Chapter 3: The First Summon

The fatigue from the betrayal, the vicious battle that claimed his life, and the surreal experience of being reborn in an incredibly dangerous world weighed heavily on Yuta's spirit. The events of the past day were more than anyone should have to endure, and his body and mind screamed for rest. He knew that pushing himself any further without recuperating would be a grave mistake.

Finding a secluded corner within the makeshift shelter, Yuta fashioned a crude bed out of tattered blankets and worn-out rags. The ground was hard, the air cold, but exhaustion overpowered discomfort. His muscles ached, his eyes felt heavy, and a dull throb in his head reminded him of the intense mental strain he had undergone. He lay down, pulling the thin blanket over himself, and let his thoughts drift.

Despite the urgency of his situation and the newfound power of the Summoning System, he needed to rest. Summoning a character now, without being at his full strength and clarity, could lead to unforeseen complications. Yuta knew he had to be at his best to navigate this perilous world, especially with enemies lurking in every shadow. With a final, weary sigh, he let himself succumb to sleep, the sound of the rain providing a rhythmic backdrop to his exhausted slumber.


Morning arrived slowly, the gray skies of Amegakure offering little distinction between night and day. Yuta awoke with a start, momentarily disoriented as the memories of his past and present collided. The cold, damp air of the shelter was a harsh reminder that he was indeed still in the Ninja World.

He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and took a moment to survey his surroundings. The refugees around him were already stirring, their faces drawn with the weariness of survival. The events of the previous day flooded back to him, and he instinctively checked himself for injuries. Finding none, he sighed in relief.

"Was it all real?" he muttered to himself, the weight of the Summoning System's implications heavy on his mind. "System, are you there?"

[Yes, I am here. How may I assist you?]

The emotionless, mechanical voice confirmed his fears—and his hopes. This was not a dream. He was indeed in the Ninja World, and the Summoning System was real.

"Alright," he said, his voice steadying with resolve. "Time to see what this system can really do." He thought for a moment about the best course of action. Given the nature of this world, having an ally with immense power would be invaluable. His mind raced through the possibilities, and one name stood out among the rest.

"System, I want to summon Son Goku, the strongest Saiyan from the Dragon Ball series."

[Sir, you have misunderstood something. You cannot choose which character to summon. It is random.]

Yuta's eyes widened in surprise. "Random? You're saying I don't get to choose who I summon?"

[Correct. Summoning is done randomly. The character summoned will be completely loyal to you but is determined by a random selection process.]

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Summoning Son Goku would have given him an immediate edge, a powerhouse ally capable of dominating any threat. But the randomness added an element of uncertainty, something he wasn't entirely comfortable with.

"Well, that's a bit of a setback," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. But he quickly shook off the feeling. "Even if it's random, the potential power is still immense. I can work with that."

He took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever might come next. "System, initiate a random summon."

[Initiating random summon.]

Yuta felt a strange sensation, like a carousel spinning rapidly in his mind. Images of countless characters from various worlds flashed before his eyes, moving so quickly he could barely register them. The carousel began to slow, the images becoming more distinct, until finally, it stopped on one.

He stared closely at the summoned character. Before him was a young man dressed in an elaborate white king's attire, complete with a regal crown on his head. The figure sat on a throne, exuding an air of authority and intelligence. 

Yuta's heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned. The man before him was someone he knew well, a character whose cunning and strategic brilliance were unmatched.

"Lelouch," he breathed, astonishment and excitement mingling in his voice. "Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass."

The sight of Lelouch, even in this spectral form, filled Yuta with a renewed sense of purpose. Lelouch was a master strategist, a leader who had overcome insurmountable odds through sheer intellect and determination. Having him as an ally, even randomly chosen, could be a game-changer.

Yuta took a step back, allowing himself a moment to process what this meant. The potential of having Lelouch by his side, guiding strategies and decisions, was immense. He knew that with Lelouch's mind and his own knowledge of the Ninja World's future, they could navigate this treacherous terrain effectively.

The chapter closed with Yuta staring at the spectral image of Lelouch, his mind racing with plans and possibilities. The road ahead was uncertain, filled with dangers and challenges, but Yuta felt a spark of hope. With the Summoning System at his disposal and the first character revealed, he was ready to face whatever came next.

In this world of ninjas and legends, Yuta Kurogane would carve out his own path, starting with the summoning of Lelouch. The journey had only just begun, and the future was ripe with possibilities.