WebNovelGu Shan86.67%

Chapter 20 (1)

The basin was filled with ashes, and a few pieces of cloth with fragmented floral patterns were stuck to the inside of the basin. Greasy black residue clung to the pink and white petals.

----- Main Text -----

Lin Lang was taken aback, his face turning pale in an instant. "I... don't know."

"He's your father!"

"Let go!" Fang Ji intervened, urgently saying, "What are you doing?"

However, Feng You continued to stare at Lin Lang, rushing towards him as if going mad. "Yan... Yanzi, she..."

"She's not someone who wanders around!" Feng You exclaimed, his voice almost hysterical. "She was perfectly fine this morning. If it's not him, then who else could it be?! You bastard!"

"That's enough!" Fang Ji held back Feng You's hand and forcefully pressed him back into the chair, sternly saying, "Even if it's Lin Qiang, what does he(Lin Lang) have to do with this? Instead of going crazy here, you should gather evidence now!"

Feng You hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting to Fang Ji's face. "Evidence? What evidence?"

"Shut your mouth and listen to me," Fang Ji stared into his eyes, saying in a deep voice, "I'm taking Yanzi to the hospital now. You need to go back home immediately, retrieve the clothes she changed out of, and don't let anyone find out, including your father. Do you understand?!"

Feng You walked back home.

Each step felt like stepping on a soft, unstable ground. The surroundings twisted and turned, as if the earth was flipping over. He walked in a daze, feeling nauseous several times, but he couldn't vomit anything out.

By the time he arrived home, it was already dark outside. A candle was burning in the main room, its flickering flame casting a faint bluish light. Feng Bao Nan sat by the desk, a few empty bottles scattered at his feet, spilling a small puddle of alcohol on the floor. Hearing the noise outside the door, he slowly lifted his head, his face slightly flushed. "Where the hell did you run off to again?"

Feng You looked at his face, and a rush of anger surged up in his chest, making him feel nauseous again. He didn't respond, instead turning and heading towards Yanzi's room.

He knelt down, peering under the bed. His heart sank when he saw the empty flowerpot, and he forgot about the pain in his knees. He knelt and looked at the empty flowerpot, his vision obscured by tears. He was desperate, like a drowning man clutching at straws, wishing that something, anything, would appear inside the pot.

But it was in vain. There was nothing there, no trace of the flower he had planted with so much hope.

He slowly stood up, his face turning white. His lips trembled as he stared at the flowerpot, and he felt a wave of nausea rising in his throat. He staggered back, his knees giving out from under him. He leaned against the wall, his vision blurring as tears streamed down his cheeks.

He didn't dare believe his own eyes. He moved forward, extending a hand to touch the flowerpot, but it was empty. It was as if all his efforts had been in vain, and he felt a crushing weight on his chest.

He stumbled back into the room, his body trembling. The candlelight seemed to flicker and dance around him, casting eerie shadows on the walls. He felt as though the walls were closing in on him, suffocating him. He collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed uncontrollably.

In the darkness, the room felt like a prison, and the silence was deafening. The memories of Yanzi's laughter and her voice echoed in his mind, tormenting him. He could still see her smile, feel the warmth of her presence, but now she was gone, and he was left alone in the darkness.

He didn't know how long he stayed there, crying and trembling, his heart heavy with grief and regret. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of despair, unable to escape the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to consume him.

Eventually, exhaustion overtook him, and he fell into a fitful sleep, his dreams haunted by images of Yanzi's face, her laughter, and the flowerpot that now stood empty, a stark reminder of what he had lost.

Feng Bao Nan's eye twitched, and he raised his hand to shove him. "Shut up! What are you shouting about? Do you want to embarrass yourself?"

"Who the fuck is embarrassing? Is it me or..." His voice trailed off, his pupils suddenly contracting. "You... You already know?"

Feng Bao Nan snorted through his nose, adjusted his collar, and sat back down on the chair. After a while, he said, "I heard that you took Yanzi out this afternoon. Where did you take her?"

"Who told you? You..." Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly caught sight of a photo on the table. He paused for a moment, then reached out to grab it.

