Chapter 181: Live Broadcast_2

"This coquetry is extraordinary, not only have you guys never seen it, but neither have I."

"To perform this, it requires two pet beasts to have a telepathic connection and a similar frequency of their mental fluctuations, and they also have to be of thunder attribute."

"Due to its significant limitations, its power and effectiveness are naturally exceptional, ranking at the top among similar high-level skills."

"So the question is, how did Vincent Wolf manage to resist the effects of the coquetry skill?"

"If it were any ordinary commentator, they definitely wouldn't know, but I'm different. I'm known as the contemporary Levencat, so naturally, my observation skills are exceedingly meticulous."

With that, Declan Hansen dragged the video to the moment right after the positive and negative electric mice had cast their coquetry and paused it.

After pausing, Declan magnified the video, focusing on the area where Vincent's hand was.