"Vicky Stop! Stop it"

"Vicky! What has come over you? What is wrong with you?" she reprimanded herself.

But no matter what she did she could not take her mind of the fantasies she had been having. All through the night up to this moment Vicky was not herself.

She was getting spasms of feelings that she had never experienced before. She was in real need of a man, she desired to be with a man, and not just any other but one whom her heart loves. She had fantasized the whole night what such an opportunity would mean to her. She had lain on her bed and started thinking of the ideal man she wished to have.

In her mind this image came up of a young, tall guy.

He was of a slightly dark skin complexion, with crescent shaped eyes firmly fixed in their sockets. His gaze was bright and carried a warmth with it. Whenever he looks it is as if he is smiling. As he smiled, the lips gently moved sideways and he revealed a gap in between his front teeth.