Feng Bao Nan blocked him, snatched the photo, and used the candle flame to set it on fire. The black and red flames quickly devoured the photo, and Feng You's heart trembled. He lunged forward to grab it, but Feng Bao Nan quickly tossed the burning remains behind him.

Through the light, Feng You caught a glimpse of a shadow on the back of that corner. Was that... Fang Ji?

If it was Fang Ji, then why...

Before he could examine it closely, the last corner turned to ashes.

"Get lost!" Feng Bao Nan pushed him. "Are you going crazy?"

"What's that thing? Explain it to me!" Feng You still questioned, "Is it really Lin Qiang? How did you find out?!"

Feng Bao Nan, realizing that Feng You was like a stubborn piece of adhesive, finally sighed deeply after a long silence and said, "He's already come to apologize in person about this matter."

(Tn: what a great fking father!)

Feng You's eyes changed suddenly, and he clenched his teeth so hard that they almost shattered. "Lin Qiang... Lin Qiang..." He started trembling violently, turning to leave.

"Stop!" Feng Bao Nan grabbed his arm. "Where are you going? Do you want to confront him?"

Feng You struggled fiercely but couldn't break free. He stared at Feng Bao Nan defiantly. "And if I do? Should I still call him brother-in-law?"

Feng Bao Nan fell silent for a moment, then let out a long sigh. A sorrowful expression appeared on his face, and he said in a heavy voice, "A You, let me ask you something. Why do you think I left A Shui here back then?"

Feng You's eyes were filled with resentment, not paying attention to his tone. Feng Bao Nan continued, "You know the situation in the village now. Having a child is a priority. If Yanzi becomes pregnant this time, even if it's a girl, if Lin Qiang doesn't want her, I'll raise her. Although he's getting older, he's willing to spend money to get a wife. A You, you're not young anymore either. It's time to find a wife. Take this money as a dowry for yourself. If you have a child in the future, it will cost a lot of money. Tomorrow, Lin Qiang will probably bring some food and alcohol and discuss the future. You can have a drink together."

(Tn: wtf)

Feng You was initially still indignant, but as he listened, he suddenly quieted down. Feng Bao Nan thought he was finally getting through, and continued, "If you genuinely care about your sister, then let this matter rest. Sooner or later, she will marry someone from the village. Further conflict will only tarnish her reputation. Do you understand?... A You? A You?!"

Feng Bao Nan lowered his head, studying Feng You's face closely. He noticed that Feng You's lips were tightly sealed, his cheek muscles tense as if he was suppressing his emotions. Feng Bao Nan's heart tightened. He was about to say something more, but Feng You suddenly pushed him away, retreating a few steps against the wall. He clutched the wall, his body convulsing, and his back bent, dry heaving.

Feng Bao Nan's expression changed abruptly. "What are you doing?!"

"Are you worthy?" Feng You slowly lifted his face, looking at him with unfamiliar eyes. He spoke hoarsely, "Are you worthy of being her father?"

"Am I worthy or not? Am I not doing this so you can marry a wife? How dare you say I'm not worthy?!" Feng Bao Nan was truly angered this time. His face turned alternately red and green, and he kicked Feng You's shin hard, scolding, "Whether I'm worthy or not isn't for you to decide! However it is, I'm still your father. You'll never have the right to accuse me! Remember that!"

Feng You stumbled, his back hitting the wall hard. He looked up, took a glance at Feng Bao Nan, the muscles on his cheeks twitching slightly. It seemed like he wanted to say something more, but in the end, he didn't. He turned and walked away without saying a word.

The bright light of the lamp was blinding, and a few small insects buzzed around the scorching lamp tube. They illuminated the chaotic mess on the ground.

Feng Bao Nan slumped back into his chair, veins pulsating on his forehead. He lit a cigarette and smoked silently.

With a snap, someone turned off the light, casting the room into darkness again, save for a faint red glow from the tip of the cigarette, leaving a thin line of pale light in the night. The gloomy face of a person was revealed in the darkness. The person's lips moved, whispering softly in his ear, "He's probably gone to find that person named Fang again. Do you believe it now? Your son has become so disobedient. He's almost been taken away by someone else."

