Chapter 48: Changes in Konoha

After separating from Dr. Vegapunk, Yuta found himself feeling bored and restless. To alleviate his solitude, he decided to use the latest ability of his System: Perception Sharing.

Perception Sharing: This ability allows two people to share each other's senses, provided both parties consent.

While Yuta couldn't forcibly invade the senses of his summons, this limitation didn't bother him. In fact, he was relieved, as he knew the potential consequences of perceiving something unintended. He had once accidentally seen or felt things he regretted, so he preferred this consensual arrangement.

With this in mind, Yuta approached Johan and asked for permission to establish a sensory connection between them. Despite the danger of his existence, Yuta felt it was time to bridge the fear and move forward.

Over time, Yuta had gone through a period of significant adjustment and self-growth, which helped him nearly overcome his fear of Johan. This progress was made possible by the assurance that Johan could not harm him in any way, thanks to the System's safeguards. While Yuta knew he was safe, he still approached the connection with caution and respect for Johan's boundaries.

The process of linking their senses required focus and concentration. Yuta closed his eyes, mentally activating the System's interface. A warm, tingling sensation spread through his body as the connection began to form.

As their senses intertwined, Yuta felt a wave of emotions and sensations from Johan—some familiar, others entirely new. It was a surreal experience, like stepping into another world. He could feel Johan's mentality, and his emotions. He could feel the pure unadulterated malice flowing in Johan's heart. A feeling so pure and flawless that it's evil was hard to comprehend.

Johan, on the other hand, experienced Yuta's world for the first time. He wasn't surprised by Yuta's determination or the remnants of fear he still carried. Although Johan was not allowed to harm Yuta but feeling the fear in his heart was still a great feeling for him. Afterall he was Johan Libert.


"Johan, it's me, Yuta." The words slipped out slowly, cold, and laden with hesitation.

"Oh, Yuta, huh... You were the one who summoned me to this world, weren't you?" Johan's tone was playful, almost entertained.

"Yes, it was me who summoned you to the Ninja World," Yuta admitted, his voice tinged with a bit of guilt.

"And then you just abandoned me in Konoha and ran away," Johan continued, his words slightly cynical and taunting, like a superior chastising a junior.

"Well, it is true I did that," Yuta replied, hesitating and with a hint of fear, "but it was because of an extremely valid reason."

"What reason?" Johan asked, his tone now devilishly amused, as if he were a smiling demon enjoying a game.

"Don't act like you don't know the reason behind my decision," Yuta said, gradually relaxing. "I am sure that in the time you have spent in this world, you have guessed my reasons."

"No, I don't. Tell me, Yuta, why did you do that?" Johan's question was pointed, even though he knew the answer. He just wanted to irritate Yuta.

Yuta, recognizing that Johan was deliberately toying with him, knew he had no choice but to answer. If he didn't play by Johan's rules, Johan would never provide him with any information.

So, with a resigned sigh, Yuta explained, "I teleported you far away from me in Konoha because I was afraid of you. Your power, your unpredictability—it terrified me. As for why I chose Konoha, it's because it's the best place for you to thrive and unleash your potential. Konoha is full of strong ninjas and constant challenges, the perfect environment for someone like you to get wild."

Johan's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and something darker. "So you threw me into the lion's den for my own benefit, did you? How thoughtful of you, Yuta."

Yuta could only nod, knowing that Johan had seen through his intentions all along.


"Forget all that," Yuta said, trying to shift the conversation. "Can you tell me the current situation in Konoha, and more importantly, what's going on with the Hyuga Clan?"

Johan's expression shifted, his amusement deepening into something more sinister. "Ah, the Hyuga Clan. Things have gotten quite interesting since you've been away."

Yuta felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you mean?"

Johan leaned back, his eyes glinting with a manic gleam. "The Hyuga Clan is currently tearing itself apart. The Branch and Main families have completely fallen out. The possibility of reconciliation is long gone."

Yuta's concern grew. "And the other clans? How are they reacting?"

"They're all sitting on the fence, waiting to see who comes out on top," Johan replied with a smirk. "No one wants to pick a side just yet. They're all too afraid of getting caught in the crossfire."

"And what about Danzo?" Yuta asked, his voice tense.

"Ah, Danzo." Johan's smile widened. "He's planning to use the chaos to his advantage. He wants to get his hands on the Byakugan—whether from corpses or from living members. This turmoil provides him the perfect cover."

Yuta's mind raced. "And Sarutobi Hiruzen? What's the Hokage doing?"

Johan chuckled, a dark sound that seemed to echo in the room. "Sarutobi's just sitting in his Hokage seat, watching the chaos unfold. No one knows what he's planning, but I have a feeling he's waiting for the right moment to swoop in and play hero."

"The atmosphere in Konoha must be incredibly tense, especially with the news about the Hyuga Clan's secret arts being leaked onto the black market," Yuta said, more to himself than to Johan.

"Oh, it's downright explosive," Johan agreed, his tone gleeful. "The leak has sparked all kinds of new conflicts. The Hyuga are desperate to find out how it happened, but they're looking in all the wrong places."

Yuta's eyes narrowed as he studied Johan. "You seem to know a lot about what's going on, Johan. More than anyone else I've talked to."

Johan shrugged, feigning innocence. "I have my ways of finding things out."

"Do you have any idea who's behind the leak?" Yuta asked, though a terrible suspicion was forming in his mind.

"There are rumors, of course," Johan said, his voice dripping with mockery. "Some say a traitor within the Hyuga Clan, others whisper of an outside force trying to destabilize Konoha. But who can say for sure?"

Yuta's gaze hardened as he looked at Johan. "This isn't just a clan issue anymore. If those secrets are out there, it could threaten the entire village."

"Indeed," Johan said, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Which is why it's so important to keep the game going. Chaos is the greatest teacher, after all."

Yuta's heart sank as he realized the full scope of Johan's machinations. "You orchestrated all of this, didn't you? The Hyuga conflict, the leaks, everything."

Johan spread his hands, a picture of false humility. "Who, me? I'm just a spectator, enjoying the show."

"You're a monster," Yuta said, his voice filled with anger and disbelief.

Johan's grin widened, showing too many teeth. "I prefer the term 'visionary.' But let's not quibble over semantics."

Yuta took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I need to get back to Konoha and help stop this. I owe it to the Hyuga Clan—and to the village."

Johan watched him with a bemused expression. "Just remember, Yuta, nothing is as simple as it seems. Trust no one completely."

"I know," Yuta replied, determination in his voice. "But I can't just stand by and do nothing."

As Yuta turned to leave, Johan's voice followed him, echoing ominously in the air. "Good luck, Yuta. You'll need it."

With that, Yuta began his journey back toward Konoha, fully aware of the dangerous path that lay ahead. Johan watched him go, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and malevolence, pleased at the chaos he had sown.