Chapter 41: Weapons

"Nakamura-san, I am a businessman from the Abyss Company, and I would like to discuss a deal with you," Yuta said confidently.

Nakamura looked at Yuta, noting the young man's energy and determination, which stood in stark contrast to the typical businessmen he encountered outside the Land of Fire.

In the Land of Fire, it was possible for such affluent businessmen to emerge from the grassroots level. In contrast, outside the Land of Fire, one had to climb the ranks to become a top businessman before they could secure the wealth and health needed to thrive. The harsh conditions outside made it nearly impossible for anyone but the elite to lead a robust and prosperous life.

"Yes, Yuta-san, please speak," Nakamura invited.

Yuta, attending his first meeting with a businessman from the Land of Fire, was unaware of how much Nakamura had already deduced about him simply from observation. If Yuta had known, he would have been astonished. However, from another perspective, Nakamura's insights, no matter how accurate, would soon be rendered irrelevant. The stakes in their impending negotiations would escalate to a point where even Nakamura's keen intuition might falter, overtaken by the gravity of the situation.

As Yuta began to speak, the room seemed to hum with the anticipation of the high-stakes deal that would soon unfold, a deal that promised to challenge and transform them both.

"Nakamura-san, you have been involved in the timber business for many years. Have you ever thought of expanding your business and entering other fields?" Yuta inquired, his tone both respectful and curious.

Nakamura responded without hesitation, "I have never thought about it."

When Yuta heard this, he wasn't surprised. The Land of Fire was so rich in resources that its nobility rarely felt the need to diversify or enhance their productivity. This abundance allowed them to remain complacent, trapped in a primitive era of feudalism that fostered exploitation of the lower class. While this exploitation wasn't immediately visible in the prosperous core areas, venturing out even a little would reveal the hidden filth and suffering.

However, today, Yuta wasn't here to discuss the systemic issues plaguing their society. He had a different agenda.

"Nakamura-san," Yuta continued, leaning forward slightly, "I have a proposal that can significantly increase your income, with immediate effects."

This statement caught Nakamura off guard. Though he was a small businessman from a provincial town, his decades of experience in the timber industry had taught him that achieving such rapid profit growth was rarely as simple as it sounded. Yet, he also understood that in the dynamic world of commerce, extraordinary opportunities did occasionally arise, often leading to significant shifts in the market landscape.

Intrigued yet cautious, Nakamura pondered Yuta's proposition. "Tell me more," he urged, keen to understand the specifics of this promising yet mysterious opportunity.



"Weapons, you know, like shuriken, kunai, the Seven Ninja Swords, and so on."

Nakamura said, "I obviously know them, but how are they supposed to help me increase my income manifold?"

These weapons have been around for ages, and they've already been exploited for all the profit they could offer.

This ridiculous answer irritated Nakamura. He felt that Yuta was just an idiotic man and far from reliable.

Nakamura was on the verge of asking Yuta to leave when Yuta suddenly said something that stopped him.

"I never said that these weapons could help you."

"You see, I classify weapons into two categories: cold weapons and hot weapons."

"Cold weapons, also known as melee or hand-held weapons, are tools designed for combat that do not rely on explosive or chemical energy to function. Instead, they depend on the physical strength and skill of the user."

"Hot weapons, commonly referred to as firearms or explosive devices, are weapons that use chemical reactions to propel projectiles or create destructive force. Unlike cold weapons, hot weapons rely on the combustion of gunpowder or other propellants to function."

"So strictly speaking, the aforementioned weapons all fall into the category of cold weapons and they cannot allow ordinary humans to stand tall against ninjas. When using cold weapons, ninjas will always have the advantage. However, hot weapons can bridge this gap."

"With hot weapons, even ordinary humans have the ability to kill ninjas, and if you play your cards right, it is theoretically possible to assassinate a Kage using hot weapons."

Nakamura leaned back, absorbing Yuta's words. The concept of "hot weapons" was not entirely foreign to him, but the potential they held was something he had not fully considered.

"You're suggesting that by investing in these hot weapons, I could not only diversify my business but also significantly increase my profits?" Nakamura asked, his interest piqued.

"Exactly, Nakamura-san," Yuta replied, his confidence unwavering. "The market for hot weapons is on the rise, especially with the increasing tensions and conflicts in the region. By positioning yourself as a key supplier, you can tap into a lucrative industry."

Nakamura was silent for a moment, weighing the risks and rewards. He was no stranger to the complexities of business, and he understood that such a venture would come with its own set of challenges. Yet, the promise of substantial profits and the opportunity to expand his business empire was tempting.

"Yuta-san," Nakamura began slowly, "what kind of investment are we talking about here? And what assurances can you provide that this venture will be successful?"

Yuta leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with determination. "The first thing is that you can use the Hot weapons yourself and arm your bodyguards or the guards for your goods and reduce the money spent on Hiring Ninja's"

"This alone is enough to give you an initial boost in revenue due the high number of costs saved"

"Subsequently you can supply the weapons to others on our behalf and earn a share of the income."

"Here the initial investment will be substantial, but the returns will be exponential. As for assurances, Abyss Company has already secured several contracts with key players in the region. We have the infrastructure and the expertise to ensure that this venture will be profitable."

Nakamura nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "And what role would I play in this venture? Specifically why did you pick me out of the many options in the market."

"As a partner, you would provide the capital and the local business acumen," Yuta explained. "Abyss Company will handle the logistics, procurement, and distribution. As for the reason behind choosing you, it was because of Luck. Your luck was high so you were chosen and as long your luck remains high nothing will happen to this cooperation. Together, we can dominate the market."

The room was thick with tension as Nakamura considered Yuta's proposal. It was a risky endeavor, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore.

"Very well, Yuta-san," Nakamura said finally. "I am willing to explore this opportunity further. Let's draft a preliminary agreement and see where this leads."

Yuta's face broke into a triumphant smile. "Thank you, Nakamura-san. I assure you, this will be a decision you won't regret."

As they began to discuss the details of their partnership, the air buzzed with the anticipation of the new venture. Nakamura could not help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of venturing into uncharted territory. This alliance with Abyss Company could indeed be the key to transforming his business and securing his legacy.

Little did Nakamura know, this decision would set off a chain of events that would not only change his life but also alter the balance of power in the region. The era of hot weapons was about to begin, and with it, a new chapter in the history of the Land of Fire and beyond.