Feng Bao Nan smoked his cigarette without a word. The person extended a hand and placed a mobile phone on the table in front of Feng Bao Nan. "Don't worry, the photo is still saved in there. The one that got burned is gone now."

"Li Zhu, you've got some nerve," Feng Bao Nan's expression darkened slightly. "Stealing from me?"

"It's for your own good," Li Zhu smiled and looked up at Feng Bao Nan's face. "So, what do you plan to do?"

As twilight descended, the moon gradually emerged from behind the clouds.

Lin Qiang lay shirtless on the heated brick bed, his red nostrils flaring rhythmically as he breathed heavily in his sleep, emitting intermittent and loud snores.

A few mosquitoes buzzed by, drawn by the scent of his oily sweat. Lin Qiang furrowed his brows and subconsciously raised his hand to scratch his face. The persistent itch seemed to intensify the more he scratched. He opened his eyes and cursed, then rolled over and sat up. His dangling feet knocked over an empty bottle on the floor, causing it to roll and clatter, as if it had hit something. The noise abruptly ceased.

Lin Qiang froze for a moment, lifting his head to see a shadowy figure standing in the middle of the room, staring at him silently without saying a word.

His breath caught in his throat, and before he could react, the shadow moved. Slowly, it approached him.

Lin Qiang broke into a cold sweat, letting out a shout and grabbing whatever was near him to throw at the shadow.

The figure halted abruptly and dodged to the side. Then, it spoke, "Dad..."

Lin Qiang blinked in astonishment. "...Lin Lang?"

With a snap, Lin Lang turned on the electric light, and the bright incandescent glow flooded the room.

Lin Lang stood by Lin Qiang's bedside, and as he stepped forward, his foot brushed against an iron basin. The basin was filled with ashes, and several fabric fragments with floral patterns were stuck to the inner wall of the basin. The pink and white petals were smeared with a greasy black residue. Lin Lang lowered his head, casting only a fleeting glance before averting his gaze.

"Damn it!" Lin Qiang's heart finally settled back into his chest. He took a few deep breaths and stood up, cursing, "In the middle of the night, do you want to scare me to death?!"

Lin Lang looked down, his voice low and apologetic, "Dad, I'm sorry, there's something important. I needed to find you urgently..."

"Did the house catch fire or an earthquake hit? Does it have to be at this time?!" Lin Qiang's voice escalated in frustration.

"Yanzi came to my place this afternoon."

Lin Qiang paused, his cheek muscles tensing, but he forced himself to remain composed. "Yanzi... the girl from the Feng family? Feng You's sister?"

Lin Lang nodded, "She was injured. Feng You carried her all the way here, saying he wanted Doctor Fang to take a look..."

Lin Qiang pursed his lips, and his cheeks felt taut. He feigned calmness, "Feng Bao Nan has already handled this matter. He's her biological father. What does your surname have to do with it?!"

"Fang Ji said that Yanzi's injuries were caused by you, that you assaulted her," Lin Lang raised his eyes, fixing them on Lin Qiang's face. "Dad, is that true?"

"What does it matter?!" Lin Qiang's eyes widened, his voice suddenly increasing by three notches. "Are you trying to interrogate your own father?!"

"I wouldn't dare," Lin Lang lowered his eyes. "It's just that this afternoon, Yanzi refused to reveal who had hurt her. Feng You made a scene, and later I saw Fang Ji keep Yanzi's jacket, saying there was evidence on it."

"What?!" Lin Qiang's heart skipped a beat, urgency creeping into his voice. "What jacket?!"

"Dad, please calm down." Lin Lang gently pressed down Lin Qiang's hand, then took out a light pink shirt from behind him and handed it to Lin Qiang. "I've managed to steal the clothing."

The shirt was already wrinkled, and a semi-transparent white smudge clung to the lower hem on the back. Lin Qiang's gaze fixed on the dried, creased stain, and his eyes suddenly changed. Trembling, he snatched the shirt from Lin Lang's hands.


Tn: If I have to share my feelings on this then one meme comes to mind

"LORD forgive me for I'm about to sin...

Also help me aim"