Chapter 833 Luo Linhao's Eyes Can Finally Unveil the Gauze_1

At last, Luo Linhao's eyes could finally have the gauze removed.

It had been a month, and that month was long and torturous. Yang Chuxia was worried, Mu Shaoling was worried too, they were both concerned that his eyes might not heal.

Now, the veil could finally be lifted.

Early in the morning, Yang Chuxia went to the West Crossing Courtyard with her maids. Similarly, Yang Dachuan, Ms. Wang, and others also went along.

Old Yang had mostly recovered from his injury over the past month but still couldn't walk too much without becoming out of breath, so someone brought a wheelchair to push him. The whole family headed to the West Crossing Courtyard in a grand procession.

Luo Linhao was naturally moved to see so many people concerned about him, but he also felt a bit of fear and anxiety, wondering what he would do if his eyes hadn't healed.

But what he didn't know was that Mu Shaoling was even more nervous than him.