Chapter 16 "Vantage Point"

"Scout, give me a report on the battlefield!" Arden's voice echoed from his helmet.

A man with a telescope in his hand could be seen observing the battlefield from afar slowly opened his mouth, "Seems like the number of the Guided Souls started to dwindle, especially with how they were fighting the Orc Commander in the middle."

"All troops, prepare for battle!" Arden raised his sword toward the air.

The Soldiers of Ruina replied in unison, "SIR, YES, SIR!"

"SIR! NEW REPORT!" The Scout shouted in surprise after she had his eyes on something on the battlefield.

"What is it?" Arden asked.

"Go---Goblins and Kobolds! They are joining the battlefield!" The Scout replied while he found himself lost for words.

"What is a mere Gob---" Before Arden was about to raise the troops' morale with trash-talking the mobs, the Scout cut him off.