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Chapter 20 (2)

However, Lin Lang gazed calmly at him and said, "Dad, you're not the only one I have."

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Lin Qiang's face turned pale, and he took a few moments to catch his breath, gradually regaining some color in his cheeks. He let out a long sigh and scoffed, "Damn it! Almost lost my temper over that little slut!"

As his heartbeat gradually settled, he looked at Lin Lang, a slight emotion stirring within him. He grabbed Lin Lang's arm and pulled him closer, causing Lin Lang to crouch down, embraced in Lin Qiang's arms.

"Dad..." Lin Lang's face buried into Lin Qiang's shoulder, and he called out softly.

Lin Qiang chuckled and released him after a while, his tone softening, "Good child, how long has it been since Dad last hugged you?"

"A long time..." Lin Lang's expression grew solemn. "Dad, what do you plan to do about Yanzi's situation? Today, Fang Ji took her to the hospital, and it seems she's injured. Also, she's started menstruating, so there's a possibility she might be pregnant." His eyes welled up with a hint of redness. "Feng You wants to report it to the police. Dad, what should we do? You're not going to end up in jail, are you?"

Seeing him like this, Lin Qiang was also moved, "Don't worry! Tomorrow, I'll pay the Feng family another visit and discuss the marriage arrangement. Feng Bao Nan won't come looking for you to trouble. A Lang, you don't need to be afraid. Dad will be by your side... Why are you crying? It was just a nap. If Yanzi is carrying my child, even if it's a girl, she should have more children. You know, the women who can bear children in our village are few and far between! If she's carrying my child, she'll marry me as my wife." He smiled and leaned closer to Lin Lang, squinting his eyes. "In the future, you can also make use of her as a woman, do you understand what dad means?"

(Tn: Oh I fking know what you mean, you piece of shit!!!!!)

Lin Lang pursed his lips, remained silent for a while, and eventually uttered, "I understand..."

Seeing him shy, Lin Qiang laughed a few times and playfully draped his arm around Lin Lang's shoulder, asking, "A Lang, do you blame dad for hitting you before?"

Lin Lang shook his head, "No, I don't blame..."

"A Lang, don't blame Dad! If I weren't here, those people would have kicked you out a long time ago! Besides, you wouldn't want Dad to leave you, would you?"

Lin Lang nodded, and Lin Qiang's smile broadened. He reached over and ruffled Lin Lang's hair, saying, "Good child, tell me, what reward do you want this time? Dad can do anything for you!"

"Dad, I have a few questions to ask you, is that okay?"

Lin Qiang raised an eyebrow, "Just some questions?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Dad, how did my mother die?"

Lin Qiang hesitated, his brow furrowing slightly. Suppressing his annoyance, he answered calmly, "She froze to death."

"Why did she go out alone in the snow after drinking?"

"She... she had mental problems, didn't you know that since you were a child? She went crazy every day and even hit you. If it weren't for me keeping her in check, she would have beaten you to death."

"No," Lin Lang locked eyes with Lin Qiang, his tone resolute. "My mother never hit me."

Lin Qiang choked, "Why bring up that ill-fated topic?"

"Dad, where did my mother come from? And why did she go mad?"

Lin Qiang's expression darkened, he snapped, "Lin Lang, stop bringing up that wretched woman!"

But Lin Lang continued to lock eyes with him and asked, "Because, just like Yanzi, she was forced by you, right?"

Lin Qiang froze, his face turning completely dark. He snapped, "So what?! I had a little too much to drink at lunch, and that girl kept flaunting herself in front of me. If she hadn't complied willingly, she would have left by now! Moreover, she never dared to open her mouth about this. Why are you yelling about it? If this gets out, who do you think will look worse, her or me? In a few years, who would want second-hand goods? Lin Lang, do you think getting a wife is that easy? Once she enters our family, you can also enjoy the pleasures of women! As for that lunatic, who else would take her besides me? She's stuck here in this valley alone. I provide for you and your mother's food, drink, and shelter, and you dare to interrogate your father?!"

Lin Lang's face stiffened, and he pursed his lips, falling silent.

Seeing that he had softened, Lin Qiang's expression eased a bit, and his voice softened, "A Lang, you grew up in these mountains since you were a child. There are many things you don't understand, but it's okay. With dad here, I'll teach you slowly. As long as you listen to dad..."

(Tn: Rat poison is all I can offer)

Saying that, he reached out to hug Lin Lang, but Lin Lang raised his hand to block, his voice stern, "No."

Lin Qiang was taken aback and noticed Lin Lang pulling out a pen-like object from his pocket.

The object appeared to have a button on it. Lin Lang pressed it lightly, and voices could be heard coming from within.

"'It was just a nap. If Yanzi is carrying my child, even if it's a girl, she should have more children. You know, the women who can bear children in our village are few and far between! If she's carrying my child, she'll marry me as my wife.'"

