Chapter 353: Ask Uncle Cai to be the matchmaker when the time comes

"You're a lucky guy, Xiaxia treats you so well." Seeing Ye Zi'an, Uncle Cai couldn't help but comment, thinking about why they had stayed in the mountains for a day.

Upon hearing this, Ye Zi'an just gave a faint smile.

"Brother An, quickly help me get the pine cones out from Uncle Cai's basket. I'll take these wild vegetables to my mother to stir-fry later." After speaking, she turned to Uncle Cai and said, "Uncle Cai, don't leave after this, stay and have dinner with us."

Uncle Cai didn't decline her invitation and simply nodded.

After Yang Chuxia left, Ye Zi'an then noticed Uncle Cai's basket which was also full of pinecones, "Uncle Cai, did you go to the mountains with Xiaxia?"

"Yes, she came to me early in the morning, saying that she was going to look for herbs." Uncle Cai answered, "But we didn't find any, maybe because we weren't thorough enough. On the way back, Xiaxia said she wanted to go again tomorrow."

"Then I'll go with you tomorrow."