Chapter 797: Farewell

Ye Zi'an didn't say anything and just watched her laugh. When she finished laughing, he said coldly, "I think I could leave one day later. Seeing that my wife still has the energy to laugh like this, it means I didn't serve her well last night. I feel like my dignity as a man has been deeply provoked."

Upon hearing his somewhat cold words, Yang Chuxia stopped laughing and, just stared into his eyes, pondering the truthfulness of his statement.

"Are you sure?"

"I think I am. One day is enough to make my wife lose the energy to laugh at me." He even stood up as he spoke.

"Don't, you shouldn't." Seeing Ye Zi'an's footsteps getting closer, Yang Chuxia hurriedly backed away, waving her hands, "Mr. Luo will be angry if you do this."