They are dead


Meanwhile, after the man ordered by Daniel to bring Hunter to him had left, another one of his subordinates approached him, holding a phone. The subordinate walked briskly, his expression tense, as he neared Daniel.

"Sir, one of your men said he wants to talk to you." Daniel raised an eyebrow at this, his curiosity piqued. He took the phone and pressed it to his ear.

"What do you want?" Daniel asked coldly, his voice laced with impatience.

"S-sir, I have good news to deliver to you. It's about your order regarding Jeffrey Sy and Zendrick coming to the warehouse."

"Then what happened? Did they come there?" Daniel's tone remained serious.

"Yes. I want to inform you that once they entered the warehouse, we immediately detonated the explosives, causing their instant death. Three people died, but we haven't identified the third person yet because the fire is still consuming the warehouse." Daniel paused, absorbing what he had just heard.