

Jeffrey and Zendrick exchanged glances, both thinking the same thing about the message. They were both conflicted, unsure whether to believe the contents of the message.

"Uhm..before I give you my honest opinion, I should tell you what happened at the place Hunter mentioned in his last call." Zendrick said, his tone heavy with the burden of the situation. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"What my team discovered there was a suspicious warehouse, exactly as Hunter described. ..The place was as dubious as it seemed. However, they didn't expect to find a ticking bomb inside, which resulted in the death of three of my men. These men were assigned to disguise themselves as you, Victor, and me. Unfortunately, as soon as they stepped inside the warehouse, it detonated, killing them instantly."

Zendrick's voice faltered, and he paused, the weight of guilt evident in his expression. He felt responsible for the loss of his men.