"I had a bit too much to drink around noon, and that little girl kept flaunting herself in front of me. If she had just stayed quiet, this wouldn't have happened! Besides, even she herself never mentioned this. Why are you making a fuss about it? If this gets out, let's see whose reputation will suffer, hers or mine! A few years later, who would even care about a secondhand good?"

Lin Qiang stared blankly at Lin Lang's actions, his heart tightening. "Lin Lang, what is this? Give it to me!" He reached out to grab it, but Lin Lang intercepted his wrist, looking into his eyes and saying, "It's a recording."

"What?" Lin Qiang widened his eyes, a sense of unease creeping over him. "What the hell are you recording this for? Give it to me!"

In the midst of their actions, Lin Qiang's clothing nearly slipped off. The fabric caught on Lin Lang's arm, he quickly clutched his clothing and took a step back.

"That clothing is useless now. You can just burn it," Lin Lang said. "I used burnt paste to stick it on."

"What?!" Lin Qiang's heart shook. He suddenly felt a surge of anger racing through his nerves. He stared at Lin Lang, his teeth gritted. "You... you little bastard, dare you lie to me?!"

"Dad, didn't you lie to me first?!" Lin Lang's voice was full of bitterness. "Wasn't it because of you that my mother couldn't bear to live anymore and ended up committing suicide?"

"Insolent!" Lin Qiang's angry shout sprayed saliva. "Are you itching for a beating? How dare you talk to your father like this?!"

Lin Lang's heart sank heavily. He looked into Lin Qiang's eyes, lips trembling slightly, and said word by word, "Dad, you're truly disgusting."

As his words fell, the room plunged into an eerie silence.

Lin Qiang stared at Lin Lang's face in disbelief, and after several seconds, he reacted to the implications of what he had just heard. He pointed his finger at Lin Lang's face and roared, "What did you say?! Dare you say it again?!"

Lin Lang's gaze remained steady as he looked at Lin Qiang. A clear expression of disgust was evident on his face. "I said you... really make people sick."

As his words landed, Lin Qiang lunged towards him, his anger erupting. He grabbed Lin Lang's collar with one hand, and with the other, he formed a fist, ready to strike at his face.

Lin Lang caught his wrist and used his elbow to exert pressure on Lin Qiang's forearm, causing a sharp sound. Lin Qiang's arm twisted back at an odd angle, and he cried out in pain. Lin Lang let go of him and pushed his chest lightly. Lin Qiang fell backward onto the ground.

"Re... reversed! It's reversed!" Lin Qiang's forehead was beaded with cold sweat. As soon as he opened his mouth, drool dribbled down from the corner of his mouth. "I... I'm not your father anymore! You son of a bitch! Born from a bitch! Bastard!"

"You're right," Lin Lang's eyes turned cold. "If it weren't for those wolves, I might not even be alive now."

"You bastard! Without me, go chew on tree bark with your wolf dad and wolf mom!" Lin Qiang sneered, fixing his gaze on Lin Lang's face. He hoped to read even a hint of panic from Lin Lang's expression. However, Lin Lang simply looked at him calmly and said softly, "Dad, but I'm not alone now."

"What..." Lin Qiang's smile froze on his face. He stared at Lin Lang's face in disbelief. After a few seconds, his smile seemed to freeze. He pointed at Lin Lang's face and shouted, "What did you say?! Are you fucking saying that to me again?!"

Lin Lang looked into Lin Qiang's eyes without saying a word. He squatted slightly, pulled his belt from his waist, and grabbed Lin Qiang's wrist to tie it. Lin Qiang's eyes widened with disbelief. He struggled against Lin Lang's grip, but Lin Lang managed to twist his arms behind his back.

Lin Qiang was truly panicked now. His face turned pale, and he trembled as he stared at Lin Lang. His voice quivered, "Lin... Lin Lang?! I..."

"I'll prepare some food and water for you. Within five days, the police will come looking for you," Lin Lang said. He then pulled off his own belt and tied Lin Qiang's hands behind his back.

Lin Qiang's face was a mask of horror. He looked at Lin Lang, his limbs trembling uncontrollably. "A-Lang! I'm your father! Do you want to have a father with a criminal record? Have you thought

about the consequences?! You... you haven't even left this mountain, you... you don't know..."

"I don't care anymore, Dad," Lin Lang said, bending down and giving one last look at his face. "No matter what, it can't be worse than what I used to go through."

As Lin Lang stepped out from the courtyard, he saw someone standing in the moonlight.

He hesitated for a moment, his heart trembling, and then rushed over to embrace the person. Fang Ji reached out and caught him, feeling the warmth and dampness on his shoulder. He leaned close to Lin Lang's ear and whispered, "Lin Lang, I'm here."

(Tn: here FJ says A Lang but I don't want to repeat the same nickname as that piece of shit, so changed it.)

