Essence of Immortality

{1st POV Initiated}

Unexpectedly it appeared again the system notification appeared abruptly its words resonating in my mind as it spoke. Glancing at the notification screen in front of me.

"[ Dear Esteemed Author, the Divine one has decided to grant you a second chance at life in a world of your own, we have decided to gift you something. ]"

I listened questioningly almost not believing the words I was hearing, yet attentively listening to every word.

"[ Do you want to accept this gift? ]" × ‹or › ✓

I thought for a second whether this gift was truly a gift but I thought even though I could inherit something bad because all of this has happened... I doubt it.

So I decided to press the tick button. "Yes," I said fearlessly, I had already lost so much before that I wasn't afraid anymore.

"[ You have been granted the gift of Immortality. ]"

I was so shocked because in this story I had written no character had reached immortality in my novel. To have this was a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was uncertain of how to feel but I knew this would assist me greatly in my journey.

Suddenly interrupting my thoughts.

"[ Dear Author do you want to see your system stats? ]"

Before it could bring up yes or no I immediately said yes, because knowing my stats was essential to knowing how strong or weak I was.

"[ Stats being conjured. . .]"

I waited patiently as the frosty breeze hit my new face and my lengthy unfamiliar jet-black hair scrambled in the wind in an unruly way.

"[ Ready. . . ]"


[System Stats] Name: Li Wen Character: UNKNOWN 

State: State of Mortality


Cultivation stage: Mortal Farmer |1| 

[ Gift: Essence of Immortality ]

[ Qi Refinement: level 0 ] [ Awakened stage: Early ] [] Martial strength: Level 0

Farmed elixirs: 0 Pills: 0

Age: 15 Strength: level 3 [ Cultivation age (p): ∞ yrs ]

[ Type of Ability: Elemental ]

[ Special ability: Fire level 0 ]


I stared at the screen in front of me trying to touch it but it went through my hands effortlessly. I realised that most of my stats were very below average. In complete shock, "This was MY NOVEL!"

I read it again, recognizing all the names and words and it all hit me, I had been transmigrated into my own novel, that's why they called me 'esteemed author' this wasn't a joke, in that moment I thanked God. Then abruptly,


the screen closed and this error notification repeatedly kept on appearing before vanishing.

I wondered curiously if I'd ever see it appear again, but my thoughts came to a stop as in the distance I heard someone shouting my name and running.

However, it didn't seem to be in a kind tone, but more harsh and vicious it was a boy who seemed to be a few years older than me.

I decided before he had arrived to just go and act as if I knew whatever he was going to say and just go along with it so I could analyse the situation and environment I was in, in more depth.

"Li Wen, you little snake who allowed you to go outside when you're supposed to be cleaning right now, get back in right now or else I'll snitch!"

The boy said dragging my hair so suddenly, I knew I said I'd go along with it but I was intolerant of such abusive behaviour as it had brought me back to the past...

I pushed him with the little strength I had, and I started running on my bare feet as quickly as I could even though I felt I could run no more. He caught up with me in no time.

Which revealed to me the dire seriousness of my low stats and how it would disadvantage me in situations like this.

"You skank, you want to die-" The boy said in a fearsome manner, picking me up like a chicken bone with no effort.

Like a knight not in shining armour a taller older girl came to the rescue, she seemed more tanned than me and had a freckled face in comparison to the boy who had a face twice the size of mine.

She warned him saying, "I told you to stay away from Li Wen right, Ling Er why don't you listen now and go finish your studies before Madam Gong comes!"

"Whatever Luo Luo I know.."

The boy almost instantly backed off me as soon as she mentioned Madam Gong, grunting under his breath while walking away I looked at the girl in admiration at me but she didn't seem to be so kind back.

When I looked around it seemed malicious eyes seemed to look at me back almost like prey in front of predators the girl's eyes didn't seem so hostile in comparison it seemed forced I could see dislike but the others seemed like pure hatred.

The biggest problem is that even with my profound knowledge as the author I had no idea who I was there was no character with my name in my novel. However I knew that I had to be in the State of Mortality by the looks of it, but I still needed to get confirmation. I needed to know more about who I was and where I was.

After a while I adapted, it had only been a few hours but I had already learnt a lot. Many of the people were living here together and from the intel that I got when listening to the others is that Madam Gong seems to run this place, whatever it is, and that boy – Ling Er – is that Madam's favourite.

