Chapter 15 "Orc Centurion"

Amid the battlefield chaos, Tirian and Davion prepared to follow Ioki into the heart of the battle. They adjusted their stances, ready to unleash their skills as Holy Knights.

"Are you ready for this, Davion?" Tirian asked, the excitement in his voice rising.

Davion nodded with determination. "Born ready! Let's show them the power of the Holy Knights!"

With their unwavering resolve, they charged into the fray, Davion wielding his sword and shield, and Tirian brandishing his gleaming white spear. They fought with a newfound energy, their steps guided by their devotion to protect their Saintess and her chosen Groom of Light.

They skillfully combined their abilities as they engaged the rampaging Orcs and other monstrous foes. Davion's shield protected them from incoming attacks, while Tirian's spear glowed with radiant energy that smote the orcs.

"Are they Players?"