Chapter 4: The Summoning

Yuta stared at the translucent panel, the image of Lelouch lingering in his mind. Summoning the brilliant strategist was an unexpected boon. With Lelouch's intellect and his own knowledge of the Ninja World, they could forge a path to power and survival. His heart pounded with anticipation as he prepared to bring Lelouch into this reality.

"System, summon Lelouch into this world," Yuta commanded, his voice steady despite the excitement coursing through him.

[Initiating summoning process.]

A sudden flash of light enveloped the area, momentarily blinding Yuta. He shielded his eyes with his arm, squinting through the brilliance to catch a glimpse of the figure emerging from the summoning. As the light began to fade, he saw a silhouette forming, but something seemed off. Instead of a single human figure, the outline resembled a caravan.

Confusion clouded Yuta's thoughts. "What's going on?" he muttered to himself. As the light cleared, the scene before him became more distinct. A caravan appeared, led by a fully clothed figure. Atop the caravan, a head popped out from behind the hay. It was a girl's head, her emerald hair and serene expression unmistakable.

"C.C.?" Yuta whispered in disbelief. He had expected Lelouch, not a caravan and certainly not C.C. He scanned the area, looking for the man who should have been summoned.

"System, what's happening? Where is Lelouch?" he called out, his voice tinged with frustration and confusion.

[Everything is correct. Lelouch has been summoned. However, something else has been summoned along with Lelouch.]

Yuta's gaze shifted back to the caravan. The figure leading it had his face obscured, but something about his posture and the way he carried himself seemed familiar. Yuta's eyes widened in realization as memories of the final scene of Code Geass flooded his mind. He recalled C.C. traveling through the countryside on a caravan, addressing someone who was not shown on screen. The implications of that scene had been debated by fans for years, but Yuta had always speculated that Lelouch was still alive, having gained the Code of immortality.

"If this is from that scene," Yuta thought, a mix of excitement and awe in his chest, "then Lelouch must be the one driving the caravan. My speculations were correct. At the time of his 'apparent' death, Lelouch had already possessed the Code, making him immortal."

He took a deep breath, steeling himself. If this was indeed Lelouch, it meant he was dealing with the strongest version of the character—a man who had not only brought peace to his world but had also ended the cycle of hatred that had plagued it. Such an ally in the Ninja World was invaluable, especially considering Lelouch's capability of granting Geass to others. He would be a formidable force in any conflict.

"Lelouch!" Yuta called out, his voice firm and clear.

The figure driving the caravan halted and slowly turned around. Yuta's heart raced as the figure reached up to remove the cloak obscuring his face. The disguise fell away, revealing the unmistakable features of Lelouch vi Britannia. His regal demeanor and sharp, intelligent eyes were just as Yuta remembered from the anime.

"Lelouch," Yuta repeated, unable to hide the awe in his voice. "It's really you."

Lelouch stepped forward, his expression calm and composed. "So, you are the one who summoned me," he said, his voice carrying a quiet authority. "I suppose I have you to thank for bringing me to this new world."

Yuta nodded, still processing the reality of the situation. "Yes, I summoned you. I need your help, Lelouch. This world is dangerous, and I believe with your abilities, we can survive and even thrive here."

Lelouch's gaze sharpened as he assessed Yuta. "Very well," he said after a moment. "But know this: my goals and methods may differ from yours. However, if our objectives align, I will offer my assistance."

Yuta nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I understand. Together, we can achieve great things."

As Lelouch approached, C.C. hopped down from the caravan, her usual nonchalant expression in place. "Looks like we're in for an interesting journey," she said, her voice laced with amusement.

Yuta couldn't help but smile. With Lelouch and C.C. by his side, he felt a surge of confidence. This world was filled with dangers, but with such powerful allies, he had a real chance to change his fate.

The chapter closed with Yuta and Lelouch standing together, a formidable alliance in the making. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but with the Summoning System and the strength of his new companions, Yuta was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.