Chapter 40: Visiting the Land of Fire

Land of Fire

Yuta stood at the edge of the dense forest, the thick canopy casting mottled shadows over the forest floor. The border to the Land of Fire lay just ahead, marked by an ancient stone archway entwined with vibrant green ivy. The air was warm, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and the distant, subtle hint of wood smoke from the villages deeper within the territory. With a deep breath, Yuta stepped forward, crossing the invisible line that separated the Land of Fire from the neighboring territories.

As he passed under the archway, he felt a change in the atmosphere—a palpable energy unique to the Land of Fire. The trees here were taller, their leaves a bright, almost luminescent green that seemed to capture the sunlight and radiate warmth. The path beneath his feet, well-trodden but soft with fallen leaves, wound deeper into the heart of the country.

Birdsong filled the air, harmonizing with the rustle of leaves and the gentle murmur of a nearby stream. Yuta's eyes darted around, taking in the vivid colors and the sheer life that surrounded him. The Land of Fire was aptly named, not for literal flames, but for the vibrant energy that seemed to burn within its very soil.

He continued along the path, his senses alert. Villagers passed by, some on foot, others in small carts pulled by oxen. They greeted him with friendly nods and smiles, their faces reflecting the warmth of their homeland. Yuta nodded back, feeling a sense of welcome that was both comforting and surprising.

The forest gradually gave way to open fields, where the land rolled gently under a vast, azure sky. Farmlands spread out before him, the crops swaying in the breeze like waves on a golden sea. Farmers worked diligently, their hands moving with practiced ease as they tended to their fields. In the distance, he could see a cluster of houses—simple but sturdy, with thatched roofs and smoke curling up from chimneys.

As Yuta approached the village, he noticed children playing in the fields, their laughter echoing through the air. They chased each other with wooden kunai, their games mimicking the ninja battles they had undoubtedly heard stories about. One of the children, a girl with pigtails, noticed Yuta and waved enthusiastically. He waved back, a small smile tugging at his lips.

The village itself was bustling with activity. Stalls lined the main street, selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The scent of cooking food wafted through the air, making Yuta's stomach rumble in response. He hadn't realized how hungry he was after his journey. He approached a food stall where an elderly woman was serving steaming bowls of ramen. 

"Welcome, traveler!" she greeted with a warm smile. "Care for a bowl of our finest ramen?"

Yuta nodded, his eyes lighting up. "Yes, please. It smells amazing."

As he sat down to eat, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of peace. The Land of Fire was alive with warmth and community, a stark contrast to the harsh and unforgiving lands he had traveled through to get here. He knew his journey was far from over, but in this moment, he allowed himself to simply be. To take in the beauty of the Land of Fire and the kindness of its people.

Seeing this he remembered a line said by the adult Nagato. He said, "The peace that you all enjoy is built on the sacrifices of many."

Yuta could see the truth in what Nagato was saying as he had seen the scenes in the Land of Rain and many other small countries, he knew how the people there were living. He knew that Nagato was correct in saying this.

Finishing his meal, Yuta thanked the woman and continued his journey, his steps lighter and his heart warmer. He had a purpose here, a mission that had brought him to this land. But for now, he was content to immerse himself in the vibrant life of the Land of Fire, taking in every sight, sound, and scent as he ventured further into this remarkable territory.


After enjoying himself a little Yuta changed his focus back to his purpose.

His purpose here was clear: he needed to find a reputable businessman to discuss a potential trade agreement that could benefit both his homeland and the Land of Fire. With determination in his step, Yuta continued along the path, his senses alert. Villagers passed by, some on foot, others in small carts pulled by oxen. They greeted him with friendly nods and smiles, their faces reflecting the warmth of their homeland. Yuta nodded back, feeling a sense of welcome that was both comforting and surprising.

As he approached the nearest village, he noticed the hustle and bustle of daily life. Stalls lined the main street, selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The scent of cooking food wafted through the air, making Yuta's stomach rumble in response. But he had a mission, and he couldn't afford to be distracted.

Yuta approached a group of villagers gathered around a stall selling spices. "Excuse me," he said politely. "I'm looking to speak with a local businessman about a potential trade agreement. Could any of you direct me to someone reputable?"

An elderly man with a kind face turned to him. "Ah, you must be new here. We have several prominent businessmen in the village. There's Mr. Sato, who deals in textiles, Mr. Hoshino, who trades in ceramics, and Mr. Nakamura, who's known for his high-quality timber. Any one of them would be worth speaking to."

Yuta thanked the man and decided to gather more information before making his choice. He moved from stall to stall, asking about the three businessmen. Each villager had their own opinion:

"Mr. Sato is well-connected but can be a bit shrewd," said one woman selling vegetables.

"Mr. Hoshino's ceramics are beautiful, but he's very particular about his deals," commented a man at a pottery stall.

"Mr. Nakamura is fair and honest. His timber is the best in the region," noted a carpenter with a nod of approval.

Weighing the information, Yuta considered his options. The textiles and ceramics were intriguing, but it was the timber that caught his interest the most. Timber was a valuable resource, and having a reliable source could greatly benefit his homeland. Plus, the villagers' unanimous praise for Mr. Nakamura's honesty and fairness sealed his decision.

With a clear goal in mind, Yuta made his way to Mr. Nakamura's timber yard, located on the outskirts of the village. The scent of freshly cut wood filled the air, and the sound of saws and hammers echoed through the yard. Workers moved efficiently, stacking logs and shaping planks under Mr. Nakamura's watchful eye.

Yuta approached the man, who was in his late forties, with a strong build and a weathered face that spoke of years of hard work. "Excuse me, Mr. Nakamura," Yuta began. "My name is Yuta, and I've traveled here to discuss a potential trade agreement with you. I've heard many good things about your business and would be honored to speak with you."

Mr. Nakamura looked up from his work, wiping his hands on his apron. "Welcome, Yuta. I'm always open to discussing new opportunities. Let's find a quieter place to talk." He led Yuta to a small office at the edge of the yard, where they could converse without interruption.

As they sat down, Yuta felt a sense of anticipation. This was the beginning of what he hoped would be a fruitful partnership. With the warmth and vitality of the Land of Fire as their backdrop, Yuta began to outline his proposal, confident that he had made the right choice in seeking out Mr. Nakamura.

In total Yuta did not actually care what kind of business his partner was involved in, all he really cared about was his capabilities and trustworthiness.

Yuta needed someone to open up the market of the Land of Fire on his behalf. In fact he knew that even though everything here looked so beautiful and harmonious how it really be so good.

As said by Uchiha Madara, "Wherever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist."

This means that as beautiful as the Land of Fire seems to be, darkness is definitely going to lurking within it.