Chapter 211: The Mysterious Darkest Moment_2

"The demonic domain formed by a secret realm is a result of corrosion by the abyssal consciousness, creating a bizarre and unique environment."

"Just like the Death Demonic Domain you saw before, that is a typical example."

"In the Death Demonic Domain, the abyssal will transforms into a blood moon. The blood moon's radiance affects the entire demonic domain, turning it into a terrifying environment that continues to intensify."

"As for this Shadow Demon Domain, the environment inside it is a realm of darkness, known as the Darkest Moment."

At this point, Aiden Winter deliberately paused, quietly waiting for Vincent Wolf to digest his words.

Vincent Wolf furrowed his brows, his gaze gradually becoming solemn.

"So, the special rule in this Shadow Secret Realm is the Darkest Moment? The abyssal will in the Death Demonic Domain manifested as the blood moon. Is the abyssal will here transformed into this darkness?"