Chapter 181: Live Broadcast

The referee in Region A was closest to Vincent Wolf and bore the brunt of his pressure. At this point, he could only resist with all his might to avoid falling down, but he could no longer perform any other actions, not even the ability to announce Vincent's victory.

Fortunately, Aiden Winter, who was in the VIP audience seats, coughed lightly, and his voice carried a powerful mental force that directly entered Vincent's mind.

This mental force made Vincent suddenly sober, and as soon as he realized the problem, he withdrew the Intimidation he had released back into his body.

Only then did the four referees on the competition field feel the weight on their bodies lift, and they each secretly took several deep breaths of fresh air to completely shake off the previous influence.

As for the audience who were watching the live broadcast, they were too far away and not within the coverage range of Vincent's Intimidation, so they didn't actually experience any impact.