Chapter 786

Seeing his slightly amused smile, Yang Chuxia couldn't help but laugh. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I've been thinking about my little Xiao'an..." and then mischievously blew a few warm breaths into it.

With a "poof," she noticed Xiao'an's cheeks turning red.

"Tsk tsk, it's been a while since I've seen such a beautiful face with rosy cheeks." She hooked her finger under Anzi's chin and smacked her lips.

"My dear, you're so naughty," Anzi said, winking at Yang Chuxia. Although it was just a casual wink, to her, it seemed like a seductive glance.

"There's even naughtier stuff to try if you're up for it." As she said this, her hand had already snuck into his clothes. Anzi grabbed her mischievous hand and immediately countered, "It seems I didn't serve my lady well enough last night. It's my fault. Now, I must make sure my lady is thoroughly satisfied, in body and soul."

"Ha ha, Xiao'an..."

"My dear..."