I'm a genius Orphan

Madam Gong's stern gaze swept over the assembled students as they stood in line, and I hastened to join them. However, it appeared that my effort was in vain, as her displeased expression indicated that she had already taken notice of my tardiness.

I could feel the weight of her scrutiny as she walked towards me with purposeful steps, her voice carrying an air of disapproval.

"Why are you late to greet me? Do you lack manners, young girl?" Her words were directed at the girl beside me, who had arrived just a bit earlier.

Madam Gong's gaze shifted to me, her demeanour instantly changing. "Ah, Li Wen, you've arrived on time. Please ensure to dedicate yourself to your studies; the Mortal Farming School exam is scheduled for next week." Her tone was almost unnaturally polite, drawing the attention and animosity of my peers.

At this moment, I realized that I was among the favoured students, a realization that seemed to intensify the resentment directed towards me, especially from Ling Er.

"Oh, Ling Er, your dedication to your studies is truly admirable. I'm certain you'll excel. You're undoubtedly the most intelligent among this group, excluding Li Wen," she said with a hint of pride, casting a glance in my direction. Ling Er, seated on the stairs, shot me a venomous glare.

Naturally, Ling Er couldn't resist boasting, his arrogance evident as he spoke, "Of course, Madam Gong. These pathetic fools can't even grasp the basics of elixirs. And as for Li Wen," he sneered, "She hardly studies, probably expecting to pass by sheer luck." The conceit in his words was palpable.

I laughed. I just couldn't help it my belly was tumbling with laughter, to see him so confident towards me the person who created the very thing you study made me want to laugh endlessly.

As the others looked at me as I'd gone mad, as I calmed myself down looking at him grit his teeth in response.

Madam Gong offered no response, walking away as she instructed the rest to begin their tasks.

I observed that Ling Er wasn't much more favoured than I was, and his arrogant demeanour had already garnered him numerous foes.

My knowledge as the author granted me insight into elixir and pill formulas, making it easier for me to pass the upcoming exam. I noted that others, including Luo Luo, barely registered acknowledgement from Madam Gong.

My instinct urged me to befriend Luo Luo, recognizing her intelligence and potential as a valuable ally.

Five Days Later...

Days passed uneventfully, with our routine primarily revolving around cleaning and cooking. Our only day when we weren't working came when Long Mingxi, the man who sponsored our education, visited.

On a Friday evening, Madam Gong had us wearing better better-appropriate, positioning us around a large table. As she settled into her high-backed chair, her voice held a commanding presence.

"Remember, any mistakes tonight, and you'll go without dinner for the entire week." A chorus of groans filled the room, swiftly silenced by her stern gaze.

"Quiet! You're to be on your best behaviour. When Long Mingxi offers any additional gifts, you will present them all to me. Maintain a smile and profess your love for this establishment. And most importantly, just behave well. Do I make myself clear?" Her tone was frigid, punctuating her words with an icy resolve.

In unison, we echoed, "Yes, ma'am," before settling into our assigned seats. Madam Gong occupied the centre on one side, with Ling Er positioned beside her.

On the opposite side, I found myself seated next to the vacant chair that Long Mingxi would occupy.

I knew this evening was crucial, a test of our decorum and poise. As we awaited Long Mingxi's arrival, the air was charged with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, as we all understood that our behaviour tonight would determine our standing in this intricate dance of power and privilege.

As the door swung open, a sense of anticipation filled the room. Long Mingxi entered, a tall figure with a thin, lanky build.

His well-furnished black hair contained few strands of white, and his experienced eyes carried both kindness and a shrewd analysis beneath their surface.

He projected an air of expectancy, his attention drawn towards me as he offered a polite greeting, "Hello Li Wen. Have you been preparing for the upcoming exam?"

"Yes, I have," I replied, trying to analyse the man before me. Long Mingxi's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, his demeanour conveying a sense of curiosity as if he had spotted something different.

It's no surprise as my demeanour and personality had completely changed from before on such short notice.

Long Mingxi engaged the room in conversation, his tone polite and amicable. I listened as he exchanged pleasantries with Madam Gong, the two of them discussing the children's progress and the purpose of his visit.

"Thank you, Long Mingxi, for your continued support," Madam Gong expressed her gratitude, her voice warm as she turned to address the rest of us. "Children, let us express our thanks to our generous sponsor for his unwavering assistance."

