Unlocking Memories Through Qi Refinement

I noticed that my Qi Refinement level had significantly risen to level 6.

People's Qi Refinement levels normally rise every few years, they would normally reach an average of level 25 when they are fully grown.

At my age, they were normally around level 02 - 08 being the highest. 

However, it was unheard of for a person ever increase by 6 levels within a period of less than a month. 

Unless you were born with a high Qi Refinement level which was extremely rare but I wasn't. 

Quite suddenly I remembered, that it must be due to this skill of understanding, that Qi Refinement levels were often defined by the person's health, ability, strength, durability, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, mental focus and cultivation level.

 This is why meditation is said to be a catalyst to increasing your Qi Refinement level which is why it is commonly practised. 

I realised this skill of understanding improved my mental processing, within the few seconds in which I analysed. 

However, there was one thing I couldn't quite grasp. 

Moreover, I was overwhelmed by a peculiar and indescribable sense that I was missing a vast amount of knowledge.

I didn't feel omniscient or all-knowing about the world I had crafted with my own two hands. It felt as if some of my memories had been stolen—like words dancing on the tip of my tongue, tantalizingly close yet impossible to grasp or utter.

'Special character', myself? What does that signify? With curiosity, I inquired of the system, "Systema, there's a reason I'm unable to grasp the meaning of 'Special Character' in my status." I gazed at the system screen, full of eager anticipation.

However, the screen appeared to load briefly before displaying a response, as if the words were echoing in my mind.

{ There are certain restrictions to the skill of

 understanding. To be able to understand

 more your Qi Refinement level must

increase, this is because high levels of

internal Qi increases the capacity, effect

 and efficacy of the skills retained by the

 individual. So you must further refine your Qi ^^} 

I did recall making a character who was born with a high Qi Refinement level I just couldn't completely remember who.

The screen seemed to gaze at me, and I sensed it. Systema was aware of the deep-seated confusion and turmoil that started to meander its way through my thoughts.

"Is it truly possible that the author could forget so many details of their own novel?" I mused to myself, just loudly enough to elicit a reaction from Systema.

{All that the System can inform the author from its data log is that

during the data processing, some of your memories were lost

during the system restoration process. Certain restrictions prevent

the system from retrieving them. The only way to recover these

memories is by increasing your skills that you may gain and your Qi Refinement level.}

I stood there, digesting the information, feeling both a sense of urgency and a strange excitement. What had I forgotten?

The ethereal glow of the system space began to waver, signalling the end of my time here. A mix of anticipation and reluctance welled up within me; I had barely scratched the surface of the mysteries surrounding my lost memories and newfound abilities.

{The system user duration has expired.

The current session limit is 4 hours.

Please prepare to exit the system space. Bye bye :0}

The message hovered before me, and I took a deep breath. Four hours—it felt both like an eternity and an instant. I needed more time, but for now, this would have to suffice.

Increasing my Qi Refinement level was crucial, not just for retrieving my memories but for the journey ahead.

The shimmering lilac walls of the system space began to dissolve and fade into darkness, as my physical senses synchronised with my waking consciousness.

My eyes fluttered open under the strain of the light to find myself back in my dorm room, lying in bed.

The familiar surroundings felt oddly different, sharper, more vibrant. The colours seemed richer and clearer, and I could almost feel the pulse of energy in the air.

As I lay back down, staring at the ceiling, I felt a strange sense of peace mixed with excitement. The unknown didn't intimidate me; it invigorated me. Each step forward brought me closer to finding my brother through my memories which would guide me right to him.

Yuri's presence was palpable, her sharp features and arrow-like face giving her an air of confidence and dominance that was hard to ignore. 

I caught Yuri glaring at me in a cautious yet domineering manner from where she sat at my bedside table, "I'm curious how you have such time to slack off." Yuri remarked, her tone laced with a hint of intrigue and scrutiny.

I didn't directly respond to this and she seemed evidently dissatisfied with my response.

"Hey," Yuri's voice was sharp yet tinged with curiosity, "how do you manage to stay so calm in such a tense and competitive environment? While everyone else is buried in their studies, striving for the top, you seem to keep a comfortable composure. Can you share the secret?"

As she leaned in brushing the silver strands of hair which fell onto her face which was a picture of impatience, her eyes fluttering in eager anticipation of my response.

Before I could reply, I suddenly sat upright in her bed, reminiscent of a vampire rising from its tomb, with my tousled dark hair encircling my face like delicate strands of light.

 My voice took on a slightly dramatic tone, speaking confidently, not concerned whether it sounded believable. Being honest felt easier, "I have a magical system that helps me stay ahead. That's my secret," I murmured, my eyes avoiding Yuri's penetrating gaze. "Unfortunately, it's exclusive... only to me. So I can't share."

Yuri's eyebrows rose ever so slightly, a hint of surprise flickering across her face before she masked it with her usual composed demeanour. "A system?" she echoed, clearly intrigued.

Then she realized and laughed with a sharp crack that pierced the silence between us, a tone laced with mockery. She didn't have to believe me, not that I cared.

"Well, whatever works for you we'll see if it continues to work in the future." And with that, she swiftly left the room.

I rose from my bed, stretching and lazily fixing my hair, feeling the cool night air brush against my skin. Taking a deep breath, I glanced around my dorm room.

Despite my longing for a more private and comfortable space, I couldn't entirely dismiss the mild appreciation I had for the other students' curiosity.

It hadn't been mockery at first, just inquisitive or maybe both. Yuri questioned me and must have deduced that I was lying, given my reluctance to share more about myself.

She wasn't completely wrong. My apparent indifference to studying stemmed from the fact that I already knew much of what was being taught.

What I really needed to study was the people around me. This school was a hub for many important characters and individuals who played significant roles in the story I had written.

Yet, due to the gaps in my memory, I was unaware of their identities and roles.

The thought nagged at me, pushing me to do more than just sit back and let things unfold.

I needed to be proactive, to observe and interact, to piece together the fragments of my forgotten narrative. Each student here could potentially be a key player in the larger story, and understanding them was crucial to navigating this world.

I took another deep breath and resolved to spend my time more wisely. I decided to start immediately. I would observe, interact, and note every detail that could help me identify the pivotal characters and understand their roles.