Chapter 50: Hyuga Maki

Maki was one of the members of the branch clan who did not participate in the 'Hyuga Uprising,' a night now infamous in clan history.

It wasn't because she was naive or kind. In fact, she was quite the opposite. She harbored a deep hatred for the main clan.

Even if she didn't show it, her animosity was evident to those who knew her. After all, it was the main clan that was responsible for her condition.

The incident that changed everything occurred during a mission when they were ambushed. At that time, Maki was the one with the highest experience in completing A-level tasks. As a member of the branch clan, she had to risk her life for everything, while the main clan was spoon-fed their achievements.

For this mission, a main clan member was sent and made the team leader to groom him for leadership. However, what no one knew was that there had been some unforeseen events at the mission site. An S-class rebel had recently arrived and was staying there unbeknownst to them.

When they arrived at the mission location, Maki, with her prior experience, immediately sensed that the circumstances were different from what the employer had described. She suspected that unknown changes had taken place and warned her team to be cautious.

However, the main clan member, who was also the team leader, was extremely arrogant and refused to listen to the advice of a branch member. He simply glanced around the area using his Byakugan, and after seeing no immediate threats, led the team forward, disregarding Maki's caution.


As the team ventured further into the area, the air grew tense. Maki felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end, her instincts screaming that something was amiss. The shadows seemed to shift around them, and she caught fleeting glimpses of movement out of the corner of her eye.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of shuriken slicing through the air. Maki barely managed to deflect the first wave with her kunai, but it was only the beginning. The team had walked straight into an ambush set by the Cloud Shinobi.

A dozen shinobi materialized from the surrounding forest, each one poised to attack. Maki's heart raced as she realized the gravity of their situation. This wasn't a simple skirmish; it was a meticulously planned attack designed to eliminate them.

The initial clash was brutal. Maki fought with all her might, her movements swift and precise. Her teammates struggled to hold their ground, overwhelmed by the sudden assault. Despite her experience, Maki felt a sinking despair as she saw her comrades falter one by one.

In the chaos, the main clan leader's arrogance evaporated, replaced by sheer terror. His face turned pale as he realized the true danger they were in. Maki saw the fear in his eyes, a stark contrast to the confidence he had shown earlier.

"Maki!" he shouted, his voice trembling with desperation. "You have to get me out of here! I'm the team leader! It's your duty to protect me!"

Maki gritted her teeth, anger boiling within her. The nerve of him, expecting her to abandon her comrades for his sake, was infuriating. But before she could respond, the cursed bird mark on her forehead flared to life, sending a jolt of searing pain through her skull.

The leader smirked, having activated the mark to force her compliance. "Don't forget your place, branch member. Your life is mine to command."

Maki's vision blurred with tears of rage and agony, but she knew she had no choice. The pain was unbearable, and the mark's control over her was absolute. Her mind raced as she tried to find a way to protect her remaining teammates while still following the leader's orders.

Amidst the chaos, Maki made a decision that would haunt her forever. She focused her efforts on the leader, shielding him from attacks while her teammates fought for their lives. Her heart ached as she heard their cries for help, but the mark compelled her to obey.

In a desperate attempt to create an opening, Maki unleashed a powerful jutsu, creating a barrier between the leader and their attackers. The effort cost her dearly, and in the ensuing struggle, she was struck by a brutal attack that severed her leg.

Pain exploded through her body, but she forced herself to keep moving, dragging the leader to safety. Her other two teammates weren't as fortunate. She watched in horror as they fell, their lifeless bodies hitting the ground with sickening finality.

By the time Maki reached a secure location, she was barely conscious. Her leg was gone, her strength depleted, and her spirit shattered. The leader, oblivious to the sacrifices made for him, continued to berate her, his arrogance returning as he believed he had emerged victorious.

Maki's hatred for the main clan burned brighter than ever, fueled by the betrayal and loss she had suffered. The mission had cost her everything: her comrades, her leg, and any remaining loyalty she had to the main clan.

Now, as she navigates life with only one leg, Maki's resolve has hardened. She is determined to seek justice for her fallen teammates and to ensure that the sacrifices of the branch clan are never forgotten.


However, sometimes the world seems indifferent to your struggles and efforts.

Maki, who had lost her leg in the skirmish, no longer had the possibility of being a ninja. The harsh reality settled in as she lay in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind a whirlpool of despair and frustration.

She was acutely aware of the fact that such a thing was nearly impossible even for an ordinary ninja. The Hyuga Clan, known for its taijutsu prowess, demanded physical excellence. Losing a leg meant losing the basic requirements to continue being a ninja, a devastating blow to her identity and future.

Images of the ambush replayed in her mind, each memory sharper and more painful than the last. The faces of her fallen teammates haunted her, their voices echoing in her thoughts. She had been their leader in spirit, if not in rank, and she felt she had failed them.

In her darkest moments, Maki imagined stories of the "Red Beast of Konoha," a legendary taijutsu master who had defied all odds. Even after burning himself to ashes, he had managed to stand tall, inspiring others with his sheer willpower and determination.

She had just imagined the "Red Beast" however what she did not know is that in the future Konoha really gave birth to two "Red Beasts", Might Dai and Might Guy.

But Maki was no Red Beast. She was painfully aware of her limitations, the weight of her injury crushing her spirit. Unlike him, she felt trapped by her circumstances, her dreams slipping away like sand through her fingers.

Maki's emotions were a turbulent storm. Anger at the main clan for their arrogance and betrayal, sorrow for her fallen comrades, and frustration at her own helplessness. Each day was a struggle to find meaning and purpose, a reason to keep fighting despite the odds stacked against her.

She couldn't shake the feeling of being abandoned by her own clan, the sense of isolation deepening with each passing day. Her thoughts oscillated between vengeance and hopelessness, her heart heavy with unresolved grief.