Chapter 35: Challenge Qin Feng?

The dark vines, resembling a lurking giant snake, swiftly encircled Wang Sheng, cutting off all his retreat routes in an instant!


Wang Sheng clenched his fists, unleashing a surge of power. His martial soul embodied a tiger, a typical of beast martial spirits. With this Wang Sheng's speed and attack capabilities soared several grades.

Driven by the tiger's instincts, Wang Sheng attempted to forcibly break through the encircling vines. Yet, upon contact, Pi Feng smirked, akin to observing a monkey's futile attempts.

His soul ring, a green bamboo, endowed his vines with formidable resilience. Even an opponent of similar caliber would find it challenging to breach his blockade, let alone someone lacking a soul ring like Wang Sheng.

Struggling, Wang Sheng's claws clashed against the vine cage to no avail, leaving him bewildered by his inability to break free.

"What's happening?"

At that moment, Qin Feng and Tang San arrived.

Spotting them, Xiao Wu's face lit up with joy. "Qin Feng, Xiaosan, you're back!"

"Why are you being rash again? Fighting with aristocrats!" Qin Feng admonished.

Blocked by several students, the nobles remained oblivious to Qin Feng and Tang San's presence.

"Humph! We were pushed to our limits by their bullying, must we endure always?" Xiao Wu retorted defiantly, hands on hips.

"I'm not saying we should be enduring, but at least wait for me and Brother Feng to come back and discuss it first. Isn't that fair?" Tang San tried to reason.

Knowing Xiao Wu's temperament, Tang San understood she wouldn't hold back in seeking revenge. Her straightforwardness was both an advantage and a disadvantage - while it spared her from pretense, it also made her prone to rashness and vulnerability to scheming adversaries.

"But what if you take forever to come back? Should I just sit here and let them make a mockery out of us? Is that what you're asking me to endure?" Xiao Wu glared at Tang San, her tone seething with anger.

Observing the exchange, Qin Feng opted not to intervene. He didn't want to exacerbate the situation between the two.

Tang San found himself at a loss for words. How could someone so young entertain such vengeful thoughts? It seemed he would have to teach them a lesson this time.

As the trio conversed, a sudden force swept towards them, hurling Wang Sheng like a bowling ball.

The disciples who stood with Xiao Wu were taken aback, erupting in shocked cries.

"Huh, Wang Sheng, seems like you're not as capable as you claim to be, despite being hailed as the top performer in both work and studies," Pi Feng taunted, his demeanor dripping with superiority.

"Truly the son of General, always ready for battle!" Boss Xiao praised Pi Feng with a smug smile.

"Boss Xiao, you flatter him too much. It's Wang Sheng who couldn't hold back and started the fight," remarked another disciple.

Pi Feng lifted his chin slightly, regarding Wang Sheng with a triumphant smile, as though he were a defeated dog.

"You lost in the first round. Who's up for the second?" Xiao Boss chimed in with a smirk.

Unfazed, Wang Sheng retorted, 

"Don't you know who I am?"

Suddenly, three figures emerged, with Tang San positioned prominently on the left.

"It's you!" Pi Feng exclaimed upon seeing Tang San and Qin Feng, visibly excited.

Boss Xiao's gaze remained fixed on the figure to the right, a glint of disbelief in his eyes.

"What's the plan?" Tang San approached Pi Feng, curious to test their respective abilities with vines.

Pi Feng sneered, "You, with your useless blue silver grass. I have no interest in fighting you. I'm here for this kid!" He pointed at Qin Feng.

"Oh? Looking for Brother Feng?" Tang San's initial urge to retaliate dwindled upon hearing Pi Feng's challenge. He knew better than to underestimate Qin Feng's strength. Even with all his cards, Tang San doubted he could match Qin Feng, who now possessed a purple soul ring.

Pi Feng's challenge seemed like a death wish, and Tang San saw no reason to intervene. With a smile, he stepped back.

"Last time you bested me, but now I have a soul ring. Let's see if you can handle me this time!" Pi Feng boasted, brimming with confidence.

"You can hammer a nail in a day, or you can hammer for a lifetime. Ever heard that famous saying?" Qin Feng remarked, wielding a hefty hammer.

"A famous quote? By whom?" Pi Feng seemed puzzled, wondering if his lack of focus in class had caused him to miss such a phrase.

"I said it!" Qin Feng's grin widened.

"Damn you, trying to play games with me! This time, I'll ensure you have an 'accident' in your cultivation!" Pi Feng's black vines swiftly enveloped Qin Feng.

Unfazed, Qin Feng stood firm, facing the oncoming wind.

"What's he doing? Why isn't he moving?" The noble children watched in surprise.


Suddenly, a resounding impact echoed through the air. The sledgehammer effortlessly shattered Pi Feng's defense, delivering a heavy blow to his head.

"How... how did you break through my defense?" Pi Feng stammered incredulously.

"What's so impossible about it?" Qin Feng swung the hammer again, landing consecutive blows on Pi Feng's head, causing his spirit skills to dissipate instantly.

Realizing the danger, Pi Feng decided to call for reinforcements. He knew facing Qin Feng alone would lead to his defeat.

"Brother Liu Long, Brother Ling Feng, let's join forces. How can we let him get away with attacking us?" Pi Feng turned to his companions for support.

However, he failed to notice that Liu Long and Ling Feng seemed apprehensive, as if they had seen something terrifying. Ignoring their unease, Pi Feng scolded them before approaching Boss Xiao.