Chapter 49: World Beyond Salvation

After severing the connection between himself and Johan, Yuta sat in silence for a long time, his mind racing. Memories flooded back from his past travels, drifting from place to place without a clear destination. It was during these wanderings that he had encountered a member of the Hyuga Clan, who had unexpectedly come to his aid. Their kindness had left a lasting impression on him, binding him to the clan with a sense of loyalty and gratitude.

But now, the Hyuga Clan was in turmoil, and Yuta couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility. The chaos was a direct consequence of his actions—specifically, his decision to bring Johan into this world. According to the original timeline, the Hyuga Clan should have remained stable, spared from any significant turmoil or large-scale casualties. Yet, here they were, caught in a conflict that threatened to tear them apart.

Driven by guilt and a determination to set things right, Yuta immediately rose from his seat and headed for the intelligence department. He needed detailed, up-to-date information on the Hyuga Clan's current situation. Although Johan had provided him with some insight, the details were fragmented and left him with more questions than answers.

Upon entering the intelligence department, Yuta issued a swift order. "Gather all available intelligence on the Hyuga Clan for me, ASAP."

"Understood," responded the ninja on duty, immediately springing into action.

The ninja left quickly, gathering every report they had on the Hyuga Clan. Some of the intelligence had been collected by their own operatives, while other pieces had been acquired through less conventional means—purchases from the black market and information obtained from merchants who traveled far and wide.

Hours passed before the ninja returned, a stack of compiled documents in hand. "This is all the information we have on the current situation of the Hyuga Clan," he said, handing the files to Yuta.

Yuta took the documents and began to read, his heart heavy with anticipation.


### Intelligence Report: Hyuga Clan

**Current Status: Internal Strife**

The Hyuga Clan is currently embroiled in severe internal strife. Longstanding tensions between the Main House and the Branch House have erupted into open conflict, culminating in a coup launched by the Branch House. This conflict has severely weakened the Main House, leaving it vulnerable and disorganized.

**Coup and Internal Conflict**

The Branch House, long resentful of their subjugation under the Main House, has taken drastic action. With the aid of an unknown ninja, they executed a surprise attack that crippled the Main House's leadership. The identity of this rogue ninja remains a mystery, but their skills and strategy have given the Branch House a significant advantage.

**Loss of the Byakugan**

One of the most troubling aspects of the current situation is the disappearance of multiple Byakugan—a critical ability unique to the Hyuga Clan. While many suspect the Branch House of orchestrating these thefts, there is also suspicion surrounding Shimura Danzo. Known for his ruthless pursuit of power and forbidden techniques, Danzo may be using the chaos within the Hyuga Clan for his own ends.

**Tensions and Suspicions**

The Main House is struggling to regroup and defend against further attacks, while the Branch House consolidates its power. Tensions are at an all-time high, and the clan teeters on the brink of total collapse. The internal conflict has drawn the attention of other factions and villages, each eager to exploit the clan's vulnerability.


In light of these developments, Yuta felt an even deeper sense of turmoil. The implications of the Branch House's uprising and the loss of the Byakugan were grave, threatening not only the Hyuga Clan but the broader balance of power in the region. As he absorbed the information, a heavy weight settled on his chest. He now realized that although the Hyuga Clan had remained safe for the most part in the original timeline, it did not mean they were happy or without suffering.

The intelligence reports detailed numerous incidents of mistreatment within the Hyuga Clan—harsh punishments, forced servitude, and the oppressive use of the Cursed Seal to control the Branch House. Yuta was struck by the stark reality of the clan's internal struggles, which he had previously dismissed as mere background noise.

A knot of anger and frustration tightened in Yuta's stomach as he read about the cruelty inflicted upon the Branch House. He had initially thought of this world as something slightly deformed but salvageable, a realm where he could make things right. Influenced by the original anime's narrative, he believed it was a world that could be saved. But now, the truth stared back at him from the pages of the reports, forcing him to confront a grim reality: perhaps this world was already beyond saving.

The rot within the Hyuga Clan ran deep, and Yuta realized that to truly save them, he might need to take drastic measures. It was like trying to repair something broken beyond recognition—sometimes, the only way forward was to cut away the parts that could no longer be salvaged and start anew. He knew that doing so would not be easy and would come with its own set of challenges, but it was the only path that promised real change.

Yuta's resolve hardened as he considered his next steps. He understood now that saving the Hyuga Clan wouldn't mean preserving their current state but transforming it entirely. It was time to dismantle the old structures and build something new from the ashes—a clan free from the chains of the past, where every member could thrive.

With renewed determination, Yuta set the intelligence report aside and began to formulate a plan. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and difficult decisions, but he was ready to face it head-on. The Hyuga Clan had given him their trust once before, and he would not fail them again.

He will ensure that the Hyuga Clan survives Johan's machinations, even if a huge part of them are gone forever the new fresh batch will start anew and make their place in the new world.