroom as quickly as she could with her hand over her mouth. She was revolted. She felt dirty and horrified. She slammed open a stall door and doubled over as she threw up whatever she had in her stomach. She coughed as she wiped her mouth before gagging and spewing disgusting liquid from her stomach again.

She gripped at the edge of the ceramic bowl of the toilet as she heaved. Tears slipped down her cheeks from the pain of throwing up and from what just happened to her. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't disgusted by her professor because she likes the same gender, it was because she grabbed her in such an inappropriate way without asking that it made her sick to the stomach. She sniffled the snot running out of her nose caused from the pain of throwing up and simultaneously with the tears. She grabbed some tissues and blew her nose before throwing the tissues into the toilet with her bile before flushing it.

She used the support of the toilet bowl to stand back up on her numb legs. She walked unsteadily to the counter and gripped it for stability. She sniffled again as she turned the faucet on and cupped her hands under the running water. She splashed her face and sighed as she did a couple more splashes of water to the face. She turned the faucet off and grabbed some paper towels to dry her face. She felt better as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh crap! What time is it?!" She exclaimed as she looked at her watch and saw it was already 10 minutes past noon. She bolted out of the university building and off campus. She arrived at the cafe breathlessly and she quickly looked around to find he wasn't there yet. 'Thank goodness, I won't be the only one late'. She thought as she went to the counter and ordered a hydrating tea. It would be best to drink tea since she just threw up. She needed something light on her now achingly empty stomach.

"Nothing to eat today?" Jeongin asked.

"No, I'm not feeling too good today. A little dehydrated too." Choon-Hee explained to her coworker.

"Ah okay." He nodded as he told her the price and she handed him her card. The tea was immediately completed by Mi-Sun.

"Oh, I forgot you were working today." Choon-Hee laughed and Mi-Sun immediately knew something was wrong.

"I'm taking my break, Jeongin." She said as she went to the back and came out of the staff room. Choon-Hee sighed as she sat down. She really didn't want to be bombarded with questions right now. She really wasn't feeling good and all she wanted to do right now was talk to Christopher about music. Mi-Sun sat upfront of Choon-Hee who purposely ignored her and stared out the window. "Waiting for someone?"

"Yep. I'm waiting for Christopher." Choon-Hee replied shortly.

"Oh really!? Is it a date?" Mi-Sun said, shrugging her shoulders in a teasingly suggestive way. Choon-Hee sighed.

"As far as I'm concerned, no."

"Oh. Come on. What's with that attitude? Don't you like this guy?"

"Does it matter?" Choon-Hee asked. Mi-Sun was taken aback.

"Choon-Hee, what's wrong?" Mi-Sun asked as she reached and held Choon-Hee's hand.

"Nothing. I just don't feel good."


"Don't call me that!" She hissed at Mi-Sun. "Please, just leave me alone. I just want to see Christopher and go home."

"I'm sorry… I'll stop bothering you then." Mi-Sun replied as she got up. Choon-Hee didn't move to stop her like she usually would and so Mi-Sun trudged back to the staff room.

An hour passed by and everytime Choon-Hee heard the bell ring she hoped it was Chris, but it wasn't. This time however she was excited to see Bin.

"Bin! Bin!" Choon-Hee said as she ran up to him excitedly.

"Oh… um. Choon-Hee, right?" Choon-Hee nodded as we gave a smile and tucked his hands into his black jeans. "What's up?"

"Oh, well is Chris with you?" She asked.

"Hmm? Oh no.. why?"

"Well, he was supposed to meet me here… an hour ago."

"Oh shit, really?" He asked as he adjusted his thick rimmed glasses before reaching in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He clicked a couple of things before putting the phone to his ear. He tried about three times before giving up. "I'm sorry, Choon-Hee. I have no idea where he is and he isn't answering. He might be at the compa–I mean, he might be working on some music with Dae-Jung." Bin said apologetically. Choon-Hee felt her mood damper all over again.

"Oh, okay. Thanks Bin. I guess I'll go home then." Choon-Hee said as Bin watched her with worried eyes.

"Damit Chris, You're doing it again…" Bin said softly under his breath. Choon-Hee bit her bottom lip as she tried to hold back the disappointed tears burning in her eyes. She picked up her bag and left the cafe and she paused outside of the cafe. For some reason, it seemed less joyful and bright then it usually did. She sniffled a bit as she headed home.

Bin's phone rang and he checked to see it was Chris calling. Bin took a deep breath to calm himself as he answered the phone.

"Hey Bin, what's up?"

"Nothing really Christopher Hyung."

"Okay, why did you just say my full name like that?"

"Maybe because I just witnessed a certain girl waiting for a certain friend of mine at the cafe?"

"Huh? Oh shit! Choon-Hee! I'm coming right—"

"Don't bother. She just left Chris Hyung. She looked really disappointed too. Chris Hyung… you really need to stop this." Bin told his Hyung.

"I don't mean to do it! I just—"

"Forgot. I know. If you want to date you really need to maintain your time better." Bin told him. "Choon-Hee seems like a great girl but if you want a relationship of any kind you need to do better."

"I know. I don't mean to. I just lose track of time."

"Well, you're going to have to find a way to get her to forgive you if you want anything to happen now."

"Thanks for letting me know Bin…"

"Yes, bye." Bin said as he hung up.

"It won't be easy." Mi-Sun said to Bin as she handed him his drink.


"Getting Choon-Hee to forgive him. She can hold a grudge. Especially against guys she is interested in. She's been hurt multiple times. She doesn't trust or believe them until they prove themselves. What he just did? Broke whatever slight belief she had in him. He's gonna have to try really hard."

"Well, any advice for my friend then? He really likes Choon-Hee."

"I like to call it the three laws of Choon-Hee. Consistent. Persistent. Presents. Flowers, balloons, small things, and sweet nothing notes. She probably throw them away at first but that's why he's got to be consistent and persistent."

"Does that by chance work with you too?" Bin asked and Mi-Sun's face flushed.

"What? What do you mean?"

"If I am consistent, persistent, and give you presents… Can I earn your belief and affection?" Mi-Sun was stunned by this man's absolute rizz he just used on her. Her mouth opened and closed, unable to find an answer. "No answer? I guess I'll just have to try and see." He winked. "Oh, can I get your line though? So if I need to get some information for Chris on Choon-Hee I can ask you?" Bin said switching his friend back to his priority. She nodded and took his phone to quickly type it in.

"Thanks. See you, beautiful." He winked at her and left the cafe.