Chapter 7 "Wishing For A Son"

As the sun started to set, Marca finally stood from the ledge where they'd been sitting, "It's been nice talking with you, lad. But, I need to go back..." There is a certain sadness in his eyes when he says goodbye to Ioki.

"I know how busy you are, Mr. Marca," Ioki replied with a smile on his face.

Marca shook his head and stared at Ioki for a moment, "Oh, and how do you know how busy I am?" He asked.

"It's really easy to discern what kind of man you are," Ioki started to explain as he folded the nets and stored the fish they'd caught into his inventory, "In a city like Firan where everyone is busy staking their life for their business, here you are wasting your time fishing here."

Hearing Ioki's words made Marca feel a bit uneasy, "What do you think you know about me?!" He retorted in an aggressive voice.