Chapter 197 **Sinking Pond, Justifiable and Reasonable

Seeing the strange looks in everyone's eyes, she forcefully tugged at her mother. "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? She's my aunt!" She wondered if her mother's brain had gone bad. No matter how terrible her aunt was, she was still a member of the Hua Family. No one in their family should be exposing each other's shortcomings like this. At this moment, Ms. Hua Junior still didn't know that it was thanks to Ms. Lv of Hua Family that Old Lady Hua was captured.

"Pah! What aunt? Our Hua family has never had someone like her who steers her own boat in broad daylight. She can't come back to Hua Village even if she's divorced today. I'm afraid she'll corrupt my granddaughters." Ms. Lv of Hua Family spoke uprightly with righteous indignation, but Yang Chuxia, who knew the truth, couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Brother-in-law, you cannot keep such a despicable woman. It would be a disaster if you keep her."