Amidst the murmurs of gratitude that resonated throughout the room, I found myself seated near the fireplace as dinner came to a close.

Gathering my courage, I carefully initiated a conversation with Long Mingxi, mentioning Luo Luo whom I had promised to mention to him.

"Luo Luo is quite intelligent and the only friend I've made here. I'm quite fond of her I think she should have a sponsor..." I confessed, my voice carrying a hint of genuine admiration.

Long Mingxi regarded me with a thoughtful expression, his eyes seeming to pierce beyond the surface. "You've changed drastically, Li Wen. I can sense that you wouldn't have asked something like this before, especially when I recall you never had an interest in others. What makes you think I would sponsor her just because she's your friend?"

Piercing me with each word as he continued, " I don't just sponsor anyone, Li Wen."

I hadn't expected him to catch on quite so quickly.

His observation and unexpectedly serious tone caught me off guard, but I pushed forward, determined to advocate for Luo Luo. "Would you consider sponsoring her as well? I believe she has immense potential and would pass the exam if she studied for it."

"Well this is the first time I've seen you act this way so I'm afraid I'll comply with your request, Li Wen?" Long Mingxi's question was accompanied by a genuine curiosity, his interest piqued by my request.

I felt a surge of gratitude towards Long Mingxi's kindness. I contemplated revealing the darker aspects of Madam Gong's treatment of the children – the irregular meals, the hours of gruelling labour, and the constant threat of punishment.

As an author, I was frustrated to find myself within such a harsh environment, and a part of me longed to confide in this man about this terrible treatment not only I suffered but the others did.

Should I reveal the truth, shedding light on the mistreatment we endured? Or would it be wiser to keep the facade intact, focusing on the hope that Long Mingxi's sponsorship could provide for Luo Luo's future?

At that moment, I grappled with a decision that could change these children's circumstances. As I didn't want to ask for too much but I felt like it had to be heard.

"Long Mingxi, could I possibly tell you something..." I said smiling.

The next day . . .

I knocked on Madam Gong's door patiently waiting to receive an answer.

"Come in." She snapped hastily.

"Madam Gong someone is at the door they said they here for an inspection-"

I told Madam Gong with a perfectly harmless countenance.

"How...who..." She stuttered in confusion.

She instantly sprung up from her chair staggering to the door as she had been drinking earlier.

"You have been issued a compulsory inspection in which you have missed the due dates, but someone has reported to us a complaint which is why we have come here without notice to confirm the details."

The man inquired in a professional manner of sincerity.

She apologized bewildered, "What do you mean... I—I never heard about this..can you possibly give me a second to get something."

And closed the door slightly for a second promising to come back then went inside her face hardened with apprehension and turmoil, screeching, "Which one of you brats was it? I'LL KILL WHOEVER IT-"

The man quickly barged in with more men

she suddenly stopped screaming as they seized hold of her.

"You're under temporary arrest for verbal abuse and threats with murderous intent drinking while under children's supervision, we have yet to check more of the reports they have filed... which include mistreatment, being treated as cleaners, not being fed properly... etc."

She was astonished, as all the children came out smiling. It wasn't just me. Yesterday I had gathered up all the children secretly to initiate the plan for Madam Gong's downfall, of course, it was a success the only person lost for words was Ling Er.

We decided not to let him know as Madam Gong was the one who sponsored him so it would be a problem if he found out.

Either way, we couldn't have done it without Long Mingxi, I was indebted to him.

Long Er fell to his knees in shock, arriving late at the scene. I did feel bad for him considering that was his only support, as I never agree to revenge or laughing at people when their down.

The man came in saying that someone else who was very eligible for the position opted to take Madam Gong's role. and was even willing to pay support for all 15 of us.

I was surprised when they said Long Mingxi, as he walked in I felt an immense feeling of appreciation and fondness, all the children screamed in elation and ecstasy, including Ling Er.

"Long Mingxi, I thought you said you don't just sponsor anyone?" I questioned playfully.

He pondered in thought before releasing a chuckle, "Looks like I became too fond of you guys when planning with your kids, you sure do all hold potential, especially you. I never expected anyone your age to come up with such an idea."

I laughed because though I looked this young physically, and mentally I had already lived 32 years of life before this one.

Of course, no one knew that apart from me and I planned to keep it that way.