With that, he cupped Lin Lang's face and pressed his lips against his.

The taste of salt and dampness mingled on their tongues as Fang Ji's hand gently stroked Lin Lang's trembling spine. He felt Lin Lang gradually calming down and lifted his head, gazing into his eyes. "It seems like I always make you cry."

Lin Lang's throat tightened, and his voice came out hoarse. "I won't cry anymore... in the future."

Fang Ji smiled. "Then I'll try my best to make sure I don't make you cry anymore. Can you give me a chance and come back with me?"

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment before remembering something. "Lin Qiang and Feng Bao Nan agreed to meet tomorrow..."

"Feng You already told me about that," Fang Ji said, holding Lin Lang's hand. "Fang Qing is already waiting for us. Let's go while it's dark."

Under the cover of thick clouds, the three of them moved through the forest. The moonlight was obscured, and silence enveloped the surroundings.

Suddenly, a moist breeze picked up, rustling the leaves and branches. A flash of white tore through the sky, followed by a loud rumble of thunder that reverberated through the air.

"Fang Ji, it's going to rain," Lin Lang asked. "What should we do?"

"It's okay. There are fewer people outside, and we'll have an easier time moving around. There's an abandoned warehouse up ahead. When I was taking Yanzi to the hospital, I contacted Qin Lang. We'll go there first to hide. He'll send someone to pick us up... Ah Qing, the path is slippery. Let me carry you."

Fang Qing lowered her head, her face mostly hidden under her cap. She waved her hand to decline.

The rain began to fall, and the town was dark and empty. Occasionally, pedestrians walked by, their heads down as they looked at the accumulated water, hurrying along under their umbrellas.

Fang Ji led the two of them to the warehouse's entrance. Seeing no one around, he took a key from his pocket and quietly opened the door, then led them inside the darkness.

A dilapidated iron bed lay across one corner of the room. Fang Ji retrieved a rolled-up reed mat from under the bed and spread it out. He helped Fang Qing onto the bed to rest.

The half-closed window was suddenly blown open by the wind, carrying in the dampness. The stifling air in the room was swept away.

Fang Ji walked over to the window, closed the swaying windowpane, and locked it. At that moment, lightning flashed across the sky, tearing through the darkness. The interior of the room was illuminated for an instant. Fang Ji turned around and saw Fang Qing clutching her stomach with both hands, bending over almost double.

Fang Ji's expression changed, and he hurriedly supported her. He realized her back was soaked with cold sweat and exclaimed, "Fang Qing? What's wrong with you?!"

Fang Qing shook her head, her voice trembling. "...I'm fine."

Fang Ji held her hands, feeling their icy chill. He said urgently, "Are you unwell? Why didn't you tell me just now?"

"I really am fine. Maybe I just caught a draft. I'm not that delicate," Fang Qing pressed against Fang Ji's arm, saying, "I'll rest for a while, and I'll be fine."

Fang Ji's face turned grim. He held her tightly in his arms.

"Brother..." Fang Qing lowered her head, her face mostly hidden. Unable to see her expression, Fang Ji held her, his hands trembling slightly. Suddenly, she said, "When we get back home, where will Lin Lang stay?"

"...I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

Fang Qing smiled faintly. "Think about it now, can you?"

Fang Ji remained silent, and Fang Qing didn't wait for his answer. Her lips quivered, and she said, "Brother, what if..."

"There are no 'what ifs'," Fang Ji interrupted abruptly. "If there really were, it would mean I'm dead."

Just then, Lin Lang suddenly stood up from a nearby chair, his eyes fixed on the direction of the door.

Fang Ji turned his head and stared at Lin Lang's movement.

Lin Lang made a gesture for him to be silent, pressed against the wall, and crouched down, hiding beneath the window sill.

Another flash of white streaked across the sky, and within the halo of light coming through the gaps in the warehouse door, two thin, elongated shadows appeared – the shape of human legs.

The person outside the door remained silent, standing there quietly as if holding their breath to eavesdrop on the activity inside.

Yet another flash of lightning arrived abruptly, casting a shadow that obscured the light filtering through the window. There were more than one person outside the door.

Lin Lang's expression changed, and he moved stealthily toward the door, intending to listen closely. Just as he leaned in, he saw the doorknob in front of him slowly turning.

Startled, he watched as the doorknob was turned all the way to the bottom and then gently pushed inward. However, it was stopped by the lock, unable to move any further. The person outside sensed the resistance, eased up, and the door silently returned to its original position. The entire process was so faint that it was nearly soundless.

Another clap of thunder arrived, and the sound of breaking glass followed. Lin Lang looked up suddenly, seeing a brick fragment shattering the window glass. In the blink of an eye, countless glass shards were sent flying with raindrops, and in the next second, a hand reached through the opening, swiftly feeling for the window latch.