Chapter 354: Shopkeeper Li Visits

Upon hearing such modern terminology, Ms. Wang was dumbstruck, but after giving it some thought, she actually managed to decipher its meaning. However, by the time she wanted to lash out, Yang Chuxia had already run off.

Ms. Wang was so angry that she spent all of the next day looking for an opportunity to give Yang Chuxia a good spanking. That child really had no shame, saying such things.

"Father, look at Mother, glaring at me so early in the morning." Yang Chuxia started playing the spoiled daughter card, complaining to her father.

Upon hearing this, Yang Dachuan was over the moon. His daughter was so capable that she could smooth everything over without his involvement. Now, on the rare occasion that his daughter was acting coquettishly with him - well, he interpreted her complaints as coquetry - he found it particularly heartwarming.

He said to Ms. Wang, "Wife, you should voice your opinions calmly. Why are you being so hard on Xiaxia this early in the morning?"