Chapter 787: Kind Words

Seeing Mr. Luo's expression softened slightly, Yang Chuxia immediately continued, "Sir, as you know, learning is not something that can be accomplished in one step; it's a gradual process, isn't it? So if we tire ourselves out by studying at night, we should rest properly during the day, right?"

"Hmph," Mr. Luo snorted as he found what she said to be quite reasonable. He thought to himself, it is quite impressive for a country girl to have such insights, even some young ladies from prominent families might not understand this principle.

He also thought it was fortunate that he didn't listen to Baili Yan's suggestion back then; it would not have been appropriate for him to do so as a teacher.

"Mr. Luo, actually, my husband really respects you deep down in his heart. He knows you like to eat fish, and look, he personally brought back this bucket of fish for you," she said.

Upon hearing her words, Mr. Luo almost spat out the tea he just took a sip of.