This put me in a difficult spot, I could see that many sneered at me and I even often heard many jealous rants about my beauty and how I was arrogant and bragged too much.

So, despite the fact I still had to be cautious and blend in I needed to know more so I decided to ask the only decent person here, Luo Luo. As for others talking was pointless as they seemed to ignore me or push me out of their way.

So I tried to naturally approach her. "Luo Luo, can I ask you something?"

"What." She snapped at me busy with her cleaning.

She seemed almost to be the head girl or head cleaner as she was the most responsible and respected there. And also since that is mainly what we do here, clean.

"Could you tell me... more about this place and life here and my life before I came here... I have a headache and can't seem to remember," I asked innocently with a genuinely perplexed expression.

Luo Luo scowled slightly in annoyance, "Now you're pretending to have memory loss... When were you ever even interested in this place before you'd normally brag about your rich upbringing."

"Well, I am now. So won't you tell me?" I stated simply hoping for a good response.

She finally dropped her rag and faced me,

"Okay princess, let me recover your memory. Right now you are living in an Orphanage house in the State of Mortality and you are originally from a rich family. But now you mainly just clean and do chores to pay for the roof you've been given over your head.

You are the ones who will get to attend Mortal farming school and not many among us are guaranteed since we don't have a supporting... Like you."

I replied confused, "What do you mean by support and who?"

She looked at me dumbfounded but answered anyway, "The person who supports you pays for your education fee to enrol in the Mortal farming school... A man who is a main sponsor of this orphanage called Long Mingxi is the one supporting you, he looks for talents."

I wondered why he supports me and I also thought about the fact that I probably mentioned support once at the beginning of the novel yet it seems like those simple words created a whole system, I felt partially guilty for the unfair treatment as the author I realised every detail in this world affects people. My words caused misery and for that, I felt guilty.

I slowly nodded in understanding burdened by my thoughts, "Can you possibly tell me more about my family?"

This time she agreed without refusal although looking tired of me, "Fine since you've told us like a million times. You. Li Wen belongs to the great Li family who owns an immeasurable amount of riches.

But... Sadly one day your family got into a feud with the Hong Family and during that time your family house caught on fire, your mother and father got caught up in the flames and sadly passed away.

However, it's said even though your mother died holding you and the flames were far too lethal anyone for anyone to have survived you somehow survived and came out unscathed.

That's why Long Minxi believe that you will have strong cultivation potential and could even possibly be an elemental holder. Even though elemental holders are as rare as once every 50,000 people and the rarest element to come across is fire even as rare as ever coming in a 100,000 years."

I listened intently to her she seemed to have an interest in this too as she spoke in detail, and swiftly continued.

"Fire holders are just as rare as ice as we've only ever seen 26 ice and fire holders. The main reason is because it's said that they normally come as a pair of twins. This is why I think that you are not a fire or ice holder but you... possibly could be an elemental."

I looked at her with a newfound admiration similar to a few hours earlier but greater, but this time she looked kindly upon me.

I wondered how she obtained such profound knowledge even though these are basic things I knew as the author of the novel and the world I created.

"Luo Luo, where did you get all this knowledge from?" I asked curiously, and she answered smiling, "Li Wen, I used to have a grandpa and he used to tell me or sorts of things that's why I know a lot. I can tell you more if you are interested,

the others don't think much of what I say and think it's irrelevant if we are not going to attend Mortal farming school." She replied earnestly.

She was the best of the bunch and I'd already taken a liking to her, as she knew a lot.

"Luo Luo don't worry the next time I meet my sponsor I'll put in a good word for you!" I responded to her merrily.

Her face lightened up instantly a smile forming on her face as she shook me.

"You will! Really! Wow, it's almost like you hit your head and woke up as a new person Li Wen! I mean- we've asked so many times but you were a snob so never really bothered I just can't believe the very same person is saying this!"

She exclaimed in joy and confusion at my surprising actions.

I didn't know whether to feel happy for her or slightly offended, but I had a feeling that I was a snobby brat though I didn't remember the past fully yet.

I did recall a few memories of my very... interesting behaviour I was very much a brat. But from now on my main focus was to find out if I could find any of the important supporting characters who would know where my brother is I know what will happen in my story but as of right now, I don't know when.

Luo Luo had already gone downstairs to wait for Madam Gong's arrival so I went down to ask her thinking about all the things to be cautious of in this life to not attract enemies because...

If anyone found out I had immortality, as the author I knew the repercussions would be dire in severity.