
Luo Luo's voice carried a mix of disbelief and nonchalance as she exclaimed, "I can't believe we have to wake up at 6. But you know what? It won't be too hard. Remember when Madam Gong used to make us clean at 5 in the morning?"

I raised an eyebrow, my curiosity piqued. "Oh, she did?" My tone was laced with a hint of rhetorical uncertainty, my memories of this life were still a bit hazy as I hadn't received any more memories about the previous owner of this body. Meanwhile, Luo Luo was engrossed in reading my timetable.

"Li Wen, I feel so bad for you." Caressing my head like a mother due to our contrasting height difference. 

"Your schedule is insane—classes until 7? But I must confess, there's a part of me that's quite relieved I'm not a prima," she said, a hint of pride in her voice as she relished her newfound freedom.

"Whatever," I said, unable to resist a playful jab. I pinched her, and she instinctively flinched. "Well, it doesn't matter. The more I learn, the more I know," I retorted, a mix of playfulness and determination in my voice.

Luo Luo chuckled, her laughter echoing in the corridor. "Sure, sure. You Primas are a completely different breed."

As we exited the classroom,I headed back to my dorm, a wave of mental exhaustion sweeping over me as the weight of my challenging schedule took hold.

Those dark soulless eyes passed mine as I was on my way, Jun seemed passive as usual, yet the glance he offered felt genuinely sincere in contrast to before.

It occurred to me that perhaps he valued the words I spoke back then more than I realized.

Once I was back in my dorm, I ran into my roommates both of who seemed busy studying. I wondered how they even had the energy, as I went to my bed collapsing into the soft comfortable blanket, enveloping me in warmth as I slowly drifted off to a calm quiet atmosphere.

° ° °


[RELOADING DATA - - 10 % - – —

55 % - - memory data recovering - - – – —

– –– — — — — — — — — — — — —

– — 87 % receiving information - - – ––—

99 % . . .


{The system welcomes the esteemed author back }

I awoke in a familiar silence, though it felt too surreal, almost like a dream.

I heard those words floating around my mind as if they had been physically spoken.

{ The system has been restored, we apologise for the malfunction }

Restored? My mind grappled with the concept, struggling to navigate through a mental fog that enveloped my senses, leaving me disoriented and unable to fully assess my surroundings.

I felt strongly that I had encountered this system before, but I felt too weary and overwhelmed in this place that resembled water to fully comprehend it.

{Due to this error which has affected your experience we have decided to grant you a  skill }

A skill? As the words resounded in my head.

{ Do you want to receive this skill? Yes ✔️or No × }

I didn't think, I couldn't think. I only knew one option that would benefit me.

I just answered "Yes." I could hear the faint sound of my voice the almost silent echo resonating all around me. All of a sudden everything began to become much clearer, less surreal, the water that drowned me began evaporating.

{ We have gifted the author the skill of understanding! }

I was surrounded by a transparent violet screen, upon which large bold letters materialized. Simultaneously, a calming, natural voice resonated within my mind echoing these words clearly in a way I hadn't really noticed before.

{ You will begin to understand everything you learn and comprehend surroundings and

information much more rapidly, your perception of situations, objects and events and insight

into the emotional, behavioural and physical well-being of individuals will significantly

improve. ^ ^ The surrounding you are currently in is SYSTEM SPACE }

A realization dawned on me—the system I had encountered from the first day I transmigrated to this world. Most transmigration novels feature systems that provide characters with quests to complete and assist them on their journey by helping them gain new skills and boost their abilities in ways no one else can.

I was bewildered by the appearance of what seemed like a system upon my arrival here. I wondered if I was about to receive a system when it suddenly vanished, leading me to believe it was merely a temporary system. Why, then, did it appear at that moment and reappear now?

Then another realisation hit me, the 'error' from back then may be the reason why the system said there was a malfunction.

The pieces of the puzzle in my head rearranged themselves as I realised that the loading which took place within my mind must have been the system's restoration process which is why it suddenly appeared now. However to be honest I never knew that systems could malfunction.

{ The system can malfunction if they have used up too much data or power.

In your case, dear author the system overloaded due to contracting too

much power and data in order to send you to this world, which led to my memory store

collapsing, but it has been restored now :) }

I understood quickly, which also enlightened me on the strength of the skill of understanding. My mind felt much clearer and everything the system said seemed less complex than before.

There were a lot of things I always wished to ask a system though they could read my mind I still spoke, "Where do you come from? Are you perhaps an AI or are you self-made or something created by I don't know Elon M-"

{ The system cannot answer these types of questions }

Feeling a mix of disappointment yet with a hint of expectation, I contemplated another question that might permit them to answer.

"Well, is this a dream or reality?"

{ Author asks funny questions. Ha Ha Ha. This is SYSTEM SPACE which can be activated

when asleep or through deep focus, you can create an activation signal to wake the system

up }

This system was the strange one, It seemed as though they had automated human-like thoughts. I pondered whether the system required sleep since it needed an activation signal.

{ ... Systema also needs rest to be able to work efficiently - _- }

I laughed at the system's attempt to portray emotions while thinking of an activation signal as I sat on the soft jelly-like floor.

The room radiated a soft lilac vibrancy and glow without an apparent source of light or shadow, giving it an almost two-dimensional feel the more I analyzed it.

"Hmmn how about this name instead: Systema, it can be a cute nickname to call you... And you can just call me Li Wen."

{ The system likes this name, (=^o^=) The system is now Systema }

I smiled at the system's appreciation, I always thought that systems deserved credit for how much they helped protagonists.

Systema has indeed exerted considerable effort to bring me here, a fact I now recognize and for which I am grateful.

Gazing at the large, transparent, violet, squarish screen, I was reminded of my initial encounter with it, although it was smaller at that time.

I also didn't have the skill of understanding so I only really remembered the words which spoke in my head when they appeared.

"Systema, Can I see my system status?"

{ Of course! ...

Status being conjured. . . }

[ System Stats ]

Name: Li Wen  Character: UNKNOWN !! NEW !! * Special character *

State: State of Mortality


Cultivation stage: Mortal Farmer |1| 

[ Gift: Essence of Immortality ]

!! NEW SKILL !! Skill: Understanding

[ Qi Refinement: level 06]

[ Awakened stage: Early ]

[] Martial strength: Level 0

Farmed elixirs: 0 Pills: 0

Age: 15 Strength: level 3

[ Cultivation age (p): ∞ yrs ]

[ Type of Ability: Elemental ]

[ Special ability: Fire level 0 ]


It appeared that my Qi refinement had improved; could this be due to the enhanced intelligence from the understanding skill I acquired?

As I further assessed the screen something caught my eye.

Special character, me? What exactly does that mean, I had never seen it before.