Chapter 198: No Matter How Bad, She's Still a Mother - Old Yang's Decision

"Yang Baozi, are you going to drown me in a pond? You heartless bastard, I at least gave birth to a son for you. You heartless bastard..."

"Mom, am I really my dad's son?" Old Lady Hua was crying sadly, but Yang Xiaochuan couldn't care less about that and directly asked about his own concerns.

Old Lady Hua paused, and when she realized what Yang Xiaochuan meant, she let out a loud roar, "You heartless scoundrel, just like your father, you both want to drive me to death. I went through so much pain to give birth to you, hoping you would bring in some silver, but not even a fart! You're as useless as Yang Baozi, if I had known earlier, I should've drowned you in the chamber pot back then."

Yang Xiaochuan didn't care about what Old Lady Hua scolded him at this moment. Hearing her words, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as I am my father's son, it's good. I don't want to be driven out of Yangshu Village."

"Pfft..." "Pfft... "