Chapter 8 "Drowning Pleasure"

Inside an establishment where lots of individuals were too drunk to speak or lost in dancing their bodies away, under the blinking and flashing lights produced by a nearby Mage in a revealing outfit.

The Mage was standing on top of a platform next to the group who was performing before these 'cheerful' people; she put her hands in the air and kept swaying them left and right to change the color produced from a simple ball of light floating above.

As the colors keep on changing, producing a dash of colorful light to the visitors' eyes. A group of bands consisting of a Beastman, an Elf, and a Dwarf were standing on a bigger podium, playing their instrument in such beat that set the mood inside the room for a good dance.

Our two heroines were seen sitting near the counter with a glass of chilled drink in their hands.