Chapter 798: Injured Eye

Inside the carriage, Mr. Luo noticed the conspicuous marks on Ye Zi'an's neck and curled up the corner of his mouth.

He snorted and said, "Well done."

When they arrived at the county town, they met up with Mu Shaoling, who had come to see them off. As soon as he saw Ye Zi'an, Mu Shaoling's expression darkened for a moment, but it quickly passed. Waving his hand, he told Ye Zi'an to leave, as he couldn't bear to look at him.

However, Ye Zi'an seemed quite calm about it. It seemed that ever since he left Yangshu Village, he hadn't smiled much. He behaved courteously, but with an air of indifference that couldn't be ignored. It was as if he had returned to the time when he first met Yang Chuxia as a lame boy, detached and indifferent.

Mr. Luo could accept this change since his student usually behaved this way outside.