Chapter 212: Shadow Python

"Since it's so valuable, why do we need to open this Wall of Light? Is it necessary?" Vincent Wolf wiped his cold sweat, "Um, will they ask us to pay for it?"

Aiden Winter raised an eyebrow:

"We didn't open it before because there was no one to channel Light energy. But didn't a lot of people just come from the Light God Country? These people are all available sources of Light energy. We'll just let them channel it without reserves. Isn't it safer and bolder to open it then?"

Vincent Wolf was speechless.

So, Aiden Winter saw those people from the Light God Country as generators!

But he liked it!

Aiden Winter's hand wandered on the wall surface until he touched a slight bulge, and with a snap, a password input screen appeared.

After entering the password, a small door appeared on the smooth wall next to it, slowly moving and opening.

"Let's go."

Aiden Winter called out to Vincent Wolf and went out. Vincent Wolf also hurriedly followed.